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What games are you playing currently?



Hello everyone,
What games are you playing currently?
Currently I am playing Need for speed-Shift and Call of duty-modern warfare.
Magic: Online. Yes, it's the electronic version of the collectible card game.

That game is like the polar opposite of World of Warcraft. It's inherently anti-social, in that anytime you are interacting with someone you are actively trying to prevent them from winning, whereas Warcraft is all about cooperation to achieve a goal.

In Warcraft, if you are a skilled player, you'll be getting tells within minutes of logging in asking if you are available to do this or that.

In Magic Online, nobody cares if you log in or not. :lol:

On the one hand, it's a very expensive game because you have the buy collectible "cards" to expand the plays you can do. On the other hand, it works like an investment- I could easily sell the cards in my account for at least $2,000 if I got into a financial pinch of some sort.

It really is a good game with a lot of depth and complexity. The game it's based on was designed by a mathematician, and there are literally tens of thousands of different spells (cards). I do miss the cooperative aspects of World of Warcraft however.
Haven't been playing much lately... I was pretty wrapped up in Mega Man 10 doing the challenges but I'm now stuck at 93% or some such (killing the robot masters on Hard with only your Mega Buster is TOUGH).

I've been thinking about getting back into Final Fantasy XII and/or Kingdom Hearts 2... games which I abandoned when the SO got disinterested. For some reason I can't make myself get started again. I love getting wrapped up in a game but when I do I tend to spend a lot of my free time playing it.
Found myself missing decent sci-fi lately, so I've been replaying the Mass Effect series.

A little New Super Mario Bros as well. Never did get around to unlocking all of world 9.
PS2 - Final Fantasy XII
PC - Prototype

Plus the occasional Civ or SimCity game on the PC. And I've got a whole bunch of other games that I have to get back to at some point.
I just gave up on Final Fantasy 13 even tho I'm at the final half of the final stage, I'm just sick of it. And I love FF. Last night I started Batman Arkham Asylum, but unfortunately my 360 is starting to freeze all the time now. It's fun but I wish there was more action and less walking around.
I've just finished Bioshock on the PS3 and though it was great (I especially enjoyed the level 'Fort Frolic'). Though one thing I wasn't keen on was having to become a Big Daddy near the end (didn't quite catch the point of that).
I've actually owned this game since xmas '08 but never really bothered to play it until the following year.

Now that's finished I've started replaying the Resident Evil remake on the Gamecube and will probably start up a new PS3 game as well, maybe Valkyria Chronicles, another one of those games I've owned for a while and never really bothered playing. I seem to do this a lot, buy a game then leave on the shelf for a year.
I regularly play Uncharted 2 and NHL 10 online.

I'm also playing through God of War (the first one) for the first time ever.
I'm currently playing through Valkyria Chronicles, slowly but surely and I recommend it Deckard, though it does require a bit more grinding than I'm used to from a squad based game. The plot also suffers a bit IMO from its anime heritage but overall I love it.

Just finnished FF (I), in some ways I like it better than the other final fantasies, freedom to explore, set amount of magic per day, pick your party.
^ Valkyria Chronicles is actually one of my favourite games ever. For some reason is just worked for me. I loved every second of it and I've beaten it a few times so far.
^ Valkyria Chronicles is actually one of my favourite games ever. For some reason is just worked for me. I loved every second of it and I've beaten it a few times so far.
Ditto. It was a pretty awesome game, probably my favorite on the PS3.

Right now I'm working my way through Crysis. I figured I would give it another shot now that I have a video card that can actually handle it :lol:
I'm only half way through it atm (I'm up to the Normandy landings, when the game told me in no uncertain terms that I need flamers and the internet told me I need Grenadiers). I wasn't keen on the pig though, but that seems to come into the story few and far between.

After this I'm looking to play BF: Bad company. I knew a few years late but I've got no money and I just found it for 7 pounds so i thought I'd splurge. PLease tell me I'll enjoy it, you can lie I don't care :techman:
I haven't played anything since I beat God of War III in March. I'm taking a gaming hiatus until Red Dead Redemption comes out.
Persona 4

New Favorite Game Ever. Formerly held by Persona 3 :p

I just finished the December 3 event. If you've played you know what that was.

Persona 4 also gets the award for Most In-game Crying :shifty:
Persona 4

New Favorite Game Ever. Formerly held by Persona 3 :p

I just finished the December 3 event. If you've played you know what that was.

Persona 4 also gets the award for Most In-game Crying :shifty:
Ahh Persona 3 and 4, two of the best games to grace the PS2 (and PS3 for that matter :p)

Im still waiting for Persona 3 Portable to come out in the US :shifty:
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