Charting the Novel-verse

Unfortunately, 8of5 who runs the Trek Collective site seems to have hit a busy patch in his non-Trek-fandom life. I haven't heard from him in a while and he hasn't updated his site since late 2021. It isn't the first time he's gone through a period of not being able to tend to his site; I hope he gets back in touch soon.

Ah, I get that, that's fair enough! Thanks for the update!
Wasn't the current version essentially complete, except you would need to stick the Coda trilogy at the very bottom?

I don't have access to the master files but I made a small edit to my copy to include the Coda Trilogy to the chart if it interests you.
I don't have access to the master files but I made a small edit to my copy to include the Coda Trilogy to the chart if it interests you.

I love this chart! Good job with the addition of Coda! :beer:
Now we just need to add Agents of Influence and Harm's Way to a sort-of 'post-VAN/Seekers' box, aligned with TOS :biggrin: