Tiny Trek Adventures (ongoing comic)

Can't remember if I said it before but you've got a real talent for dialog and also the way you place your characters is very well done. :mallory::techman:

Thank you! I try to punch it up a little bit so it's not JUST an info dump and the characters come through a bit more. Also trying to be a little more conscious of placement with the dialogue I've got going on. Most of the time it works ;)

I made a little one page comic for an art contest several months back, but it did not compare to this! Love this. Great job.

Thank you so much! Just having fun with a bunch of random ideas I had bouncing around in my head. =)
I sense problems coming...by the way, how long has there been a Target store in Engineering? :lol:
Five days is a lot of time .... until it isn't.

I know that feeling.

I sense problems coming...by the way, how long has there been a Target store in Engineering? :lol:

Indeed. It's just the way it's lit. It loses most of the detailing in all that red, but I like the powered look so I left it. lol

Hot rodding a starship.. I like that! :D:techman:

Tweaking the flow of the plasma to get a faster smoother ride. Ahhhhhh yeaahhh.
