Things that frustrate us all

Some things that make me so frustrated in life:

1. Playing games on facebook and getting to a part where you need help and hardly anyone helps so you are stuck forever!

2. Playing facebook games and getting really into the game only to have it canceled!

3. Men who are perverts

4. People getting away with wrong doing and not being punished ever!

6. Men who always ask me to marry them even if they only known me for a couple weeks

7. Playing a game and right in the middle of playing it goes blank on you! FACEBOOK YOU ARE AWFUL ABOUT THIS!!!!!!

8. Getting really excited cause you bought a game or someone else did and you download it onto your computer only to find that it will not work at all!!!!!

9. Not being able to find the games you loved as a child and wanting so badly to play them!!!!!

10. Finding said games on internet only to find they either aren't free or you can't get them because some jerk wants to send your credit card number to someone else!

11. Dogs waking you up too early in the morning barking their heads off about nothing!!!! This happened not too long ago!

So These are some of mine be free to add your own as well!!!!!!

This is actually only 3 or 4 problems, really.

I had to deal with the dog thing for a while though, it was pretty awful. I called it Despair at Dawn.
12. You can't get on your email account at all no matter what you try

13. People who think they are better than you are and stick their noses into your business

14. When I'm talking to mom about something or asking her something and Dee gets into the middle of it and answers for mom or tells me no without mom even getting a chance to say anything

15. When people don't give you a fair chance and just blow you off without even letting you try something

16. Stupid drivers on the road who about kill you because they are either not paying attention or don't turn on their freaking turn signals

17. Men who want nothing but to annoy you or do dirty things

18. People who think they know all about me but really have no clue
1. Not everyone knows that the later Ford Pintos had the fuel tank problem fixed and were perfectly safe.

2. Ford Pintos.

3. People who spend way too much time playing games on Facebook.

4. Not understanding that a dog barking isn't necessarily a bad thing.

5. Public restrooms, because they make me have nightmares about public restrooms.

6. Benny Hill is dead.
Neighbors that throw trash in our yard

People who think its cool to do drugs

Misplacing things you know you had

Library fines

Obama as president


People who hate us just because we live in the USA

People who think I hate black people just because I can't stand Obama

People who threaten to hit you and then they say Just Kidding
1. No new Star Trek series.

2. See #1.

3. Needing to go the bathroom and then discovering it was just flatulence.
3. Needing to go the bathroom and then discovering it was just flatulence.

I think the corollary to #3 is an even worse situation:
4. Thinking it will be just flatulence and then discovering (too late) that you REALLY needed to go to the bathroom.

Also, women getting third breast implants. So that men will ignore them. So that some network men will create a new reality TV show for them (Enabling them to live in obscurity and therefore be ignored by men).
@OP Will you marry me?

(Sorry, I just couldn't not. Hope I made you smile! If not, sorry)
16. Stupid drivers on the road who about kill you because they are either not paying attention or don't turn on their freaking turn signals

18. People who think they know all about me but really have no clue
Can relate on those two.

1) People who play their music really loud late at night or in their cars really loud. I don't need to go deaf, thank you.

2) People who think that there's no problem with parking on your lawn or on the edge of it, for a garage sale across the way. News flash, people... it's private property. Get off of it!

3) Loud commercials and commercials about pharmaceutical drugs.
1. Playing games on facebook and getting to a part where you need help and hardly anyone helps so you are stuck forever!
2. Playing facebook games and getting really into the game only to have it canceled!
7. Playing a game and right in the middle of playing it goes blank on you! FACEBOOK YOU ARE AWFUL ABOUT THIS!!!!!!
It's Facebook. It's evil (really). Play better games.

8. Getting really excited cause you bought a game or someone else did and you download it onto your computer only to find that it will not work at all!!!!!
9. Not being able to find the games you loved as a child and wanting so badly to play them!!!!!
10. Finding said games on internet only to find they either aren't free or you can't get them because some jerk wants to send your credit card number to someone else!
There are plenty of emulators for all sorts of games out there, you just need to look around. ANd yes, some people will try and make you pay heaps for them, just keep looking. Mind you the only game I play is Freecell, and damned little of that in case it over-excites me.

3. Men who are perverts
4. People getting away with wrong doing and not being punished ever!
6. Men who always ask me to marry them even if they only known me for a couple weeks
17. Men who want nothing but to annoy you or do dirty things
People who threaten to hit you and then they say Just Kidding
Yeah, you're gonna get that. Laugh at them, "get real", "you can't be serious!", that kind of thing. And you need to hang out with better people. MUCH better people.

11. Dogs waking you up too early in the morning barking their heads off about nothing!!!! This happened not too long ago!
Yeah, there's no way around that one, happens to me once a week, at least.

12. You can't get on your email account at all no matter what you try
You need a better email provider (try or or a better internet connection.

14. When I'm talking to mom about something or asking her something and Dee gets into the middle of it and answers for mom or tells me no without mom even getting a chance to say anything
Family. It happens to us all. :)

15. When people don't give you a fair chance and just blow you off without even letting you try something
You sure aren;t the only person that's happened to, and it'll keep happening, sorry 'bout that.

16. Stupid drivers on the road who about kill you because they are either not paying attention or don't turn on their freaking turn signals
Yeah, see that a lot too. All I doi is drive carefully. Sadly cars don't come with 'Idiot on board' stickers.

Misplacing things you know you had
Library fines
Are these two related? :) The slightly serious answer, try and leave things in the same place when you're finished with them. Any oldie on here will tell you they have a place they leave their keys, always the same place, it's that or spend hours rummaging around the house.

Neighbors that throw trash in our yard
People who think its cool to do drugs
Yeah, not cool, either of those.

Obama as president
People who think I hate black people just because I can't stand Obama
People who hate us just because we live in the USA
Okay, I'm getting real serious now. This I don't understand. You need to ask why or how this is personally affecting you. Universal health care has been around for a while in countries like Britain and Australia, and it is only seen as a good for the whole society. Compared to your previous President, Obama is a caring and highly intelligent individual. Obamacare is a big step forward for the US, and acordsing to some of us, not big enough. The minor sacrifice you make financially makes a huge difference for the poor and hopeless, and should you ever end up in a bad situation, you. Yes, you. My wife had an operation that in the US woiuld be at least $2000. Here, I paid nothing. My son is on dialysis, and wouldn't be able to get medical insurance in the US. He gets an expensive machine and saline solution for, in effect, free. Because rthe cost, and generated monies, are shared. Think about that. Some medical bills in the US are hundreds of thousands. How could you, on your own, afford those?

As to people hating Americans, it's because Americans overseas are often dicks. But then again, so are most people when not at home.

13. People who think they are better than you are and stick their noses into your business
18. People who think they know all about me but really have no clue
So you've met us, yes? :D
Stupid people frustrate me, because they actively cause stumbling blocks in my life, leading to chaos and destruction of which they don't concern themselves.
Gee, J, welcome to my word. :D Are we living in the same place?

To OP: life is actually a series of frustrations mied with moments of joy. I can't begin to tell tyou how crappy my life is (really and for serious), but meh, it's life, and much better than the alternative.

It'll all come good in the long run.
^I totally agree! The shittiest life is still a good deal better than the best death. I'd certainly fight tooth and claw for every second.

I had to deal with the dog thing for a while though, it was pretty awful. I called it Despair at Dawn.
Nice name! Our local priest insists in the bells getting rung at 6 am like crazy (on weekends, too!). Sadly, all dogs in the neighbourhood are very musically inclined and howl in protest. For reasons of solidarity ours joins. It's known as dawn-demonium in the neighbourhood.

Other totally annoying things on my list:
  • teenagers driving off with screeching tyres (they usually quit that habit quickly once they learned how much a set of new tyres costs :devil:)
  • postmen being too lazy to ring and see if you're at home and instead dropping you a note that you haven't been at home (while you were!) and you're to collect your letter or parcel at the post office (where they are promptly unable to find your mail, discover it a week later and return it to the sender instead of delivering it to you)
  • colleagues using my business car and returning it covered in 4 inches of mud and with an empty tank
  • all kinds of injustice
  • politicians lying in the voters' faces (and always getting away with it!)