Spoilers Where should Star Trek go next?

The last year of Trek has been the most enjoyable for me.

I enjoyed SNW S2 after I thought the first episode or two were big boring duds. Picard S3 was a joy. And Lower Decks is inoffensive fun. I'd be happy if we just got SNW and Star Trek Legacy with a side dose of Lower Decks for the next two or three years. I do not care for Discovery and the S31 movie - I'm simply not sure who that is appealing to.
Well, it was bound to happen more than once, but it is appealing to me.

I always say Trek should never cater to my whims but when it happens to do so (Pike, Discovery, Section 31), I'm there.

I just don't think "evil organisation that murders people, know its evil and is against everything Star Trek's vision stands for" is a good premise for a movie, or goes with the reason why Star Trek is and has been popular. I love DS9 but so many things in that show have had such a negative effect in the long term (I also hate the massive fleets). Not really the writers fault.
I just don't think "evil organisation that murders people, know its evil and is against everything Star Trek's vision stands for" is a good premise for a movie, or goes with the reason why Star Trek is and has been popular. I love DS9 but so many things in that show have had such a negative effect in the long term (I also hate the massive fleets). Not really the writers fault.
That wasn't the question. You asked who it appeals to. I answered.

Whether or not it is a good premise is a separate point all together. Do I agree with Section 31? Nope, not a bit, anymore than I agree with Daredevil as a vigilante justice. But, it offers a different insight in a world that constantly says "We're evolved" yet proves the opposite.

Also, I care very little about Star Trek being popular either. Popularity is not interesting.
I think at least part of what people are attracted to with a Legacy show is a "Next Next Generation," a show that moves forward in the Trek timeline a bit, and embodies the central original premise of the franchise: exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations, etc
It's not though! It's just gonna be more of Picard season 3, seeing where TNG and DS9 people are 25 years later. I get the nostalgia ties to both those beloved shows but Strange New Worlds and Discovery have shown us that Planet of the Week can be done in any era or time frame and it makes no difference. That said, I do like Captain Seven and Raffi. I just loved James McAvoy's young Xavier and reckon a new casting (he's too old) can do a spunky young Picard really well.
It's not though! It's just gonna be more of Picard season 3, seeing where TNG and DS9 people are 25 years later. I get the nostalgia ties to both those beloved shows but Strange New Worlds and Discovery have shown us that Planet of the Week can be done in any era or time frame and it makes no difference. That said, I do like Captain Seven and Raffi. I just loved James McAvoy's young Xavier and reckon a new casting (he's too old) can do a spunky young Picard really well.

It’s impressive that you know this!
Captain Worf and the final and mysterious misson of the Enterprise-E.
The hint in the penultimate episode makes me curious.

It was less than dramatic. The Andorian Empire confiscated the ship after a routine customs clearance turned up a couple of joints under a bridge station. Worf insists that they belonged to the Ops officer.
Not sure I trust Space Hitler to reform S31.
Perhaps not.

But she has gone through her own personal rebirth so she may offer a different perspective.

Regardless, I expect to be entertained, not asking her to watch my kids. People want a Garak series too and I trust him even less than Georgiou.
Perhaps not.

But she has gone through her own personal rebirth so she may offer a different perspective.

Regardless, I expect to be entertained, not asking her to watch my kids. People want a Garak series too and I trust him even less than Georgiou.

Keeping up with the Cardassians haha (I know that's an overused joke but still)
I just don't think "evil organisation that murders people, know its evil and is against everything Star Trek's vision stands for" is a good premise for a movie, or goes with the reason why Star Trek is and has been popular. I love DS9 but so many things in that show have had such a negative effect in the long term (I also hate the massive fleets). Not really the writers fault.

I don't want to blame DS9 for what later people did with Section 31.
It was a good idea that, like all good ideas, got overused to death when other people got ahold of it. Their usage in Enterprise was fine. Not at the level of DS9, but not egregious either. Into Darkness, the worst Trek film, started us down the path of making Section 31 as interesting as mayonnaise.
Finally we get to Discovery, which made Section 31 this out-in-the-open, we've-got-our-own-ships-uniforms-combadges-and-bases-now farce of what they were supposed to be on DS9. It was clearly written by someone who thought Black Ops Star Trek as a concept was just sooo kewl, bro, and I fear that is exactly what we're going to get with this Section 31 Movie. The only thing I'm happy about from it is that they made it a movie instead of (shudder) a series.
The badges are special operations.

They mean something to those in the unit, and essentially to those outside it's just another division. Makes as much sense as Sloan and Harris' outfit.

This is not about "kewl bro" but actually exploring humanity.
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Tbh I don't care much for section 31. Too much of a justification for the bad side of espionage (as if there's a good side)