Spoilers Where should Star Trek go next?

I don't really understand that tbh. Being set right after Picard doesn't equal everything being exactly the same as we just saw

Well just look at what we got with Picard season 3. We got a bunch of TNG, DS9, VOY characters and plotline continuations. The Dominion, the Borg, etc. We got updated LCARS, and a plethora of ships with an updated TNG, DS9, VOY "look."

Everything was a either a continuation or an update. Nothing was new.

Lord Matalas himself has said that if he were to get another series, he would use it to further revisit stuff we've already seen.

So yeah, any direct continuation of Picard will just be more of the same.

I'm sick of the same.
Well just look at what we got with Picard season 3. We got a bunch of TNG, DS9, VOY characters and plotline continuations. The Dominion, the Borg, etc. We got updated LCARS, and a plethora of ships with an updated TNG, DS9, VOY "look."

Everything was a either a continuation or an update. Nothing was new.

Lord Matalas himself has said that if he were to get another series, he would use it to further revisit stuff we've already seen.

So yeah, any direct continuation of Picard will just be more of the same.

I'm sick of the same.

We only got one DS9 character and he was already a TNG character. Wasn't really a complete follow up

Besides, that's what a fictional universe is all about. Building up. I like seeing some of the same but years later. I'd definitely take that over a straight reboot
We only got one DS9 character and he was already a TNG character. Wasn't really a complete follow up

Besides, that's what a fictional universe is all about. Building up. I like seeing some of the same but years later. I'd definitely take that over a straight reboot
Well we can atleast agree on not wanting a reboot.
A lot of the lore has barely returned in 20+ years. Plus no one's saying reuse every single thing. I don't see how a reboot is the only way to do something new especially at the same time wanting to rehash the most visited areas of Federation space. I don't really get jt
This is confusing two different arguments so let me separate the two.

One, my objection to reusing lore was the immediate reference to Klingons and Cardassians, who are two most overused races in Star Trek. That's not brave and that's not new. So, that doesn't inspire me to want to tune in.

Lore has become shorthand for revisiting the same stuff, and I don't want that. Now, I welcome exploration and use of lore to build towards something new, but going and finding new paths to explore. Hence my suggestion for picking up barely known aliens not named or scene. Not going back to the familiar.

Which brings me to my second argument: a reboot. Do I want a reboot over a continuation? Not necessarily. But, if the only ideas are to resist past aliens in the name of "new" then I want a reboot. Why? Well, Star Trek has become a bit insular, and self-referential, and leaning too heavily on past beats and themes to limited exploration. A reboot, for me, is going back to the core themes of Star Trek, setting up a very well define timeline, rather than all the debate that fans insist are interesting, and using that point forward to build off of.

All that said, if you can use limited lore to go somewhere new, like the 25th century and the Beta Quadrant since Romulan influence has collapsed, or take the Atlantis route and go to another galaxy, I'm all for it.

What I don't want is "Where are they now?" style Trek of checking in with the Klingons, the Cardassians, the Ferengi, the Vulcans, the Bajorans, the Betazoids, and on and on.

Hell, I'd be more interested to hear how the Capellans, the Eminarans, the Gideons, and such are doing; Why not right?
But you're acting like they'd only just redo the same stuff. Nothing inherently says they should. A reboot of the same stuff is the familiar just repackaged.
But you're acting like they'd only just redo the same stuff. Nothing inherently says they should. A reboot of the same stuff is the familiar just repackaged.
No, I'm acting like the fans (broadly speaking) want the familiar.

I have no clue what they'll do. I'd love that power to predict the future.

A reboot has some ups and downs. I welcome it over going back to the familiar, to revisit Klingons, rather than create new takes on culture or aliens. A reboot let's tech reset, let's expectations reset, moves away from the Star Trek box that restricts what should be done.

In my view.

Lore is great. But I see it more as a trivia debate to score points among fans rather than focus on character and story.
I don't really agree. A reboot would just be throwing everything away

I don't want all of the familiar, or none of it. I want a mix
I don't entirely agree. In fact I'd be fine with a non starfleet ship instead but with some familiar races.
To be more specific, by ship I meant its crew. The ship can be unfamiliar, but at least one crew is helpful to be familiar.

When I say I don't want familiar, I mean in the stories, the planets being visited, the aliens of the week. You can have familiar aliens on the crew, just don't go to Kronos, or Cardassia, or Vulcan. It's ok to go to unfamiliar places. Please don't have whole plot lines dedicated to what's new in the Klingon Empire or the Dominion.

In spite of my reservations around TNG, they at least didn't go to Vulcan. That approach is welcome. Better crew though.
For me it depends. I'm curious to see what happened after DS9. I'm nit really as interested in alien of the week
Fair enough.

I'm not interested in the aftermath of DS9.

For me it was a big part of ST so I definitely want to see at least some of it.

Tbh, the geopolitics is more interesting to me than exploration sometimes. I tend to care about the series more if there's more active world building. Whereas the geopolitics of Vulcans & Romulans, for example, never really reached a sufficient point to be as interesting
For me it was a big part of ST so I definitely want to see at least some of it.

Tbh, the geopolitics is more interesting to me than exploration sometimes. I tend to care about the series more if there's more active world building. Whereas the geopolitics of Vulcans & Romulans, for example, never really reached a sufficient point to be as interesting
Growing up with TOS worldbuilding was secondary to characters. That's my preference.
Growing up with TOS worldbuilding was secondary to characters. That's my preference.

I didn't grow with TOS. And imo DS9 did better with all the characters anyways. It had actually good female characters and interesting recurring characters. So it's not really either/or
I didn't grow with TOS. And imo DS9 did better with all the characters anyways. It had actually good female characters and interesting recurring characters. So it's not really either/or
DS9 did better with characters, but TOS had more exploration.

No, it's not either/or but there are aspects that I don't want to revisit either. TOS was different from TNG and DS9 was different from either. I would hope the next goes a similar path.
DS9 did better with characters, but TOS had more exploration.

No, it's not either/or but there are aspects that I don't want to revisit either. TOS was different from TNG and DS9 was different from either. I would hope the next goes a similar path.

I'd prefer another semi stationary series but one set on a distant planet even further from the Federation