Things that frustrate us all

Re: aaargh!!

Aaaargh! Went for my biopsy yesterday. Since my urologist's office called one of the prescriptions in to the wrong pharmacy, they cancelled the procedure. It was for the antibiotic... :cardie:

On the bright side, I was high on Valium and Demerol much of the day! :rofl:

That really goes way beyond the average inconvenience; I'm sorry you have to put that worry off yet again. {{{big squishy hug!}}}

I cut my cuticle on my thumb on Wednesday night... Thursday afternoon, I'm getting ready to go out the door to get my nieces from school and the cut reopens. Blood drips off my hand onto the key and onto my Seahawks t-shirt! ARGH!

a cut on your hand really stinks. squashed my finger in the door it bled for days. bleurghhh!
Re: aaargh!!

^ :bolian:

My every-six-months MRI and appt w/ my neurosurgeon are due this month. I scheduled the MRI easily enough. But the doc will be out of the state or country every Wednesday in September, plus the first Wednesday in October, and Wednesdays are the only days he schedules appts. Aaargh!

The downside of having a world-class surgeon -- he travels the world, teaching other surgeons, so he isn't always around when I want him to be. :( Of course, the upside of having a world-class surgeon is that I'm alive. :D
Re: aaargh!!

Bbailey861, thanks! :beer: Though being grateful to be alive does not totally eliminate aaaargh moments from one's life!

MLB, um, thanks? Congrats for what? Being alive? Having a great doc?
Re: aaargh!!

^ For the good news, of course. Good health should always be celebrated!

(If I sounded awkward, much apologizings. Didn't know how to word it. :alienblush: :D )
Re: aaargh!!

Ah, now I'm with you. :) I won't actually know for sure that I'm still in good health until after I have the MRI and see the doc to get the results.
Re: aaargh!!

I won't actually know for sure that I'm still in good health until after I have the MRI and see the doc to get the results.

Well in the meantime you will be in our thoughts and prayers and best wishes for a continued good healthiness. :beer:
Re: aaargh!!

I love that movie! One of the most memorable soliloquies of all time.

Also had one of my fave Wesley Snipes lines ever: "That's who you remind me of: an evil Mister Rogers!"
"Be well..."
Aaaargh! Went for my biopsy yesterday. Since my urologist's office called one of the prescriptions in to the wrong pharmacy, they cancelled the procedure. It was for the antibiotic... :cardie:

On the bright side, I was high on Valium and Demerol much of the day! :rofl:

That really goes way beyond the average inconvenience; I'm sorry you have to put that worry off yet again. {{{big squishy hug!}}}
I live for your big squishy hugs, miLady!

Of course, the upside of having a world-class surgeon is that I'm alive. :D

No aaargh!! Just YAY!!!:beer:
Agreed! So happy to have you around, my friend.
Re: aaargh!!

yesterday's argh: my usually very quiet asian neighbours, 4 doors down, had a party that was so loud that you could hear it half a mile away. Asking them to turn the music down a little didn't help, so I spent the night in a nearby hotel.

On the upside, I've never in my life had such a clean and quiet hotel room and such an excellent mattrass. =) If it was cheaper I'd move in there till I get pensioned off.
Re: aaargh!!

Naah, usually they really are quite silent - this time it was just so loud because they had the windows open; a problem that'll solve itself once night temperatures drop below zero again (i.e. in about a month).
But I expect a few extra fortune cookies with my takeaway meals in the next weeks :D
Re: aaargh!!

Small arrrgh: The rich text editor doesn't load in older topics on another forum I'm on! :brickwall: So I had to use the HTML one. Which is always fun :D. Not! Since it tends to lump things together.
Re: aaargh!!

LOL naah, that'd be a bit extreme. They really are a very nice and friendly family and this has been the first time they were really loud at night (apparently the young hubby insists in singing karaoke when he's drunk LOL). I think he'll sober up pretty quickly when the other neighbours start to complain, too :D

@ RandomSpock: aww, that sucks! Why would it not work on older topics? Shouldn't all topics be treated alike by the software?