Spoilers Canon, Continuity, and Pike's Accident

Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that even in the Kelvin Timeline movies Earth or the Federation would not be destroyed, because if they were how the hell would you continue the series after that? Likewise, the main TOS cast were obviously all safe because Main Character Plot Armor.

Narrative conventions (which any Star Trek iteration rarely if ever deviates from) pretty much negates any real suspense these days. That's why it's important for shows and movies to be entertaining without relying on a sense of suspense.
Yeah, I never watched Star Trek thinking Earth is actually going to be destroyed, or any of the main characters will not die.

This idea that newer Trek lacks suspense because it's a prequel, or characters won't die. That strikes me as a standard that isn't actually applied except against nonpreferred Trek.
I think if the writers/actors/etc are doing their job and the audience isn't too cynical there can be a sense of jeopardy and suspense when a character is in a dangerous situation.
Agreed, which is why I think it is a new standard used to smack down newer Trek iterations for not helping people feel like old Trek did.

It's kind of like trying to identify "Why don't I like this?" and grasping on to whatever argument sounds good, rather than just owning the idea that a Trek production didn't work for the viewer.

I think the Tholian Web is a prime example of good suspense because the actors are convinced of the loss of the captain.
did anyone before 2009 ever think the whole planet vulcan is gonna be destroyed and spock's mom killed...?

Having the whole planet Vulcan destroyed and Spock's mom killed was not surprising or even suspenseful, IMHO. What caught me by surprise is that in almost all Star Trek time-travel episodes or movies the timeline change is undone at the end to restore the status quo. The 2009 Abrams movie didn't so yeah, it was a surprise. It would've been interesting to see with each new Abrams/Kelvin-verse movie another permanent change like one of the main characters permanently killed or the Enterprise destroyed and replaced by a ship of a different name. But that new found suspense went away with STID when Kirk got revived...
did anyone before 2009 ever think the whole planet vulcan is gonna be destroyed and spock's mom killed...?
I actually figured out that Vulcan was going to blow up before I saw the movie because I read a review that said that Spock faced "a Superman-like dilemma" in the film.

People who try reference spoilers obliquely are never as clever as they think they are.
People who try reference spoilers obliquely are never as clever as they think they are.

My major national newspaper had an unwelcome habit of flat-out revealing major spoilers of outstanding movies. Thanks to this, I knew Connery would die in THE UNTOUCHABLES even before the blasted film started.
I actually figured out that Vulcan was going to blow up before I saw the movie because I read a review that said that Spock faced "a Superman-like dilemma" in the film.

People who try reference spoilers obliquely are never as clever as they think they are.
I was spoiled for STID by someone who acted like they were hiding a spoiler by putting it in white-colored text against a gray background. :rolleyes:
I was spoiled for STID by it being transparently obvious that Cumberbatch was playing Khan even though Abrams repeatedly denied it.
I was completely surprised when I watched it in cinema and he called himself Khan. Because the TrekMovie article on the movie said he wouldn’t be Khan.

I enjoyed that feeling of surprise to much that I avoid trailers where possible if I intend to watch the series/movie.
Wasn't it confirmed the he wasn't originally written as Khan?

I know in the shot footage everyone is actually saying John Ericssen, but they dubbed it over with John Harrison. John Ericssen was Khan's name in an early draft of Space Seed.

According to John Eaves, Khan's prodiction-code name was April.
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Wasn't it confirmed the he wasn't originally written as Khan?

I know in the shot footage everyone is actually saying John Ericssen, but they dubbed it over with John Harrison. John Ericssen was Khan's name in an early version of Space Seed.
I think they went back and forth.
Wasn't it confirmed the he wasn't originally written as Khan?

I know in the shot footage everyone is actually saying John Ericssen, but they dubbed it over with John Harrison. John Ericssen was Khan's name in an early version of Space Seed.
They wrote two drafts, one with Khan and one without. So, they tried it, felt Khan fit, so changed it back.