Would you know what to do if the zombies attacked?

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Neroon, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. Peter the Younger

    Peter the Younger Commodore Commodore

    Oct 4, 2001
    San Francisco, CA, USA
    Hole up and wait for the zombies to rot.

    (Seriously, why does this never happen? Necromantic preservatives, I suppose.)
  2. Gojirob

    Gojirob Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 10, 2001
    Going Super Diclonius 4...
    I'd guide them in the direction of the tea parties across the US. Plenty of anger, plenty of ammo. I'll just run up to the protesters and yell 'HIPPIES ARE COMING!!' -- cause zombies might not motivate them enough.

    As to Godzilla, he's more unkillable and death-returning than any zombie. His nuclear reactor of a body would burn through any girlie-mon virus. He sleeps in volcanoes, and can regenerate from just his heart. The Black Lanterns might be able to do him, but they are among the most cheating-est of zombies, and at some point in the series, their infinite power code will be deleted.
  3. SeerSGB

    SeerSGB Admiral Admiral

    Oct 13, 2003
    RIP Leonard Nimoy
    There's you a Asylum Movie right there: Zombies On A Carrier. Airing this fall on SyFy.

    Well they sort-of-did-sort-of-didn't do a bit of "Zombie" Zilla in one of the more recent MechaGodzilla's movies, IRC. They used the bones of the 1st Big-G to form the core of a MechaGodZilla and the bones took over the mecha.
  4. Gojirob

    Gojirob Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 10, 2001
    Going Super Diclonius 4...
    Fair point,and certainly GMK's G was zombie-like, with those blank RE-type eyes, and reanimated by the dead of WW2 in the Pacific.

    Another thing about zombie behavior : Desperate living Humans will eat other Humans, but zombies never will do the same to their own? A ravenous animal is a ravenous animal.
  5. RJDiogenes

    RJDiogenes Idealistic Cynic and Canon Champion Premium Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    RJDiogenes of Boston
    I was thinking along the lines of a cruise ship or oil platform, but I had the same basic idea.
  6. QCzar

    QCzar Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 8, 2003
    Washington, DC - Taxation Without Representation
    This to me was the most glaring oversight of the 28 Days mutant/zombie things. Why, since supposedly they're all technically "still alive", do they restrict their mauling and maiming to the uninfected? It must be one hell of a virus to somehow "know" that the others are already infected and thus not attackable.

    I wonder if that's what's happening with the other zombies.

    So far we have Seven Types of Undead:
    Type 1: Slow moving zombies in various states of decay that typically start out as reanimated human remains rising from graves and only then seeking to destroy or infect already living humans. They seem to be motivated by something almost supernatural, as opposed to just radiation or a virus. Most zombies stories throughout human history tend to involve these types.

    Type 2: Similar to type one (slow moving; start out in graves), but here we enter the realm of attempting scientific explanation for their existence, such as a virus or radiological exposure. They seem to be hellbent on maiming and eating, as opposed to just generally killing.

    Type 3: Faster moving zombies that result from a virus infecting a human, killing it and then turning it into a zombie, which then wants nothing more in existence than to find another living human and eat/dismember/infect them.

    Type 3a: Really fast moving versions of type 3.

    Type 4: A virus infects a human, causing it to become homicidal and erratic and losing all "humanness", but not killing it. Other than the not dying, it is similar to Type 3a.

    Type 5: A rare type. A human is subject to some kind of enchantment or curse and becomes either a half-dead, un-killable abomination or an undead specter. Usually homicidal in the extreme, these types don't usually "infect" others and seem to retain some memory of who they are/were.

    Type 6: The rarest type. A human gets cursed or infected with a virus or pathogen and then turns into something completely inhuman; a kind of monster, with abominations of form and powerful, superhuman abilities. Their infecting abilities tend to vary. (not to be confused with "were" creatures)

    Type 7: Vampires or other undead/reanimated corpses that retain intellectual abilities, along with Type 6's enhanced physical abilities. Their infecting abilities vary in form, although this kind spreads only through infecting living beings. They are the only ones who will actively avoid being destroyed. Despite their intellect, their goals are similar (either eat/feed upon humans or infect them). (in the context of this thread, this should be understood to be referring to the truly monstrous vampires, not the romancing/moralizing/Victorian kind)
  7. FrontLine

    FrontLine Nekkid Hedonistic Ethical Slut Admiral

    Apr 25, 2003
    Killin' Zombies!
    Would I know what to do? Why the hell do you think I've been stockpiling all this ammo
  8. Vendikarr

    Vendikarr Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 17, 2001
    That is why you institute a mandatory rule where everyone who leaves the carrier must undergo a strip search and review to see if there are any bites or scratches. Anyone found with a bite or scratch is quarantined off the carrier to see if they turn or not.
  9. Psylent1

    Psylent1 Captain Captain

    Feb 26, 2001
    El Reno, Okla
    I'll tell you what I wouldn't do, take refuge in a shopping mall!

    I would hide in a prison!

    Built-in multi-layer defenses, well stocked with guns and ammo and self contained Power, Food & Water.
  10. Aragorn

    Aragorn Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Dec 30, 2002
    Would the ACLU or PETA try to defend zombie rights?
  11. Mike Farley

    Mike Farley Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2005
    Lost Vegas
    That (a prison) doesn't necessarily work out so well, either. See The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman.

    I wouldn't want to hole up anywhere near a population center. Too many potential zombies. A base or compound somewhere in the middle of nowhere, preferably a desert where I can see for miles in any direction. Fences, moats, and machine guns would also be involved.
  12. SilentP

    SilentP Commodore Commodore

    May 21, 2009
    is in a very lonely Corner of the Circle
    A base in the Arctic or Antarctica wouldn't be so bad, as well as it's well stocked. No zombie would be physically able to survive the trip to try and get to you.
  13. SeerSGB

    SeerSGB Admiral Admiral

    Oct 13, 2003
    RIP Leonard Nimoy
    Hmmm, would they even classify as humans for ACLU to defend. And PETA generally doesn't give a shit about people, so unless you a zombie poodle you're fucked.

    So in general: Zombies are just fucked.

    Not to mention mandatory body armor and face protection when going ashore. Parties no larger than needed plus 2 extra people for backup, quarantine upon return regardless of bites or not.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  14. Peter the Younger

    Peter the Younger Commodore Commodore

    Oct 4, 2001
    San Francisco, CA, USA
    Plate armor might make a comeback.
  15. Alpha_Geek

    Alpha_Geek Commodore Commodore

    Oct 10, 2003
    Central VA, US
    I'd put on my Kolchak hat, grab the needle, thread, & salt, and start whistling. :)
  16. MeanJoePhaser

    MeanJoePhaser Admiral

    Aug 21, 2003
    Missile Command
    Can't grow much in the desert though. And looting missions would eventually dry up due to gas supplies and expire food, etc.

    However, I read about those eco-friendly earthship houses out in the desert, something like that might be more self sustaining. Solar cells, wind generator, a greenhouse. Though, they tend to have too much glass (easily broken into), so you'd need fencing (you'd need it anyway), if not something extra. LAND MINES! In fact, land mines seem underused against zombies.
  17. RJDiogenes

    RJDiogenes Idealistic Cynic and Canon Champion Premium Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    RJDiogenes of Boston
    Yeah, we haven't seen Old School Zombies in a while; I wonder if we ever will again.
  18. Spaceman Spiff

    Spaceman Spiff Intrepid Explorer Administrator

    Jun 21, 2001
    Well, Romero's Survival of the Dead is in the can, so I'd say we'll be getting slow-moving zombies fairly soon. Unless you meant the Simon Garth variety.

    As for the comment upthread about "zombie rights," that's supposedly one of the themes it'll touch on.
  19. Mike Farley

    Mike Farley Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2005
    Lost Vegas
    If I could figure out a way to get supplies, I think the International Space Station would be a good safehouse.
  20. sojourner

    sojourner Admiral In Memoriam

    Sep 4, 2008
    Just around the bend.
    We have a high school that is fenced in with acres and acres of land. Machine shop, autoshop, woodworking shop, cafeteria and lots of classrooms to spreadout in. It's also one of those 70's modern style buildings with few windows to worry about and lots of red brick construction.

    The local kids call it "the lockup":lol: