Things that frustrate us all

Re: aaargh!!

I thought I would check out some Star Trek Facebook groups today.



Lowest or highest moment: I watched two guys doing the venerable "I'm an outlaw biker ninja / well, I'm a Special Forces commando whose penis is registered as a lethal weapon" online bullsh*tting dance, and it's like... you know you're posting this under your own names, right? That anyone from your friends network could just come along at any time and see you behaving like this?
Re: aaargh!!

I thought I would check out some Star Trek Facebook groups today.



Lowest or highest moment: I watched two guys doing the venerable "I'm an outlaw biker ninja / well, I'm a Special Forces commando whose penis is registered as a lethal weapon" online bullsh*tting dance, and it's like... you know you're posting this under your own names, right? That anyone from your friends network could just come along at any time and see you behaving like this?

Oh Facebook™, is there nothing you can't ruin?
Re: aaargh!!

Received a quote request from a lady who doesn't actually own the cars she drives and doesn't actually have a valid license. Could not explain why she does not have a valid license. Just because people can drive it does not follow they all should. Lost a half hour of my day listening to her ramble on about mostly nothing.
Re: aaargh!!

Training another newbie, who won't shut up long enough for me to tell her about all the things she's doing wrong.

Re: aaargh!!

I watched two guys doing the venerable "I'm an outlaw biker ninja / well, I'm a Special Forces commando whose penis is registered as a lethal weapon" online bullsh*tting dance, and it's like... you know you're posting this under your own names, right?

Do you know what a pain in the ass it is to register your penis as a lethal weapon? And forget about going outside if you don't have a CCW permit...
Re: aaargh!!

Apaz (go on, you want to complain about people who say that) I have thrown out the paper that would have given me 75.00 back on my recent thousands of dollars dental bills.
Re: aaargh!!

Aaaargh! Went for my biopsy yesterday. Since my urologist's office called one of the prescriptions in to the wrong pharmacy, they cancelled the procedure. It was for the antibiotic... :cardie:

On the bright side, I was high on Valium and Demerol much of the day! :rofl:
I'm the kind of guy who would sit in the greasy spoon and think "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the big rack of Barbecued spare ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I *want* high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese alright? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinatti in a non-smoking section. I wanna run around naked with green jell-o all over my body reading a Playboy magazine. Why? Because maybe I feel the need to, okay, pal?
I love that movie! One of the most memorable soliloquies of all time.
Re: aaargh!!

I'm the kind of guy who would sit in the greasy spoon and think "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the big rack of Barbecued spare ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I *want* high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese alright? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinatti in a non-smoking section. I wanna run around naked with green jell-o all over my body reading a Playboy magazine. Why? Because maybe I feel the need to, okay, pal?

"What the fuck is going on? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? You know, all my life, I've been careful to stay in my own corner. Looking out for Number One... no complications. Now, suddenly, I'm responsible for the *entire fucking world*, and everybody and his mother is trying to kill me, IF... IF... my head doesn't blow up first.

Listen. You listen to me. You see that city over there? THAT'S where I'm supposed to be. Not down here with the dogs, and the garbage, and the fucking last month's newspapers blowing *back* and *forth*. I've had it with them, I've had it with you, I've had it with ALL THIS - *I want ROOM SERVICE*! I want the club sandwich, I want the cold Mexican beer, I want a $10,000-a-night hooker! I want my shirts laundered... like they do... at the Imperial Hotel... in Tokyo."

Johnny Mnemonic

Ahhh...that is better...thank you, Melakon, and thank you all...I do not feel so bad now...I was gone for a minute there...but now I am back...

Re: aaargh!!

"And I really don't care for the way your company left me in the middle of fucking nowhere with fucking keys to a fucking car that isn't fucking there. And I really didn't care to fucking walk, down a fucking highway, and across a fucking runway to get back here to have you smile in my fucking face. I want a fucking car RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"
Re: aaargh!!

We got a call from one of our members who asked if she could be reimbursed the fee she paid to a dentist who performed a vasectomy on her 11-year-old son. I explained what a vasectomy is. Turned out to be a frenectomy. Not the same thing. :rommie:
"Look Lady, if you took your 11 Year Old son to a Dentist and had a Vasectomy performed, that's on you"
That's actually pretty much what I said-- along with, "If this were true, we'd have to call the police." :rommie: Of course, I wasn't talking directly to the member, but to the associate who took the call and then called me for help.

On the bright side, I was high on Valium and Demerol much of the day! :rofl:
Demerol is the good stuff. :bolian:
Re: aaargh!!

I cut my cuticle on my thumb on Wednesday night... Thursday afternoon, I'm getting ready to go out the door to get my nieces from school and the cut reopens. Blood drips off my hand onto the key and onto my Seahawks t-shirt! ARGH!