What games are you playing currently?

I haven't done much gaming of late. I have gotten back into Mass Effect Andromeda and the second time around it seems a bit more fun.
I finished up the first DLC on the Insomniac Spider-Man a few days ago and decided to take a break and started second play throughs of Spyro Reignited and Star Wars: Squadrons.
The Saints Row 2022 reboot. I honestly wanted to like it. I played it for a few hours on PS4 but just couldn't warm to it. It really felt like badly made game.
Currently playing Skyrim...I am always playing Skyrim :lol:
Also playing Animal Crossing New Horizons for Switch

I do that with Skyrim... I'm running about 200 mods and an enb - I'll load it up play for a bit and then forget it. A few months later I'll do it again. Skyrim's world is just fun to walk around in from time to time even if I don't finish the playthrough or do much more than walk around staring at the landscapes.


Crusader Kings 2, "When The World Stopped Making Sense" 475 AD start. It's now the year 656. Western Roman Empire is still around, and the Eastern one as well. I've been playing Ireland. United Ireland, conquered Britain, kicked out the Angles, Jutes and Saxons and then moved on to Brittany. Made the Soissons rump state (that fortunately didn't get run out by the Franks.. the Merovingians are around but the fizzled) a vassle kingdom. Visigoths never fell apart either and are a the biggest power by land area, not counting the Sassanids way out east. Religion overlay below that for contrast.
I do that with Skyrim... I'm running about 200 mods and an enb - I'll load it up play for a bit and then forget it. A few months later I'll do it again. Skyrim's world is just fun to walk around in from time to time even if I don't finish the playthrough or do much more than walk around staring at the landscapes.

I'm like that with Oblivion and when it was released I could spend days at a time locked away playing it but now months can go by without loading it up and I wish I could play it again with the same level of awe I had in 2006. Back then just walking around cities with the in-game music was an exhilarating experience. Discovering mods was a revelation and I had around 200 running on an old PC.

I tried Skyrim and there is no denying it has some huge improvements over Oblivion such as the exquisite dungeon and city design and artwork and I couldn't believe it when I first found the Bard's College because I had wished there was a mod like that For Oblivion. I struggled with the inventory and skill management because they are very different to Oblivion so gradually stopped playing but not before I had five followers all fully outfitted in Dwarven Armour. I'd like to try it again with UI mods.
I've been loading up my flight sim and getting used to landings before I try a full flight which I've not done for a few years. I use the add-one FSPassengers which records flight performance and there's a career mode where you can climb the ranks of the airline which makes simming feel more worthwhile than just aimlessly flying around. This is the SSTSIM model which still has a website but the product is not available for purchase and the forums are no longer being hosted as the development team moved on to new projects. It has digitally recorded sounds of the engines and all the dials and buttons work. There are no dummies that are just there for show. Everything has a function and the operations manual is an essential and hefty read to work out how to use the sim. Fun fact: Concorde had no flaps, spoilers or speed brakes and the nose visor was lowered to allow the pilots to see the ground when taxing and landing and not used for speed reduction. Night flying is my favourite it feels cosy in my pretend cockpit at 56,000ft.









I've been loading up my flight sim and getting used to landings before I try a full flight which I've not done for a few years. I use the add-one FSPassengers which records flight performance and there's a career mode where you can climb the ranks of the airline which makes simming feel more worthwhile than just aimlessly flying around. This is the SSTSIM model which still has a website but the product is not available for purchase and the forums are no longer being hosted as the development team moved on to new projects. It has digitally recorded sounds of the engines and all the dials and buttons work. There are no dummies that are just there for show. Everything has a function and the operations manual is an essential and hefty read to work out how to use the sim. Fun fact: Concorde had no flaps, spoilers or speed brakes and the nose visor was lowered to allow the pilots to see the ground when taxing and landing and not used for speed reduction. Night flying is my favourite it feels cosy in my pretend cockpit at 56,000ft.









Needs more buttons and dials.