what to watch first? Strange New Worlds or Discovery?


Timeline wise which show should i start watching first? Strange New Worlds or DIscovery since Discovery is supposed to take place 10 years or so before the original series and that Discovery starts the whole Federation/Klingon war
The first two seasons of Discovery occur before SNW, and season two of Disco has plot elements that are relevant to SNW.

I'd say that it isn't at all crucial to watch Disco season 2 in order to understand SNW, but it does offer further context to the characters.
I thought Star Trek Enterprise show was the one that started the Klingon/Starfleet Federation War?
Enterprise takes place a century prior to Disco/SNW. Enterprise takes place before the Federation exists, and so the Starfleet in that show is United Earth Starfleet, not Federation Starfleet. In Enterprise, humans are by no means friendly with the Klingons, but it never escalates to all out war. There are limited starship battles, however.
I thought Star Trek Enterprise show was the one that started the Klingon/Starfleet Federation War?
No. It has first contact, what Picard describes as "disastrous" later on in TNG, but it has no bearing on Discovery. As others noted, what context is needed for SNW is provided, so it can stand on its own. If you want the order then Discovery came first, and introduced this version of Pike. But, hardly necessary.
Ive seen Enterprise before a long time ago when it was on Netflix. The Klingons were hostile when they first started in episode 1 of season 1

Enterprise takes place a century prior to Disco/SNW. Enterprise takes place before the Federation exists, and so the Starfleet in that show is United Earth Starfleet, not Federation Starfleet. In Enterprise, humans are by no means friendly with the Klingons, but it never escalates to all out war. There are limited starship battles, however.
I mean, SNW's premiere is a literal follow-up to Disco's S2 finale, which makes it pretty clear which one comes first, I should think.
Timeline wise which show should i start watching first? Strange New Worlds or DIscovery since Discovery is supposed to take place 10 years or so before the original series and that Discovery starts the whole Federation/Klingon war

You really do not have to watch Discovery before SNW. Not much from Discovery really impacts SNW. I also would not watch Discovery before TOS.......Both SNW and TOS have mostly self contained stories....
You can watch SNW without seeing anything from DSC. Season 2 of DSC is nice if you want to see more Pike and backstory, but it isn't necessary. The little bit from that season which is important to Pike's character is covered well in SNW episode 1.
Well, I watched season two of Star Trek: Discovery, then the two seasons of Strange New Worlds, and followed that with season three & four of STD.