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The Terry Matalas as Star Trek Showrunner Petition

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Terry Matalas wants to do Star Trek: Legacy. We know that this series will not be set onboard the Titan as all the sets were bulldozed after filming of Picard season 3 completed. Must be based on an Enterprise then… :D

So what is Star Trek Legacy? Is it some kind of Star Trek Anthology that tell about the story of all eras like in the game Star Trek legacy in 2006? Nah, that's not my cup of coffee then. Plus, Star Trek anthology will also need a bigger budgets, as you'll need more actors & actress, and the setting will require more work and money because each era have their own artistic styles
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So what is Star Trek Legacy? Is it some kind of Star Trek Anthology that tell about the story of all eras like in the game Star Trek legacy in 2006? Nah, that's not my cup of coffee then. Plus, Star Trek anthology will also need a bigger budgets, as you'll need more actors & actress, and the setting will require more work and money because each era have their own artistic styles
I think that independent ‘event’ streaming movies in an anthology format would be cool, like special standalone TV movies. One for example could have an older (George Takei) Sulu recalling and narrating a past adventure in the 23rd century with a new younger cast Sulu. Another could be set during the Eugenics War on Earth being about a younger Khan. They could release such specials every year or so on various streaming platforms instead of, or as well as, a big budget theatrical movie every 3-4 years. I think that this streaming ‘specials’ format would work well along side a new main ‘prestige’ TV series taking Star Trek in the 25th century in a ‘true’ continuation onboard a new Enterprise rather than being yet another ‘spin-off’ in an over saturated market. I think that Terry Matalas’ idea was for Star Trek: Legacy to be such a continuation of Star Trek taking the franchise in to the 25th century. But I could be wrong, I can’t remember what he said exactly.

I know that there are fan suggestions for an anthology series also called Legacy, I have seen this in the future of Trek forum somewhere.
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Star Trek Legacy is nothing at the moment besides fan speculation.
Everything is speculation at the moment.

Seven of Nine’s ship hasn’t sailed just yet either… though I guess that Seven could always lead a Legacy series as Captain of the Enterprise. It would have to be better lit ship than the Titan internally though, more like the JJ-verse Enterprise crossed with the LCARS we have in Picard season 3. Also no lense flares. It would also have to have phaser strips not phaser canons. :D
I really like what I have seen with PICARD season 3 thus far. At the very least, 4 episodes in and it hasn't taken a nosedive, unlike the previous seasons, and it feels like a more cohesive story is being presented.

That said, there are still 6 episodes left, so I can't fairly judge the season until it's complete.

And even if the season turns out to end great, it is still just one season under his belt. Calling someone 'the greatest showrunner for STAR TREK' or words to that effect... shouldn't they do at least two seasons before being given such a title? Just to prove that what they did wasn't a fluke or just lucky or a 'right place, right time' situation.

All of my favorite showrunners from various shows (in and out of ST) have had more than one season under their belt as a showrunner, except for Manny Coto... and that's really only because he didn't get the chance to continue past ENT season 4.

So while I respect that a petition for Terry Matalas to be the showrunner for the next series is an nice idea for fans of his work (and I really loved 12 MONKEYS, it's definitely worth watching), at the end of the day, the studios will not hire a showrunner based on petitions from a fanbase. Petitions may help create a series or prevent a series from getting the axe because it does show interest, but that's a far cry from hiring someone to handle all the day to day production issues. Showrunning is much more than being able to tell good stories and guide other writers in the room. Some people are better at writing episodes than showrunning, and vice versa.

A good example of this would be Rick Berman... whether you agree with a lot of his decisions or not, he kept the franchise going for 13 years after Roddenberry's death, not to mention he basically took over in the last couple years he was alive. So he knew how to run the business. But he was not a very good writer.

On the flip side, there's Jeri Taylor. I think she is a wonderful writer... just look at some of her episodes. "The Drumhead", "The Outcast", "EYE OF THE NEEDLE", "PERSISTENCE OF VISION", "ALLIANCES", "NOTHING HUMAN"... she wrote very, very strong episodes. But as a showrunner, she quite honestly fell flat... the two seasons she was the sole showrunner, TNG season 7 and VOYAGER season 3, were the weakest of both shows.
Honestly I'll take anyone over Kurtzman. Sometimes I think he's only watched Star Wars and no Trek. It's obvious by Discovery that he did not know Trek lore at all.
Everything from the pew pew phasers to the combat scenes and to the robot droids that fix the ship all scream star wars. Lol

Yeah, because there’s never been pew pew phasers before Discovery. Nope. Not even TOS or TWOK. Oh wait. There totally were.

And the robots that fix the ship? Good god, Riker has a line in TNG season two about the ship cleaning itself. How do you think that happens? They transport the dirt? I’d think if they clean the ship, robots can fix it too. Unless it actually requires an engineer. We have robots that clean our floors now and fix things as well. No reason why it we wouldn’t have that in the future.
Yeah, because there’s never been pew pew phasers before Discovery. Nope. Not even TOS or TWOK. Oh wait. There totally were.

And the robots that fix the ship? Good god, Riker has a line in TNG season two about the ship cleaning itself. How do you think that happens? They transport the dirt? I’d think if they clean the ship, robots can fix it too. Unless it actually requires an engineer. We have robots that clean our floors now and fix things as well. No reason why it we wouldn’t have that in the future.

Yeah there were no cleaning robots on the D. Lol
Yeah, because there’s never been pew pew phasers before Discovery. Nope. Not even TOS or TWOK. Oh wait. There totally were.

And the robots that fix the ship? Good god, Riker has a line in TNG season two about the ship cleaning itself. How do you think that happens? They transport the dirt? I’d think if they clean the ship, robots can fix it too. Unless it actually requires an engineer. We have robots that clean our floors now and fix things as well. No reason why it we wouldn’t have that in the future.
Well, obviously if we never saw it happen it must not exist!
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