3D interiors in Blender

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Rekkert, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    @Savage Dragon: Agreed! Even if they wanted a brand new Enterprise, the fact that they completely demolished the TNG bridge at the end of Generations' production should be considered a war crime.

    @cardinal biggles and @TOMFAN: I also heard that it was because of the cost of having extras always manning those stations. I just wish they'd gone the Future Imperfect route, with those added LCARS at the sides. Those offered up a lot more visual interest, without needing extra people on set.

    Okey, new commission started! :) Very early stages of course, but this is the USS Frontier, a Galaxy-Class starship. A lot of stuff here is temporary and will get replaced, but broadly speaking the layout is in place.

  2. Matthew Raymond

    Matthew Raymond Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 24, 2016
    @Rekkert, is this one of the Galaxy class that was built during the Dominion War? The bridge appears smaller and more tactical, plus it looks like the turbolift arrangement has changed. And a chair at the tactical station? Klingons do not sit! ;)

    Just had an interesting idea: What if the horseshoe area where the captain sits was an escape pod. A bubble would form over the horseshoe, and the whole section would eject out the top of the bridge dome. Plus, the bubble could protect the top bridge officers against sudden explosions, decompression, or rocks flying out of the consoles.
  3. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    it looks like this is based on Rekkert's Odyssey bridge.
  4. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    Interesting, quite interesting! Looking forward to seeing where this is going!
    Love the Reds!

    TOMFAN Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 18, 2016
    I like that the Tactical officer finally has a chair!

    Hardly seemed fair that they were expected to be on their feet for a whole (8 hour?) shift, while everyone else got to sit down!
  6. FormerLurker

    FormerLurker Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 17, 2009
    With the new turbolift layout, everyone has to use the head in the Captain's Ready Room, so the Captain isn't going to be getting much work done.
  7. Jesse1066

    Jesse1066 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 11, 2014
    Washington State
    That's where the replicator is, so they must be going in and out of there for refreshments already. The observation lounge set really ought to have had its own replicator.
  8. Nevets

    Nevets Cadet Newbie

    Mar 14, 2015
    3rd Rock from the Sun
    Another nice new bridge.

    Hope the step angles will be more curved.
  9. Lt. Washburn

    Lt. Washburn Captain Captain

    Apr 9, 2015
    They got one in the 5th season.
    Jesse1066 likes this.
  10. Norsehound

    Norsehound Captain Captain

    May 21, 2013
    Camel, IN
    Huh. Looks like someone asked you to do a sovergin bridge with TNG styling. Interesting!
  11. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    @Matthew Raymond: Well, if we go by the Technical Manual, the whole deck 1 structure of Galaxy-class ships is a big escape pod. Once again, something that we had started to play around with and were planning on working into Stage 9...

    @FormerLurker: The aft doors connect to a corridor where there's a head, so people can leave the Captain alone. :p

    @Nevets: The steps are indeed temporary at this point, as is most of the floor. Once the final shape's in place, the floor carpeting will be mostly blue, with only the borders being red (as was the case in TNG).

    @Norsehound: The ship's a Galaxy-class built around the time of the Ent-E, so it's sort of a merge between the two Enterprise bridges of the TNG era. :)

    I've been working on the frame and on joining pieces together, so not a lot of visible changes at this stage, however I've extended the ceiling lights from the Odyssey all the way to the back end of the bridge. These will require further refinement and details, but at least I can show the bridge better illuminated going forward. :p

    Also, I've done the first of many planned modifications to the horseshoe, giving its stand a V shaped cutout similar to those the Ent-E standing consoles had.

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
  12. Finn

    Finn Bad Batch of TrekBBS Admiral

    Mar 30, 2006
  13. EchoSierraPi

    EchoSierraPi Ensign Newbie

    Feb 10, 2019
    The ā€œVā€ shape cutout matches the horseshoe on the USS Dauntless from the video game Star Trek Bridge Commander. A nice touch to add it in the post sovereign class era galaxy class.
  14. SCE2Aux

    SCE2Aux Captain Captain

    Jan 16, 2018
    Another great looking Galaxy class bridge in the offing, can't wait to see this progress!
    The horseshoe-step interface looks like a complicated area to sort out. I'd be tempted to modify the horseshoe in order to avoid seeing the steps underneath/through it?
  15. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    @Finn: Thanks! :)

    @EchoSierraPi: Indeed! I'm now thinking of doing the Dauntless when I have some free time hahaha

    @SCE2Aux: Yeah, I've got a feeling that area will change a lot before this bridge is done.

    Slight deviation from the topic for a bit, last week I was contacted about doing a small commission and yesterday I pretty much did it entirely. The ship's the refit Excelsior-Class USS Courageous, and the bridge is a redressed version of the everlasting Constellation set. It's pretty similar to the Potemkin, but upgraded to the First Contact color pallet.

    Originally I created an Enterprise-B style aft section for it, but we decided to return to the classic Excelsior version in the end.


    Here's the finished version:

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
  16. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    Love the art. TNG faulty design: As Captain, I would prefer to have bridge stations where no one is lurking behind my back, constantly peering over my shoulder. Can't we stick that guy in a cubby hole on the side someplace, or have the helm execute the functions. (Sulu and Chekov did them and they didn't appear overworked.)
    blssdwlf likes this.
  17. PepeWan

    PepeWan Ensign Newbie

    May 7, 2005
    Gotta say, I like the Enterprise-B version better. In part because it fits better with the darker grey carpet and because it creates sort of a tactical alcove, where you could replace the ship schematic with a tactical display. It'd be a nice place for a couple characters to have Important Semi-Private conversations.
  18. Rekkert

    Rekkert Fleet Captain Premium Member

    Feb 10, 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    @Henoch: Haha, I agree there, which is why I don't have standing consoles looking towards the center in the bridges of my own design. :)

    @PepeWan: I also would've prefered to keep the Ent-B version, but in the end the Excelsior style version was chosen.

    More progress on the Frontier, we've decided to scrap the back end and make the 4 consoles on each side connected. The aft section is now wider and lost the steps it previously had.

  19. Matthew Raymond

    Matthew Raymond Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 24, 2016
    @Rekkert, I like the new console arrangement, and it definitely fells roomier. The very back looks a little plain, almost as if you're not done with it. Are you planning to put something there?
  20. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    When all else fails, slap up a big MSD. ;)
    danellis likes this.