Unseen TOS....

A crude early concept. The cockpit became an upper saucer component extending rearward with the tail section lopped off. The saucer replaced the Phantom's conocal nose. The engines' exhaust become the impulse drive.

Actually, it would have looked better if you retained the circular shape of the saucer honestly.

First idea.

I really like the warp-engine layout.

Found some images of my 22nd century Constellation. For some reason, though, I'm having trouble finding the files of the actual 3D model. The idea, here, was this would be one or two evolutionary steps beyond the ringship configuration.

Have you ever seen the Daedalus in Pacific 201? I think you'd like it.
^^ The problem with spherical hulls is they look awkward from frontal views. It’s probably partly why Matt Jeferies abandoned the idea.
A sphere is a very practical shape but just not visually exciting. A disk can swoop dynamically through a shot, a ball just moves. Imagine any flight scene with the NX and then substitute a Daedalus, just not the same...
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Jefferies said something along the lines that a sphere just sapped the energy or dynamic out of a design.

I’ve done designs with spheres myself, and from some angles it looks fine, but from others it’s awful.
The sphere ships need to be tankers…something for M-5 to damage…so it can wallow and blow up ;)

You want a sphere ship to look helpless, with a dome covered but transparent backlit dish at the aft in place of the shuttlebay to look for manta ray Klingon ships behind it.

Retrieved these from Page 10 of this thread. I can’t help but feel there is something salvageable in these ideas.


I’d have those far behind Enterprise in drydock for COURT MARTIAL.
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The Pasteur worked in 'All Good Things' because 1) it only traveled slowly in a straight line most the time we saw it and 2) the ball covered in windows looked like a hospital building
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Having read the first Skylark of Space novel (never could find any of the sequels), a sphere can be quietly menacing. It sits there quiescently, until it suddenly starts smashing into your ships and destroying them all.
The Pasteur worked in 'All Good Things' because 1) it only traveled slowly in a straight line most the time we saw it and 2) the ball covered in widows looked like a hospital building
Even though since TOS, the Enterprises have kept to a variation of saucer, neck, secondary hull, struts and nacelles, to varying degrees of success, I didn't think the Pasteur looked good in an imagined future post TNG era style. Those tall windows just didn't work on it.

I suppose you could argue that the main medical facilities are in the centre of the sphere, with crew quarters surrounding that, just like on the Enterprise-D, but it just didn't work for me.

Anyway, back to our scheduled Unseen TOS... topic!
:) :) :) :)
I suppose you could argue that the main medical facilities are in the centre of the sphere, with crew quarters surrounding that, just like on the Enterprise-D, but it just didn't work for me.
All blueprints for Starfleet vessels I've seen have Sickbay wrapped around the computer core in the middle of the saucer. Every ship with a CIC has placed it either in the middle with the core, or just above Sickbay. As many posters here love to point out, this is a real strategic thing in the military. It keeps both the wounded/sick and the most valuable staging area for military strategy as safe as possible.
All blueprints for Starfleet vessels I've seen have Sickbay wrapped around the computer core in the middle of the saucer. Every ship with a CIC has placed it either in the middle with the core, or just above Sickbay. As many posters here love to point out, this is a real strategic thing in the military. It keeps both the wounded/sick and the most valuable staging area for military strategy as safe as possible.
Makes sense from a ship design perspective, but the refit, Ent-D and Voyager set plans all featured the Sickbay set on the OUTER side of the curved corridor (hardly surprising, since each series was a redress of the former's sets). ENT's sickbay was right in the centre of the circle but this gave rise to very tight curved corridors which severely limited the amount of "walking space" for scenes.
I think TOS got it right :biggrin:
Revisiting two old Valiant concepts. I still like them.


What I like about this one is its overall feel. It looks very late 1950s to early 1960s retro futuristic.. This quick-and-dirty little exercise in Photoshop looks like something a movie or series might have had before TOS for the mid to late 21st century. I winged this with not too much thought, and maybe thats why it feels more…convincing…for what I was aiming for.

Maybe I should go back and turn this Photoshop effort into a 3D model.

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