3D interiors in Blender

It was not a link to a download.
Erm, what? You specifically said “You might be able to find a working download link for it here.”

Plus, I just re-checked the link and it contains several links to torrent downloads. It's not a direct link, alright, but I never claimed it was. So let's not argue semantics.

Also, let's not further derail the thread with this. That'll be enough of that tangent.
@Finn: Would love to tackle that one, but yeah, it's a big time commitment!

@Howard Day: Just one or two seconds more, as it's all done in post.

Well, spoilers for Picard's ending if you haven't seen the episodes yet!

I'm happy to say I was contacted almost two years ago by Dave Blass to help out researching the D bridge, I provided my season 7 version mesh as reference, and my renders were used to help guide the crew during the drafting phase. It's crazy to have been involved, in a very tiny way, to all this. It's also crazy to have had to keep a secret for almost two years hahahah.

Also, at one point a render of the Constellation bridge was gonna be used as background for a photo of young Picard and Crusher, seen in the post-credit scene on Jack's quarters, but it was eventually replaced with an IRL photo of Patrick Steward and Gates McFadden at a gala.
That's awesome! Congratulations!
@Finn: Would love to tackle that one, but yeah, it's a big time commitment!

@Howard Day: Just one or two seconds more, as it's all done in post.

Well, spoilers for Picard's ending if you haven't seen the episodes yet!

I'm happy to say I was contacted almost two years ago by Dave Blass to help out researching the D bridge, I provided my season 7 version mesh as reference, and my renders were used to help guide the crew during the drafting phase. It's crazy to have been involved, in a very tiny way, to all this. It's also crazy to have had to keep a secret for almost two years hahahah.

Also, at one point a render of the Constellation bridge was gonna be used as background for a photo of young Picard and Crusher, seen in the post-credit scene on Jack's quarters, but it was eventually replaced with an IRL photo of Patrick Steward and Gates McFadden at a gala.
I couldn't help but notice that the Enterprise-D CG model had quite a few rooms modeled behind the windows—most notable Two-Forward and the Observation Lounge. Did you help with any of that?
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Nope, those were just photos of the sets on a plane inside the windows. Two Forward was just Ten Forward, and the Observation Lounge was in fact the Enterprise-E lounge from First Contact.

I finally had the time and energy to finish my Type-6 shuttle mesh, which was 85% done but hadn't been worked on for months (if not more than a year at this point?). EDIT: OH MY GOD IT'S BEEN TWO YEARS!

All that was missing as far as modeling goes were the RCS thrusters, all the bottom details, the metal grates on the impulse exhausts, and some remaining hull panels. I resisted the urge to add further paneling and stuff like that, and the details are a mix of the full size prop and the studio models, I just picked the details I liked the most of each.

Afterwards, I created two texture sets for it: a TNG one for the Lalo, and a VOY one for the Appalachia. Besides the obvious different markings, the Appalachia shuttle has a slightly darker hull color, and the yellow elements were turned orange as was the case on the Voyager studio model.

Guess I'll have to do the shuttlebays for both ships now. ;)





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Love a good shuttle/ bay.. :techman:

My Type 6 is.. not detailed.. but its mainly a size shower.
My type 11 and especially type 9 are more detailed. If you would like them let me know.
The design is certainly a product of it's time, but for it's time it was awesome!

The only bits that feel dated to me are the nacelles (and perhaps the carpeted walls inside). I figure they were big and boxy to accommodate shooting the unit and hiding casters.

Really sweet work, Rekkert!