The Terry Matalas as Star Trek Showrunner Petition

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I meant during a crisis. That's the issue. A breakdown here and there during a crisis, sure.

But these are Lieutenants and Lt. Commanders and up... officers who supposedly graduated the Academy. It paints them as unprofessional because of how often this occured.

Deal with the crisis, then have a breakdown. Otherwise, lives can be lost.
I meant during a crisis. That's the issue. A breakdown here and there during a crisis, sure.

But these are Lieutenants and Lt. Commanders and up... officers who supposedly graduated the Academy. It paints them as unprofessional because of how often this occured.

Deal with the crisis, then have a breakdown. Otherwise, lives can be lost.
Eh, it’s a TV show driven by drama.
I meant during a crisis. That's the issue. A breakdown here and there during a crisis, sure.

But these are Lieutenants and Lt. Commanders and up... officers who supposedly graduated the Academy. It paints them as unprofessional because of how often this occured.

Deal with the crisis, then have a breakdown. Otherwise, lives can be lost.
I don't entirely disagree but having been rewatching things like JAG, Marvel and the like I just see this as the part of the dramatic verisimilitude. It bothers me less and less, especially since trauma gets treated as something to be ignored for as long as possible by many.

So, while I can see how this bothers many I also have watched this trend in shows for a while, and see it more prominently than before. And it bothers me less and less.

Mileage will vary.
Eh, it’s a TV show driven by drama.
Also this.
Disco is about as far from Star Wars as you can get. If I had to chose between you and Kurtzman on who knows “the lore”, I’d go with Kurtzman.

Disco is about as far from Star Wars as you can get. If I had to chose between you and Kurtzman on who knows “the lore”, I’d go with Kurtzman.
That's because you have never cared about accuracy. Lol
Accuracy of what? A fictional universe? Hate to break it to you, man. STAR TREK ISN’T REAL. Accuracy doesn’t matter.
Accuracy is what make of it. TOS was not as accurate, and TMP and TNG and all of them gave basic lip service to it at times, and delved more deeply in other facets. Some writers ignored it, reset it, or just moved on.

That is the nature of storytelling. The meaning is given by the viewing audience, and not the writer. Accuracy is not as important as drama.
Gosh, @Pubert... Quit.

You've said what you wanted to say, ad nauseam.

Go talk somewhere else, about a Star Trek show you like.

Spread some joy among the people.

What exactly are you trying to prove?

What exactly is it that you're trying to win?
Was thinking that yesterday. As good as this season is shaping up, Gene would still have hated and vetoed it for numerous reasons, not least the bountiful interpersonal conflict.

I find it funny how Terry is being held as some Trek messiah by elements of the fandom when PIC season three has far more in common stylistically and content wise with Discovery than TNG.

I've been saying the same thing.

Terry is not the hero these people are looking for. His show is just Discovery with more memberberries.(And for some less black women and homosexuals)

It's still dark (fx and thematically) it's still full of personal anguish and conflict. It's still full of random family members popping up out of nowhere, still full of "pew pew" and disintegrating blasters, mystery box plots, panto villains etc.
I've been saying the same thing.

Terry is not the hero these people are looking for. His show is just Discovery with more memberberries.(And for some less black women and homosexuals)

It's still dark (fx and thematically) it's still full of personal anguish and conflict. It's still full of random family members popping up out of nowhere, still full of "pew pew" and disintegrating blasters, mystery box plots, panto villains etc.

It's been great.
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