Discovery ending with Season 5

Neither the Starfleet Academy series with Mary Wiseman or the continuation of characters from "Picard" sound appealing to me. I think the Trek franchise is dying, but very few seemed to realize it.
Even if it is, which I don't personally agree with, but the franchise has already taken more than a few dirt naps in it's day and still keeps on climbing back out fresh as as a daisy. I'm sure this time won't be any different.
Uneven show at best! 5 seasons is ok.
Enjoyed some of it and disliked some...
The whispering Trek show :D
Hope that Strange New Worlds will keep going for a few more seasons!
Between DSC and PIC, I'll have gotten 95 episodes of what I wanted over a span of seven years. Would I have liked more? Of course, but I'm happy to have at least that. And especially in today's type of streaming environment, as has been mentioned before.

Every season in both of these series did something different. They didn't pull that "They shouldn't do this until the ____th season!" crap that some people wanted. I told them before, "Stop assuming these shows will run seven seasons! If they have an idea, they should do it now. They shouldn't wait."

ENT paced itself as if it would run seven seasons, and then got caught with its pants down. DSC and PIC never did that.

At first I thought it was silly to have Earth and Ni'Var rejoin the Federation in only two seasons, but -- in retrospect -- I'm glad they did that. I always figured they'd rejoin, so now I'm glad they got that out of the way before DSC was cancelled.
This is such a relief. I hated Disco since S1. I could never identify with all the tearful characters, who were never able to set a proper example for the Trek universe.

When the producers realized, that the storylines didnt add up with the prime universe, they made the bold move to reset the show in the 31st century. The show eventually became even worse which was mainly Kurzman related. Disco is the epitome of Kurzman Trek and it failed with his ideas. Disco didn’t only antagonize many HC Trek fans, the show was widely considered to be an artistic failure.

There’s a good chance, that the decision to cancel Disco was also the final coffin nail for Kurzmans Trek legacy. They are building up Matalas whose ideas seem to connect better with the fans. I hope they give him a real chance to fix everything Trek related, Kurzman managed to mess up within the last few years…

I don’t have issues with the depiction of modern relationships. Disco however constantly tried to force the Uber-woke narrative onto its audience combined with a very angry „in your face“ attitude. Trek fans will not forget, Trek fans will not forgive…
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If the Starfleet Academy show sees the light of day, I'd be shocked if it's a 32nd century show. Sure, they set Tilly up as working in the Academy, but this seemed more because Wiseman needed time off the show than anything. Given the choice between a show with Tilly, or a show that lets them bring back lots of famous 23rd or 24th century characters in cameos...I know what they will pick.

Actually, I do wonder if the reshot ending will involve them abandoning the ship and going back in time, allowing them to bring the characters back as needed for SNW. Certainly they will leave Zora sitting there alone in the final shot.
Disco however constantly tried to force the Uber-woke narrative onto its audience combined with a very angry „in your face“ attitude. Trek fans will not forget, Trek fans will not forgive…

yeah no. Nothing you said here hs true. Discovery was never in your face about it. And there is nothing wrong with being ‘woke’. Trek has been ‘woke’ long before that term even existed.

And fans will forget when the next show comes along, just like how they apparently forgotten how much they hated Enterprise.
There’s a good chance, that the decision to cancel Disco was also the final coffin nail for Kurzmans Trek legacy. They are building up Masalas whose ideas seem to connect better with the fans. I hope they give him a real chance to fix everything Trek related, Kurzman managed to mess up within the last few years…

I see you’re conveniently forgetting that Kurtzman hired Matalas. Anything Matalas does is all thanks to Kurtzman. He made the decision, from Paramount’s point of view, Kurtzman made a good decision to hire Matalas.

Alex is the head of all of Star Trek, anything that happens under that umbrella goes through him.

His current contract ends in 2026, so you got 3 more years with him at most if it isn’t renewed.
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Disco is the epitome of Kurzman Trek and it failed with his ideas. Disco didn’t only antagonize many HC Trek fans, the show was widely considered to be an artistic failure.
Failed shows don't run 5 seasons during this age of streaming.
There’s a good chance, that the decision to cancel Disco was also the final coffin nail for Kurzmans Trek legacy.
Final nail? I wasn't aware of any nails in his proverbial coffin. By all accounts, he has been extraordinary successful.
I hope they give him a real chance to fix everything Trek related, Kurzman managed to mess up within the last few years…
What needs to be fixed?
Disco however constantly tried to force the Uber-woke narrative onto its audience combined with a very angry „in your face“ attitude. Trek fans will not forget, Trek fans will not forgive…
Uber-woke? Doomcock, is that you? Would love to hear your definition of "Uber-woke". Trek fans are impossible to please but will easily forget. 20 years ago, Voyager and Enterprise were hated. Atleast that's what a certain segment of the fandom would have you believe. All it took was the combination of a little time and for something just a little bit "different" to come along, and suddenly that same segment of fandom is praising the age of Braga and Berman. This era, whenever it does come to a close, will be no different. Some people just need to bitch about something.
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There’s a good chance, that the decision to cancel Disco was also the final coffin nail for Kurzmans Trek legacy. They are building up Matalas whose ideas seem to connect better with the fans. I hope they give him a real chance to fix everything Trek related, Kurzman managed to mess up within the last few years…

You DO know they're working TOGETHER now, don't you?

Matalas Trek and Kurtzman Trek are one and the same.
Alex is the head of all of Star Trek, anything that happens under that umbrella goes through him.

And you really believe that? Everyone in the industy knows that Kurtzman has been sidelined by Paramount. Only due to a contract which was filed before the merger, Kurtzman is still credited in the series. Alex Kurtzman lost creative control over Star Trek in 2020, mainly due to the fact that Disco nearly destroyed Star Trek. Everyone knows that Matalas is the real creative mind behind Picard S3. Disco is beyond repair, hence the cancellation.
I imagine he's basically Randy Marsh jizzing all over the place upon finally finding working internet and access to his porn in that South Park episode where the town lost their internet.
Neither the Starfleet Academy series with Mary Wiseman or the continuation of characters from "Picard" sound appealing to me. I think the Trek franchise is dying, but very few seemed to realize it.
Nope. It's not doing any such thing.
And you really believe that? Everyone in the industy knows that Kurtzman has been sidelined by Paramount. Only due to a contract which was filed before the merger, Kurtzman is still credited in the series. Alex Kurtzman lost creative control over Star Trek in 2020, mainly due to the fact that Disco nearly destroyed Star Trek. Everyone knows that Matalas is the real creative mind behind Picard S3. Disco is beyond repair, hence the cancellation.
You're repeating made-up clickbait. Sorry about that, but it's true.

Sounds a lot like Midnight's Edge garbage.
And you really believe that? Everyone in the industy knows that Kurtzman has been sidelined by Paramount. Only due to a contract which was filed before the merger, Kurtzman is still credited in the series. Alex Kurtzman lost creative control over Star Trek in 2020, mainly due to the fact that Disco nearly destroyed Star Trek. Everyone knows that Matalas is the real creative mind behind Picard S3. Disco is beyond repair, hence the cancellation.

I would love to see a single shred of evidence that shows even a single thing you just said to be true.

I'll wait.
And you really believe that? Everyone in the industy knows that Kurtzman has been sidelined by Paramount. Only due to a contract which was filed before the merger, Kurtzman is still credited in the series. Alex Kurtzman lost creative control over Star Trek in 2020, mainly due to the fact that Disco nearly destroyed Star Trek.
Nothing you said here is true.

Everyone knows that Matalas is the real creative mind behind Picard S3.
I think you need to read my post again, because I never said he wasn’t.
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And you really believe that? Everyone in the industy knows that Kurtzman has been sidelined by Paramount. Only due to a contract which was filed before the merger, Kurtzman is still credited in the series. Alex Kurtzman lost creative control over Star Trek in 2020, mainly due to the fact that Disco nearly destroyed Star Trek. Everyone knows that Matalas is the real creative mind behind Picard S3. Disco is beyond repair, hence the cancellation.
Now you're making things up. How about SNW? Or the fact that Terry Matalas had nothing to do with PIC Season 1?