Spoilers The Orville: New Horizons Season 3 Discussion

Watching the pilot episode again, the initial tone was so odd, especially the antagonistic relationship between Mercer and Grayson. It's very much like TNG where the first season feels like a different show where they were trying to figure things out.
I did note that in The Orville it was the replicator which Changed Everything whereas in Trek it was the warp drive.

Their entire society depends upon laziness being "frowned upon" enough for everyone to be encouraged to do something with their lives and that is in no way plausible.

With automation and advanced tech it might be possible, Sooner or later everyone wants to have a purpose in life. The social pressure is something that likely didn't start off being their but as more and more people start to take advantage of the system it likely started to grow.
I agree with Jayson1. The majority of people are not "lazy". Most want to do something with their lives, but the reality of the world suffocates that urge because we need to make money to live our lives. In a world where that "reality" does not exist people are free to do what makes them feel worthy even if it is not something that is considered desirable in our current world. If someone wants to paint designs for ceramic plates for their life, then they can do that. If they want to spend their life playing guitar on a street corner then they can do that and can actually become a really good guitarist. All of the people with physical/psychological disadvantages can live a rewarding life that makes them happy.

Just because skills are not valued in a capitalist society, does not mean they would not be valuable in a world where money is not valued.
Excellent observation, I didn’t catch that one.

This raises the question of how “work” and “Not Doing Anything” are culturally conceptualized, which may not be as clear cut as one would believe.

A few weeks ago I was talking about UBI with some friends, and how some people believe that it could give people more free time to pursue other things they’ve always wanted too (art, painting, writing, learning a musical instrument, etc.,), to which someone replied “why should we pay people to stay home and do nothing all day?”.

Regardless of whether UBI is a viable policy or not (I’m still on the fence), a lot of people have a very narrow definition of what constitutes as “work” and would be quick to judge other people as lazy freeloaders, a stigma that would inevitably damage reputations.

I like to think the Union is probably more enlightened than some of my meathead friends though lol.

What is UBI?
Ah, thank you.

While I agree nobody should be without basics like food, clothing, shelter, etc., I am against the idea that I or anyone else has to work for people who do not want to do anything with themselves.

Why should I have to work hard just so other people can get everything they need and not lift a finger? That's not fair.

Grayson is right... at least try to be a guitarist, or researcher, or artist, or a waiter. Even things like just beta testing games. Something. Anything other than just take the resources you are given and not even attempt to do something.

It's one thing to work to help people in need (the homeless, disabled, elderly, etc.), but it's quite another when you have to work because others don't want to do anything. That's called 'gaming the system', something that a LOT of people in the U.S. do. I'm sure that's true for other countries that have welfare systems and the like in place.
Season 3 of THE ORVILLE was awesome. I loved seasons 1 and 2, but this was just a couple levels above and beyond.

The stories, the following up on previous adventures, the morality plays within them... just excellent, all the way through.

(One thing I was always happy Seth never brought in were transporters. I think he knew that would bring in too many loopholes and solutions and story minefields to handle.)

I sincerely hope we get a fourth season, but if we don't, "FUTURE UNKNOWN" is a great way to close out the show... at the top.
Ah, thank you.

I am against the idea that I or anyone else has to work for people who do not want to do anything with themselves.

Why should I have to work hard just so other people can get everything they need and not lift a finger? That's not fair.

The thing is that in a society like Orville/Star Trek, you would not be working "for" people -- whatever you are doing is just for the betterment of society and self-fulfillment. If people want to bead clothes and jewellery or paint ceramic plates and give them away, that is still a betterment of society.
Ah, thank you.

While I agree nobody should be without basics like food, clothing, shelter, etc., I am against the idea that I or anyone else has to work for people who do not want to do anything with themselves.

Why should I have to work hard just so other people can get everything they need and not lift a finger? That's not fair.

Grayson is right... at least try to be a guitarist, or researcher, or artist, or a waiter. Even things like just beta testing games. Something. Anything other than just take the resources you are given and not even attempt to do something.

It's one thing to work to help people in need (the homeless, disabled, elderly, etc.), but it's quite another when you have to work because others don't want to do anything. That's called 'gaming the system', something that a LOT of people in the U.S. do. I'm sure that's true for other countries that have welfare systems and the like in place.

Of course resources mean less once you get replicators and also have access to resources to other worlds as well. One of the beauties of this system is even the most lazy person still is not a drain on the system in anyway. Said person might be annoying to others who are actually making the world better but said person also isn't hurting anyone or taking anything away from others.
In a STAR TREK or ORVILLE world, I agree totally. I was commenting on the current world and my thoughts on why that would not be fair to others and why it simply won't work now.