Anton Yelchin has died

Just saw a report that his Jeep had a recall for the tranny failing and shifting into neutral.
I just saw "Terminator:Salvation" again over the weekend. He almost stole the show.
I've seen a lot of responses from both Trek and non Trek actors expressing sadness, shock, disbelief at this tragedy but has anyone heard anything from Chris Pine?
He was a great Chekov, he brought an energy to his portrayal that exceeded Walter's even. Seeing him in Beyond will be heartbreaking, so soon after this tragedy.

Rest in peace Anton.
Terrible news. RIP Anton Yelchin. As I said in another thread, he had a very prolific career in his short life, and hard to believe he was the kid in Hearts in Atlantis! I think he could have gone onto being a very famous actor with many awards. In recent years he was becoming a household name already. Anton Yelchin was very talented.

From the thread in Movies XI+:
Chris Pine doesn't believe in Facebook and Instagram? Good. My estimation of the man just went up 1000 percent! Why people think that every celebrity has to be on social media posting personal information, is beyond me. The fact that Chris Pine isn't on it doesn't mean he doesn't care that Mr. Yelchin passed away. Some thoughts and events need to be kept personal. I have an account with FB, but I rarely use it. Social media can be ridiculous and I'm a nobody. I can only imagine what it is like for a celebrity. So I can see why Chris Pine shuns it.
SPOILERS for the most recent Fast and Furious Movie:

At the end of the last movie there's this amazing tribute to Paul Walker. I know the series has a reputation for being just a bunch of dumb action flicks, but the movie was fantastic, really, and they managed to be very respectful to their fallen co-star.

Justin Lin directed both that movie and Star Trek Beyond. I hope it's not too late (Beyond comes out in one month) for them to maybe put in a tribute to Anton. Like a scene at the end where they promote Chekov to his own command (they teased it in Into Darkness, so it would be fitting).
SPOILERS for the most recent Fast and Furious Movie:

At the end of the last movie there's this amazing tribute to Paul Walker. I know the series has a reputation for being just a bunch of dumb action flicks, but the movie was fantastic, really, and they managed to be very respectful to their fallen co-star.

Justin Lin directed both that movie and Star Trek Beyond. I hope it's not too late (Beyond comes out in one month) for them to maybe put in a tribute to Anton. Like a scene at the end where they promote Chekov to his own command (they teased it in Into Darkness, so it would be fitting).

I have all the Fast and Furious movies. My set came inside a DVD case shaped like a car tyre.

Where is this tribute in the last movie I can't find it? Is it after the credits?
Yeah, the last scene. It was cleverly done and I won't lie. I cried. Lots of people in the theater were. If there is one director to give a tribute, it's Lin.
Yeah, the last scene. It was cleverly done and I won't lie. I cried. Lots of people in the theater were. If there is one director to give a tribute, it's Lin.

OK when I watch the 7th movie I'll stay for the last scene now I know.

5 and 2 were my favourites