Just a quick question to anyone who might know. Rumor has it that T'Prynn will feature in this novel and, if she does, does Cast No Shadow contain any spoilers pertaining to Star Trek: Vanguard after Open Secrets?
Thanks for getting back to me and I'm glad that I'll be able to enjoy this novel when it is released.Just a quick question to anyone who might know. Rumor has it that T'Prynn will feature in this novel and, if she does, does Cast No Shadow contain any spoilers pertaining to Star Trek: Vanguard after Open Secrets?
Where did you hear that?
I can categorically state that T'Prynn does not appear in any way in Cast No Shadow, nor does the book have any connection to the Vanguard series...
Just finished it. Pretty good!
Question for James Swallow:What do you think the current (2380s) situation is for Krios? In "The Mind's Eye" it seems to be still struggling for independence, but in "The Perfect Mate" they seem to have some independence, at least so far as to have external relations independent of direct Klingon control (in this case, relating to Valt). At least in modern times, it seems external relations are the last things colonial powers give up to the locals. I believe in KRAD's annotations for Articles of the Federation, he was considering there two be two separate planets called Krios. As it was never outright stated in that book, it doesn't technically conflict. Based on all of these things, I would guess Krios gained its independence sometime between 2366-2368? Maybe during the tumult of the Civil War?
Todd, without spoiling, does this novel deal a lot with the political situation in this period, since it's only a few years after the Praxis incident and the Khitomer Accords?
Well, now I have another reason to look forward to reading this book, not that I'm saying that's a bad thing.Definately loving the Sulu/Excelsior mission so far. Glad to see another Excelsior adventure, even if the book isn't totally tied to it.
Thanks for getting back to me and I'm glad that I'll be able to enjoy this novel when it is released.Just a quick question to anyone who might know. Rumor has it that T'Prynn will feature in this novel and, if she does, does Cast No Shadow contain any spoilers pertaining to Star Trek: Vanguard after Open Secrets?
Where did you hear that?
I can categorically state that T'Prynn does not appear in any way in Cast No Shadow, nor does the book have any connection to the Vanguard series...
As for the rumor, I'm not too sure. It's plausible that I heard that Elias Vaughn was going to feature and knowing that he was a colleague/acquaintance of T'Prynn, I made the connection in my own mind. My apologies.![]()