Discovery ending with Season 5

This is such a relief. I hated Disco since S1. I could never identify with all the tearful characters, who were never able to set a proper example for the Trek universe.

When the producers realized, that the storylines didnt add up with the prime universe, they made the bold move to reset the show in the 31st century. The show eventually became even worse which was mainly Kurzman related. Disco is the epitome of Kurzman Trek and it failed with his ideas. Disco didn’t only antagonize many HC Trek fans, the show was widely considered to be an artistic failure.

There’s a good chance, that the decision to cancel Disco was also the final coffin nail for Kurzmans Trek legacy. They are building up Matalas whose ideas seem to connect better with the fans. I hope they give him a real chance to fix everything Trek related, Kurzman managed to mess up within the last few years…

I don’t have issues with the depiction of modern relationships. Disco however constantly tried to force the Uber-woke narrative onto its audience combined with a very angry „in your face“ attitude. Trek fans will not forget, Trek fans will not forgive…

This isn't Reddit.
But Discovery genuinely did engage with issues like gender identity and sexuality, particularly through Adira. It was very Star Trek.

The people crying 'woke' would likely have been writing letters to NBC about Nichelle Nichols kissing Bill Shatner, or Terry Farrell and Susannah Thompson.

Some things never change.
Got to love the ME, Doomcock shit being seen as fact. The Trek franchise is going strong and it wouldn't surprise me to see DSC season 5 do amazing
There's a lot of ill-conceived crowing from that crowd right now. I guess they had to guess right eventually, you know, with their imaginary 'inside sources' and dreamed up 'industry contacts', as to DSC's fate.
And you really believe that? Everyone in the industy knows that Kurtzman has been sidelined by Paramount. Only due to a contract which was filed before the merger, Kurtzman is still credited in the series. Alex Kurtzman lost creative control over Star Trek in 2020, mainly due to the fact that Disco nearly destroyed Star Trek. Everyone knows that Matalas is the real creative mind behind Picard S3. Disco is beyond repair, hence the cancellation.
Who is "everyone". Clickbait sites that tell you what you want to hear?
Man, I bet a lot if franchises would like to be destroyed the way DISCO did Star Trek. Spinning off a new series, two animated shows and show featuring a beloved legacy character. All running multiple seasons.
Is "sidelined" the new "Kurtzman was fired"?
Was the fact Matalas is charge of PIC3 ever a secret? Here's another secret: Mike McMahan is the creative mind behind lower decks!!!!!!!! Its true, I swear!!!!!
I'm not really surprised it's ending, given the cutbacks that all the streamers are making. Five seasons is a good run, and it feels about right.

I think I probably enjoyed the first season the most. In a world of reassuring legacy characters on SNW and PIC, Disco absolutely did not play it safe. It was a compelling story that went against the usual Trek tropes, and I thought it really reinvigorated the franchise. I doubt a new Trek show will ever take those kind of risks again, and that's a shame.

Didn't Disco cost about $8m per episode?

Strikes me that if Paramount wants cheap content to fill in the gaps, maybe they could remaster DS9 and VGR for the cost of two or three episodes each.

Hey, I can dream?
This niner has been dreaming for that ever since I saw that HD scene in that DS9 documentary. I'm sure if they remastered the entire series it would generate interest. But that show has always been treated as an afterthought so I won't hold my breath. The fact a documentary had to be crowd funded alone shows how little regard the show is with the powers that be.
It's amazing any of this exists at all. If nothing else the show proved out the streaming future for Trek.
I was around for the ENT cancellation and absolutely none of us thought we'd be seeing a new Trek show before the mid 20s, much less five, and all of them with the IDIC message at the forefront that was very sorely lacking by the end of Berman's run.

Disco wasn't my favorite series, but the loss of any Trek series diminishes us all.
I'd loved to see the spin if they announce a Star Trek Discovery feature film following Season 5. I don't think it would happen, but the the exploding heads would be entertaining.

"Kurtzman once again sidelined as Matalas destroys his vision of the next feature film with expertly crafted troll! STD movie GUARANTEES Kurtzman will never get another chance to ruin franchise!"

"Now I'm hearing this STD movie, it's actually Bob Orci, he's doing it to further ruin Kurtzman's legacy - now if you'll remember back in 2016, when I exclusively revealed that Kurtzman had killed Orci's dog and spat on his face and sent him to jail... and Orci is out of prison just as STD gets a movie deal..."

"So, here's what's really happening here. The new leadership at Paramount isn't stupid. They want to ensure consumers never forget how bad Kurtzman Trek was. What gets more guaranteed viewership than a feature film, right, so they're making this, sabotaging it to make damn sure people notice how bad things were, and so when they watch Star Trek at the movies, they will immediately subscribe to Paramount Plus, out of fear, to get to good Star Trek."

"What I've been told is Kurtzman held Matalas up at gunpoint..."
"So, here's what's really happening here. The new leadership at Paramount isn't stupid. They want to ensure consumers never forget how bad Kurtzman Trek was. What gets more guaranteed viewership than a feature film, right, so they're making this, sabotaging it to make damn sure people notice how bad things were, and so when they watch Star Trek at the movies, they will immediately subscribe to Paramount Plus, out of fear, to get to good Star Trek."

OK ...

Haters: Paramount wants Kurtzman to do a Disco feature film so the world will see how bad it is ... so they'll sign up for P+ and watch Kurtzman Trek at home.

This makes no sense whatsoever (Then again, the haters aren't known for logic! :lol: )