Spoilers The new (massive spoiler) ship!

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Picard' started by NCC-73515, Oct 8, 2022.

  1. Dukhat

    Dukhat Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2007
    Maryland, USA
    Not to mention that Gene Roddenberry had nothing to do with the films other than TMP.
  2. Tomalak

    Tomalak Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 22, 2003
    Hence “quasi-canon”. But the São Paulo example is irrefutable.

    It’s perfectly reasonable to think it’s unlikely Starfleet would rename the Enterprise E or F and keep them in service, but it’s simply not the case that Starfleet never renames ships.
  3. Tuskin38

    Tuskin38 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 24, 2011
    There's no such thing as 'quasi-canon', something either is or isn't canon.
    Spaceship Jo likes this.
  4. Tomalak

    Tomalak Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 22, 2003
    The point is that the concept of renaming ships has been around for over 35 years, and there is at least one canon example of Starfleet doing so.
  5. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    The NX-01 being decommissioned after ten years was something I had a problem with, meanwhile the Enterprises C and D weren't decommissioned, they were destroyed. There's a difference.

    And it just doesn't make a lot of sense to decommission ships after only a decade or so of service. Modern day boats have a lifespan of fifty years, and the space shuttles have been in service much longer. By Star Trek's time, much longer. Indeed, at the risk of bringing in non-canon stuff, I believe the TNG Tech Manual indicates the Galaxy class had a life expectancy of a hundred years, meaning the Sovereign and Odyssey classes should also be comparable. To decommission a perfectly good ship which has the potential of lasting a century after only a decade and a half just seems wasteful.
  6. StewMc

    StewMc Commodore Commodore

    May 20, 2001
    Caldos IV
    The only reason the NX-01 was decommissioned after 10 years was so that the 1701 remained the first Federation starship named Enterprise.
    Markonian and Tuskin38 like this.
  7. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    And Scotty explicitly calls it a "new ship" at the start of the movie.
    saddestmoon and Tuskin38 like this.
  8. WarpFactorZ

    WarpFactorZ Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 10, 2013
    Configuring the Ontarian Manifold
    Maybe he meant "New to me"....
  9. Dukhat

    Dukhat Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2007
    Maryland, USA
    Yep. Just like if I bought a used car, it would still be new to me.
  10. KamenRiderBlade

    KamenRiderBlade Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 24, 2012
    But that's a "Human Tradition" and there is more than one UFP Member Species Naval history to integrate from.

    We don't know much about Vulcan, Telleraite, Andorian, and the other member species naval traditions.

    So renaming might be perfectly kosher.

    And I doubt StarFleet will be held back by "Superstition / Bad Luck" as a justification.
  11. Tuskin38

    Tuskin38 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 24, 2011
    This is based off STO lore not season 3 lore, but still a neat watch. also shows off the new odyssey model used in season 3

    Markonian likes this.
  12. Dukhat

    Dukhat Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2007
    Maryland, USA
    I like the other ships flying alongside the F.
    saddestmoon likes this.
  13. UssGlenn

    UssGlenn Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 5, 2003
    New Orleans, LA
    The NX-01 deserves to be a museum ship as much as Voyager does. Thats enough justification in my book.
  14. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    The following ships deserve to be in a museum:
    The 1701
    The 1701-A
    The 1701-B
    The 1701-C
    The 1701-D
    The 1701-E
    The NX-01
    The Defiant

    The next show will be titled "Star Trek: Museum Pieces."
    Macintosh likes this.
  15. Macintosh

    Macintosh Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 22, 2022
    Right, okay, this was maybe a tongue-in-cheek suggestion, but it's just suddenly struck me that an anthology series called Star Trek: Museum delving into the histories of select museum ships would be an absolutely AMAZING idea. Framing device of the Fleet Museum in the 25th century, but we could see anything from very early immediately post-First Contact ships exploring beyond Earth's solar system for the first time right up to the unseen adventures of the newly retired Enterprise-F. All those ships we've only heard of, or merely glimpsed, or never even knew about.
    Tuskin38 likes this.
  16. Dukhat

    Dukhat Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2007
    Maryland, USA
    Are the 1701 and the Enterprise-C going to be represented by a floating pile of debris?
    DaddlerTheDalek and marillion like this.
  17. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Yes. Authenticity.
  18. Markonian

    Markonian Fleet Admiral Moderator

    Jun 2, 2012
    Derbyshire, UK
    Going non-canon, Starfleet museums holding all Enterprises have been depicted in the SOTL calendars, indicating life-sized replicas were used. In Star Trek Online, President Okeg oversees an exhibit that moves among major Federation world and it includes replicas of historical ships, even including the Kelvin timeline Enterprise.
  19. Tomalak

    Tomalak Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 22, 2003
    Yeah. Do it pseudo-documentary style and finish off Alec Peters for good...
  20. WarpFactorZ

    WarpFactorZ Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 10, 2013
    Configuring the Ontarian Manifold
    In re: museums, as someone famous once said: "I must have seen this ship hundreds of times in the Smithsonian, but I was never able to touch it... For humans, touch can connect you to an object in a very personal way. It makes it seem more real."

    Seems like replicas wouldn't really do the same thing....
    Markonian likes this.