Spoilers The Sandman grade and discussion

Which makes sense since Netflix is cagey about releasing their metrics, especially to above the line creatives. This is a sticking point in a lot of union negotiations right now and the WGA is set to go to head with the streamers on this next year.

There's no such thing as bad press.

Netflix doesn't make money on views.

It's a about new subscriptions and renewed subscriptions.

If a million people join up just to watch Sandman and they have to renew their subscription 15 times to finish season one, and rewatch season one a couple times, that will pay for one episode.

You know this.
I just finished the first ten episodes. Overall I enjoyed this quite a bit and the arc of the season and its themes were well done. I can't imagine a more fitting dramatic interpretation of the story. I loved the ending and how it took time to wrap up the various plotlines and set up the next season, which I imagine will include the rest of Dream Country, Seasons of Mist (this was the story that really made my a fan of Gaiman's work and was the most recently published work when I first started reading the series), and A Game of You. Hopefully, if the series is allowed to tell the whole story, I think it can be done in four seasons (with Season 3 ending somewhere in the middle of The Kindly Ones). I am thinking that unless the series is popular enough to get five seasons, which seems really unlikely considering a second season may be in doubt, then we are not going to see World's End.

One real problem I had was the acting of the person playing Rose Walker. I liked her overall, but her lack of experience really showed and at times her performance was quite amateurish--like something you might see in a community theatre group. It really stood out when surrounded by such quality acting talent in the rest of the cast.
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Finished this over the weekend, didn't want to post here until I had (I mean spoilers are unlikely given I've read the comics but still...)

I thought it was wonderful. I can see some issues people might have with it, the semi-anthology element might put some off but I loved it. A few episodes were a bit slow but the show never stayed slow for long.

Casting wise I have few complaints.

Sturridge was excellent, let's face it the show stands of falls based on him. His voice was amazing, the vanity and arrogance with just a hint of empathy beneath the surface. Spot on.

Holbrook as The Corinthian was good as well, not an easy role to play because there isn't a lot there to dig into.

Christie as Lucifer, I mean I love Tom Ellis but I love her too! Don't make me choose :scream:

Howell-Baptiste was very good, I was a little uncertain just because of how engrained the comic book look was, but she knocked it out of the park. The kindness and empathy was spot on, if I had a complaint it'd be that comics Death at times seems more childlike, but I guess you risk going into Delirium territory there. Talking of the other Endless Mason Alexander Park was perfect, Preston was good as Desire, it is annoying that a show so committed to diversity didn't make some changes to this character, oh look she's a fat slovenly character. It get it's comic accurate but...

Don't want to go through everyone but I really liked Acheampong as Lucienne.

Missteps? I adore Coleman but I thought she was slightly miscast, though her Constantine did grow on me.

Best episode? Sound of her Wings, duh! Just a beautiful episode of television. Really glad they didn't have the baby speaking, worked in the comics, wouldn't work on screen. Have to say however wonderful the Death segment was, I think I loved the Hob story even more.

24/7 was very good as well, not an episode I was looking forward to because the comic is a hard read, but it wasn't as horrible as I expected, whether they toned it down or I'd just built it up in my head I don't know. Thewlis was v good.

Dream of 1000 Cats/Calliope was great also. Re cats does anyone know if there were UK/UK/Other versions? I noticed Joe Lycett was one of the cats, guessing most cousins across the water won't have a clue who he is :lol:

Calliope in particular was superb, always a joy to see Rory and the Master!

Damn I really hope we get a second season, but if we don't, well at least this can stand alone.

A better Sandman than we probably had any right to expect all things considered.
Dream of 1000 Cats/Calliope was great also. Re cats does anyone know if there were UK/UK/Other versions? I noticed Joe Lycett was one of the cats, guessing most cousins across the water won't have a clue who he is :lol:
I know (and love) Joe Lycett thanks to QI and the various Jimmy Carr game shows, so I recognized his voice right away! Perfectly cast for that bit role. :D

I'm pretty sure there's only one version. While most of that cast was British (least of all, a Staged reunion!), it did also have Sandra Oh.
I have no idea how absolute such a WGA entry would be but it has been a month, the length of time Neil has said Netflix wanted to wait and see how well the show received. Either way, I'm sure the moment it has actually been renewed, we'll hear about it from Neil.
Zaslav needs that money right now, baby. No ones got time to wait 18-24 months, hell, Netflix will probably pull the shows after six, that's what he'd do.
This deleted scene has been talked about since the convention in Brazil a few weeks back and now it has finally popped up online:

I really wish this scene was kept. Not just for the obvious set-up for The High Cost of Living (if it ever gets made) but also because it's such a sweet and tender moment between Death and Dream about humans and their sense of existence.
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Yeah, I don't know anything about what it's setting up, but does give us some nice insight into Death's character, and it is a shame it was cut.
No actual news, sorry, folks. But Adam Savage published this wonderful video a few months ago and has been sitting in my queue ever since, which I've finally watched:

As always, I'm blown by the level of detail modelmakers create for props such as these and how real they look, despite being 3D printed material for the most part.
What's on Netflix reports (you have scroll down a bit to get o this particular news) that casting calls have begun for Thor, Loki, Odin, Auberon, and Titania, following the heels of casting calls for Delirium, Destruction, Destiny, and Wanda. The article has character descriptions for most of the roles.

Good to know season two production is progressing even if they can't do any writing and filming right now.

One curious thing is this description for Wanda:

Transgender female late 20s to early 40s – A driver and security agent for an exclusive high-end travel firm. Will serve as a personal guide and liaison for Dream and Delirium during their time in the waking world.
I wonder if that means they're doing Brief Lives prior to Game of You with Wanda in this new role, or if this is a mistake in Wanda's character description.
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No news on the second season production yet (other than it resumed in November after the strikes concluded), but I wanted to post this newly released trailer for Netflix' adaptation of Gaiman's Dead Boy Detectives:

The characters first appeared in The Sandman before spinning off onto their own series. The trailer features a certain someone making an unsurprising appearance.
No news on the second season production yet (other than it resumed in November after the strikes concluded), but I wanted to post this newly released trailer for Netflix' adaptation of Gaiman's Dead Boy Detectives:

The characters first appeared in The Sandman before spinning off onto their own series. The trailer features a certain someone making an unsurprising appearance.
Even if I wasn't a fan of the Sandman, and Gaiman in general, I'd be excited just because of my fifty year old fondness for "My Partner the Ghost" (aka Randall and Hopkirk, Deceased).