Anton Yelchin has died

What wretched news. Far to early to go in what appears to be such a senseless accident. So very sad.
Horrible news :(. I've been a fan since he was on Huff, and I count Charlie Bartlett as one of my favorite films. Easily one of the best parts of the JJTrek, albeit an under utilized part. He will be sorely missed :(
Gutted by this news. I worked with Anton when he was 14 and remember everyone telling me "Watch out for this kid, he's going places." They were right. So tragic.
So sad. Thoughts and prayers go out to his family. And what a truly shocking tragic accident. Completely senseless and random. Run over by your own car while checking the mailbox. Just horrible. And so completely non-Hollywood in every way possible.
Rest In Peace, Anton. You grew up in front of my eyes in your movies, very very tragic to die so young.
Just hearing about this as well. Loved his take on Chekov. He was also very good in Odd Thomas...

Horrible news.. :(
Such sad and tragic news. 27 is far too young. Awful for his parents and everyone who knew him.

Requescat in pace.
This is so sad. He was a very talented actor. I hope that there is still time for Paramount to dedicate the new film, Star Trek Beyond, to his memory.

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That's... really rather sad. I can't begin to imagine what the JJprise crew are going to do without him. :(
That is tragic, heartbreaking news. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.