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Spoilers TOS: Cast No Shadow by James Swallow Review Thread

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Rear Admiral
Premium Member
I'm reading that it's out in some stores, so here you go :)

Mark spoilers for at least the first month or so.
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Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Damn, this is out already? I guess I should go to Amazon and order it.
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

I ordered my copy I liked James Swallows ds9 books I'm really looking forward to reading this book.:techman:
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Just a quick question to anyone who might know. Rumor has it that T'Prynn will feature in this novel and, if she does, does Cast No Shadow contain any spoilers pertaining to Star Trek: Vanguard after Open Secrets?

Apologies if its a dumb question. :)
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Ordered it today and will have it on the 27th.
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Just a quick question to anyone who might know. Rumor has it that T'Prynn will feature in this novel and, if she does, does Cast No Shadow contain any spoilers pertaining to Star Trek: Vanguard after Open Secrets?

Where did you hear that?

I can categorically state that T'Prynn does not appear in any way in Cast No Shadow, nor does the book have any connection to the Vanguard series...
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Just a quick question to anyone who might know. Rumor has it that T'Prynn will feature in this novel and, if she does, does Cast No Shadow contain any spoilers pertaining to Star Trek: Vanguard after Open Secrets?

Where did you hear that?

I can categorically state that T'Prynn does not appear in any way in Cast No Shadow, nor does the book have any connection to the Vanguard series...
Thanks for getting back to me and I'm glad that I'll be able to enjoy this novel when it is released.

As for the rumor, I'm not too sure. It's plausible that I heard that Elias Vaughn was going to feature and knowing that he was a colleague/acquaintance of T'Prynn, I made the connection in my own mind. My apologies. :)
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Just finished it. Pretty good!

Question for James Swallow:
What do you think the current (2380s) situation is for Krios? In "The Mind's Eye" it seems to be still struggling for independence, but in "The Perfect Mate" they seem to have some independence, at least so far as to have external relations independent of direct Klingon control (in this case, relating to Valt). At least in modern times, it seems external relations are the last things colonial powers give up to the locals. I believe in KRAD's annotations for Articles of the Federation, he was considering there to be two separate planets called Krios. As it was never outright stated in that book, it doesn't technically conflict. Based on all of these things, I would guess Krios gained its independence sometime between 2366-2368? Maybe during the tumult of the Civil War?
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Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Just finished it. Pretty good!

Question for James Swallow:
What do you think the current (2380s) situation is for Krios? In "The Mind's Eye" it seems to be still struggling for independence, but in "The Perfect Mate" they seem to have some independence, at least so far as to have external relations independent of direct Klingon control (in this case, relating to Valt). At least in modern times, it seems external relations are the last things colonial powers give up to the locals. I believe in KRAD's annotations for Articles of the Federation, he was considering there two be two separate planets called Krios. As it was never outright stated in that book, it doesn't technically conflict. Based on all of these things, I would guess Krios gained its independence sometime between 2366-2368? Maybe during the tumult of the Civil War?

Todd, without spoiling, does this novel deal a lot with the political situation in this period, since it's only a few years after the Praxis incident and the Khitomer Accords?
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Got my copy on Friday. Only 122 pages in so far, but it's been a rockin' 122 pages!

Definately loving the Sulu/Excelsior mission so far. Glad to see another Excelsior adventure, even if the book isn't totally tied to it.

Also interesting to note the reference to the Enterprise-A's destruction in the Shatnerverse novels. Not saying there hasn't been previous mention of it in a 'regular' Trek novel, but I don't immediately recall reading of one.

Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Todd, without spoiling, does this novel deal a lot with the political situation in this period, since it's only a few years after the Praxis incident and the Khitomer Accords?

It does deal with the political situation. Without spoiling it's difficult to say how much.
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Definately loving the Sulu/Excelsior mission so far. Glad to see another Excelsior adventure, even if the book isn't totally tied to it.
Well, now I have another reason to look forward to reading this book, not that I'm saying that's a bad thing.:bolian:
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

So far, this reminds me of one of those books I'd normally read in a sitting or two, but the timing is lousy at this point to accomplish that. Right now I am limited to reading on my lunchbreak and for about an hour at home (our 21 month old's bedtime is getting later and later as she ages). However, it's really filling my taste for a good Lost Era type voyage to this point!
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Just a quick question to anyone who might know. Rumor has it that T'Prynn will feature in this novel and, if she does, does Cast No Shadow contain any spoilers pertaining to Star Trek: Vanguard after Open Secrets?

Where did you hear that?

I can categorically state that T'Prynn does not appear in any way in Cast No Shadow, nor does the book have any connection to the Vanguard series...
Thanks for getting back to me and I'm glad that I'll be able to enjoy this novel when it is released.

As for the rumor, I'm not too sure. It's plausible that I heard that Elias Vaughn was going to feature and knowing that he was a colleague/acquaintance of T'Prynn, I made the connection in my own mind. My apologies. :)

According to the dates established in Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil, Vaughn and T'Prynn didn't work together until 2319.
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Finished the book last night.

Great stuff.

Four out of five light-sabers.

The book primarily deals with a plot to derail the peace between the Klingon Empire and the Federation following the signing of the Khitomer Accords.

The book features Valeris, the disgraced Lieutenant from Star Trek VI, a much younger Elias Vaughn, and several other new characters.
Although Spock is featured on the cover, he does not play a large role in the book.

The pacing is rapid and concise, with several "flashbacks" that reveal a great deal about the motivations and thoughts of Valeris herself.

The book is an easy read, and a great one - off adventure. Swallow does a good job answering some of the unanswered questions in Star Trek VI.
One such question - what happened to Ambassador Nanclus, Colonel West, and Admiral Cartwright after they were discovered? Why was Valeris moved to join the conspiracy, and to kill in cold blood? What was the motivation, and after effects of Spock's forcible mind meld? That section alone is worth reading.

The terrorist plot was refreshingly free of overly political references to the current "War on Terror".

All in all a good read, and nice addition to the Star Trek Literature library.
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

I'd give it a C/D - it's a solid if rather generic franchise book. The prose is good but it's let down by the predictability of the character and story arcs, and you can see some of the conversations between characters coming 50 pages off. I groaned when I saw the appearance of that most overused and hackneyed story device,
the childhood trauma
coming over the hills.
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Have you liked any of James Swallow's books in the past?
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Never read any of them (as far as I can remember - I might have read Synthesis but I'm drawing a blank on it at the moment).

Don't get me wrong, A C/D doesn't mean I think it's a bad book just that it's not anything special or particularly memorable.
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

^ I actually really like how harsh you are with your reviews. It's nice to read clear, well thought out opinions that aren't just positive. It bummed me out a little when Destiny seemed to chase you away for a while.
Re: Star Trek: Cast No Shadow Review Thread

Sorry, just not interested in this one. The time for this book was 10 years ago. I've moved beyond my interest in this part of the timeline. I don't mean to criticize this book or the author but this story seemed to come out of no where; I don't think the lost era has been visited in awhile. Is there much enthusiasm for this book?
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