Spoilers Where should Star Trek go next?

Idk about breaking point. The 24th century has a way bigger galaxy
The 24th/Early 25th century has had 616 episodes and 4 feature films. Compare that to 98 episodes from the 22nd.

I think we could certainly stand to see a lot more of the 22nd, and a lot less of the 24th/25th.
The 24th/Early 25th century has had 616 episodes and 4 feature films. Compare that to 98 episodes from the 22nd.

I think we could certainly stand to see a lot more of the 22nd, and a lot less of the 24th/25th.

I guess i don't really agree. I like prequels but I've personally had enough of going back. I want to see more of the fallout of the Dominion war and to continue from where Picard left off. I don't really have as much interest in seeing the same more limited regions of space from the 22nd century
I guess i don't really agree. I like prequels but I've personally had enough of going back. I want to see more of the fallout of the Dominion war and to continue from where Picard left off. I don't really have as much interest in seeing the same more limited regions of space from the 22nd century

We know virtually nothing about the era of the Birth of the Federation. It has far more potential for exploration and adventure than revisiting the same era we've seen for over 600 episodes.
Same races can be any century. DS9 introduced a bunch of new species despite being set at the same time as TNG & Voy. In fact it's probably easier to fit new species into the 25th century because they consider reach many new and unexplored areas. Nothing says "we have to only see the Cardassians or Ferengi or whomever". They could literally go to the Gamma Quadrant and spend time developing that
Same races can be any century. DS9 introduced a bunch of new species despite being set at the same time as TNG & Voy. In fact it's probably easier to fit new species into the 25th century because they consider reach many new and unexplored areas. Nothing says "we have to only see the Cardassians or Ferengi or whomever". They could literally go to the Gamma Quadrant and spend time developing that
I really want the TNG approach: minimize past races and slowly work them in, with a new crew and a newish part of the galaxy, be it the Romulan remnant space, Gamma Quadrant, Delta Quadrant or whatever.
I really want the TNG approach: minimize past races and slowly work them in, with a new crew and a newish part of the galaxy, be it the Romulan remnant space, Gamma Quadrant, Delta Quadrant or whatever.

I think they should have one or two familiar species and the rest be new
Continuing on from where Picard left off feels like the "same old, same old" thing we've been doing for 616 episodes.

How though? Nothing says they have to do exactly the same thing. They can go anywhere. It's a big galaxy.

I feel like going back to the 22nd century in the middle of pre-Federation space would end up being the most familiar of all. I'd just rather see a series progess and build up instead of always looking back
How though? Nothing says they have to do exactly the same thing. They can go anywhere. It's a big galaxy.

I feel like going back to the 22nd century in the middle of pre-Federation space would end up being the most familiar of all. I'd just rather see a series progess and build up instead of always looking back

But it's already all looking back, thanks to Discovery. Continuing directly from Picard will just be more of the same, and if I wanted to skip ahead further, where technology has progressed to the point of practically being magic, I'll just watch Discovery or its upcoming spinoff.

Going back to the early days of the Federation brings us to a golden age of exploration. A time when the Federation isn't this all powerful entity.

We've got this era from 2261 to 2233, where we know virtually nothing. The one thing we do know is that it had to be an extremely interesting and exciting time. From picking up the peices after the Romulan War and forming the bonds between Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites that would last for centuries. To setting out into the unknown and finding dozens of species who would eventually join the Federation.

The potential is tremendous.
But it's already all looking back, thanks to Discovery. Continuing directly from Picard will just be more of the same, and if I wanted to skip ahead further, where technology has progressed to the point of practically being magic, I'll just watch Discovery or its upcoming spinoff.

Going back to the early days of the Federation brings us to a golden age of exploration. A time when the Federation isn't this all powerful entity.

We've got this era from 2261 to 2233, where we know virtually nothing. The one thing we do know is that it had to be an extremely interesting and exciting time. From picking up the peices after the Romulan War and forming the bonds between Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites that would last for centuries. To setting out into the unknown and finding dozens of species who would eventually join the Federation.

The potential is tremendous.

Except we also know nothing of what happened between Pic s3 and Disc so except the Burn. Romulans, Andorians and tellarites are all things we've seen before. We know little of what's beyond Bajoran territory and the gamma quadrant, and the federation was never all powerful
Except we also know nothing of what happened between Pic s3 and Disc so except the Burn. Romulans, Andorians and tellarites are all things we've seen before. We know little of what's beyond Bajoran territory and the gamma quadrant, and the federation was never all powerful

And I could say we know virtually nothing about the majority of races who make up the Federation.

Watching a fledgling organization set out into the dark unknown, to me, sounds far more interesting than the behemoth that is the 24th/25th Federation, traveling a couple light years beyond their massive circle of influence.
And I could say we know virtually nothing about the majority of races who make up the Federation.

Watching a fledgling organization set out into the dark unknown, to me, sounds far more interesting than the behemoth that is the 24th/25th Federation, traveling a couple light years beyond their massive circle of influence.

Both have their potential but I'd rather see the latter. I want to see ST push outwards to new territories but also to build on the pre existing lore, like what DS9 did.
Both have their potential but I'd rather see the latter. I want to see ST push outwards to new territories but also to build on the pre existing lore, like what DS9 did.

I think my biggest concern, especially if it's a direct continuation of Picard, is that the temptation will be to great to resist it simply becoming a "where are they now" series, similar to Picard s3.

One episode will be the DS9 episode. The next week will be the Q episode. Week after that, we'll check up on how Worf is doing. Followed by the two-part episode on holographic rights with The Doctor.
I think my biggest concern, especially if it's a direct continuation of Picard, is that the temptation will be to great to resist it simply becoming a "where are they now" series, similar to Picard s3.

One episode will be the DS9 episode. The next week will be the Q episode. Week after that, we'll check up on how Worf is doing. Followed by the two-part episode on holographic rights with The Doctor.

That's always possible but has that really happened that much? Picard didn't do that much until s3 and neither did DS9
That's always possible but has that really happened that much? Picard didn't do that much until s3 and neither did DS9
Have you seen the campaign for Star Trek Legacy?

More of Picard season 3 seems to be their number one objective.
There's lots of places to go. We've explored a lot of the Alpha quadrant. We've seen a straight-ish line of the Delta quadrant. And a bit of the Gamma quadrant. How about the Beta quadrant? Just imagine if they drew some from Asimov for it? Made some sort of quadrant-wide empire and watched it crumble?
I'm convinced now more than ever that, when SNW ends (whenever that happens to be), then it's time for a hard reboot.

I would go as far as throw all the most popular elements into a jumble bag and see what pops out. Something like the TOS cast, but with added Seven. Picard as the go-to admiral. And Data a project Spock is working on.

Keep the Rommies, Klingons, and Borg. And ditch everything else.
I'm all for a hard reboot, a much more serious tone a la the TOS pilots and even TMP. But they're still about 2/3rd through this iteration of Trek and I'm enjoying it for what it is so let's have the hard reboot after the next death of Trek.