Things that frustrate us all

Re: aaargh!!

aww, that sucks! Why would it not work on older topics? Shouldn't all topics be treated alike by the software?

I'm not sure. It sounds like a glitch or a hiccup in it. You'd figure... *scratches head* But that's Lithium forums for ya. :p :lol:

Edit: Someone just posted again and it loaded right... XD

Glad the hiccup seems to be gone, but it's really strange. What could cause it to do that?
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Re: aaargh!!

yesterday's argh: my usually very quiet asian neighbours, 4 doors down, had a party that was so loud that you could hear it half a mile away. Asking them to turn the music down a little didn't help, so I spent the night in a nearby hotel.

On the upside, I've never in my life had such a clean and quiet hotel room and such an excellent mattrass. =) If it was cheaper I'd move in there till I get pensioned off.

Gentle callout: is it really necessary to refer to them as your Asian neighbors? Can't they just be your neighbors?
Re: aaargh!!

Today's aargh is on my cousin's behalf. Her oldest daughter was waiting for the school bus and it failed to pick her up - just went right past their house. :mad: :brickwall:
Re: aaargh!!

I'm waging a small war with my across the street neighbor. He continually puts his garbage out for pickup without putting it into garbage cans. We have a several crows in the area who rip apart the bags and strewn the garbage everywhere, including my lawn. At first I try to be neighborly and just pick it up but after months of this happening, I went over and talked with them. He politely told me that's how he always done it and will always do it. When talking to him, I could see garbage cans in his garage. So I started to dump what ever I picked up back on his lawn but after doing that twice, it felt childish. So I went back and tried to talk to him again but to no avail. So I informed him if the trash came into my property again, I would call the police on him and left. I really didn't want to get to that but they/he is being totally unreasonable. Aaargh!
Re: aaargh!!

^Do you have a homeowner's association? You could report him and then he will receive a fine. That would certainly be a motivator to put the trash in cans.
Re: aaargh!!

Today's aargh is on my cousin's behalf. Her oldest daughter was waiting for the school bus and it failed to pick her up - just went right past their house. :mad: :brickwall:

Can relate. :scream: Had that happen once when I was getting ready to go to school and another time when I was getting ready to come back from a trip back to school. So frustrating.
Re: aaargh!!

I was told by operations that they didn't order ammo for the ranges next week and to tell my boss, which I did. He got all upset then all of a sudden operations emailed and said they did order it, but it hasn't been approved yet and when I told my boss this he thought I didn't have my stuff straight. I am so sick of those people I work with.
Re: aaargh!!

Today's aargh is on my cousin's behalf. Her oldest daughter was waiting for the school bus and it failed to pick her up - just went right past their house. :mad: :brickwall:

Can relate. :scream: Had that happen once when I was getting ready to go to school and another time when I was getting ready to come back from a trip back to school. So frustrating.
Waaaaay back when I was in school, I had the flip side of that happen. The bus didn't stop at my house to let me off! Considering the next stop was over a mile away, it was frustrating to say the least.
Re: aaargh!!

Today's aargh is on my cousin's behalf. Her oldest daughter was waiting for the school bus and it failed to pick her up - just went right past their house. :mad: :brickwall:

Can relate. :scream: Had that happen once when I was getting ready to go to school and another time when I was getting ready to come back from a trip back to school. So frustrating.
Waaaaay back when I was in school, I had the flip side of that happen. The bus didn't stop at my house to let me off! Considering the next stop was over a mile away, it was frustrating to say the least.
That's insane :eek:. How could the bus driver do that?
Re: aaargh!!

Gentle callout: is it really necessary to refer to them as your Asian neighbors? Can't they just be your neighbors?
Asians are in my experience always very quiet and polite people and don't cause any trouble. That's what makes this so very unusual which I wanted to stress. Also, as my neighbours consist of some 20 households this was the only way to specify this particular one.
Now you point it out I see how this could be misinterpreted as racist but it was actually just intended as a description. Like you might say "the lady with the green hair that sat next to me in the bus" or "my grandpa's friend with the wheel chair"
Re: aaargh!!

Gentle callout: is it really necessary to refer to them as your Asian neighbors? Can't they just be your neighbors?
Asians are in my experience always very quiet and polite people and don't cause any trouble. That's what makes this so very unusual which I wanted to stress. Also, my neighbours consist of some 20 households this was the only way to specify this particular one.
Now you point it out I see how this could be misinterpreted as racist but it was actually just intended as a description. Like you might say "the lady with the green hair that sat next to me in the bus" or "my grandpa's friend with the wheel chair"

Right. That's why I said it was a gentle callout. I'm sure you didn't mean anything by it, but here you elaborated and basically pointed to a common East Asian stereotype (that they're quiet and don't usually bother anyone.) I just wanted to point out that it could easily be interpreted in a way you didn't intend!
Re: aaargh!!

Aaarrrgh! I'm in much pain today. Last night, I went to visit a friend. As I was getting into my car to leave, a wasp or bee became caught under my shirt! I've been left with a sting and several bites (?). Benadryl and antibiotics were administered at the ER. I'm dopey and hurting.
Re: aaargh!!

Aaarrrgh! I'm in much pain today. Last night, I went to visit a friend. As I was getting into my car to leave, a wasp or bee became caught under my shirt! I've been left with a sting and several bites (?). Benadryl and antibiotics were administered at the ER. I'm dopey and hurting.

How awful - I hope you're feeling better sooner than later.

^ Ouch!!! I hope you're doing better by now.

Re: aaargh!!

Aaarrrgh! I'm in much pain today. Last night, I went to visit a friend. As I was getting into my car to leave, a wasp or bee became caught under my shirt! I've been left with a sting and several bites (?). Benadryl and antibiotics were administered at the ER. I'm dopey and hurting.

How awful - I hope you're feeling better sooner than later.

^ Ouch!!! I hope you're doing better by now.

Completely over it today. The only thing left is a couple of scabs from the sting & bites. I am sure they will be gone in a couple of days. :techman:
Re: aaargh!!

Glad you're allright again!

I spent part of the weekend pruning half of the wall-like jungle my parents euphemistically call a hedge. Unfortunately it comnsists mainly of extra-prickly fir trees interspersed with holly and mahonias. My arms look as if I had a wrestling match with a horde of rabid hedgehogs.
The rest of the hedge is due the next dry weekend. Ouchie!

Ah well, at least there's no firethorn in that jungle (yet) =)
Re: aaargh!!

Oh Facebook™, is there nothing you can't ruin?

I would've said "ruin" was too strong a word... but then I saw a post on a closed FB Star Trek group about how conflicts between the fans were killing everything and people were leaving in droves, and left an encouraging comment about how pro- and anti-JJ fanatics could be equally ignored.

Except apparently the Big Issue isn't a fandom conflict. The "bad apples" and "trolls" being talked about are -- at least from some quarters and for Frakking Sirius -- gay people.


Frakk a bunch of that.
Re: aaargh!!

well, I am certainly gay :) You'll hardly ever find me in a bad or grumpy mood (except for my argh-moments, that is :D)