The Least Disliked 2023: Star Trek Movies


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Our addictive biyearly game of rapid elimination returns - now featuring the movies for the first time since 2011. It's generally a lot of fun, providing a chance to mentally revisit those movies you may not have thought about in a while. With that in mind, why not play again?


Give what you consider to be the worst/your least favourite movie ONE point, and briefly explain WHY. Be sure to copy and paste the list with your point added. When a movie reaches 4 points, it is eliminated. Then a NEW round begins (in this thread) with the numbers restored to 0. Vote ONCE per round. If 48 hours without a vote passes, the movie currently leading in points will be eliminated, and a new round will begin. And enjoy! :bolian:

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 0
Star Trek: Nemesis - 0
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 0
Star Trek Beyond - 0
The Final Frontier gets my first vote. A very silly story with shockingly bad effects.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - 1
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 0
Star Trek: Nemesis - 0
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 0
Star Trek Beyond - 0
Agreed., TFF has great campfire scenes, and one of my favorite McCoy moments is when we see his secret pain about his father's death.

However, the rest of the film has far too much stupid humor and lacks tension.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - 2
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 0
Star Trek: Nemesis - 0
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 0
Star Trek Beyond - 0
TFF for the vile treatment of Uhura.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - 3
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 0
Star Trek: Nemesis - 0
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 0
Star Trek Beyond - 0
Let's finish off TFF, then. That dismal effort had more wrong with it than I want to go into. Resetting...

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 0
Star Trek: Nemesis - 0
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 0
Star Trek Beyond - 0
I'm surprised this one didn't go first, but let me see if I can help it go second.

"Nemesis." For the dune buggies. (I'm sorry, wouldn't it have made more sense to land the shuttle near your target?) For Shinzon's dubious motivations. (I'm sorry, did it ever make any sense for him to want to destroy Earth?) For the mind-rape of Troi. (I'm sorry -- no I'm not; that was just nasty.) For an epically unconvincing look at "Picard as he might have been." For killing off Data, only to leave an apparent replacement behind. For wasting Wesley's return. For tanking Tom Hardy's career. For tanking the franchise.

I only ever saw this movie once, and I spent most of the time bitching. The folks with me didn't have a problem with my attitude, because they were joining in.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 0
Star Trek: Nemesis - 1
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 0
Star Trek Beyond - 0
Last edited:
I think INS is next for me. Like TFF, it has cheesy humour, lacks tension, and seems to exist in its own little bubble of the franchise with its lack of proper mention of the Dominion War.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 1
Star Trek: Nemesis - 1
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 0
Star Trek Beyond - 0
"Nemesis", the movie so terrible it took a 30-episode series to repair the damage.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 1
Star Trek: Nemesis - 2
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 0
Star Trek Beyond - 0
Voting "Into Darkness." Not only is it pointless fanservice, it's fanservice that gets it all wrong, becoming a worst-of-all-worlds waste of time. I can just see JJ Abrams (or whoever is responsible) on the side of the screen going, "You Star Trekkers liked when he yelled 'Khaaaan!' right? Right?"

I like some Star Trek movies more than others (and I think most Star Trek fan forums have way too much negativity in general), but this is the only one I actively dislike. I find it genuinely patronizing and off-putting.

(and it's too bad because I think it has a pretty cool title, haha)

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 1
Star Trek: Nemesis - 2
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 1
Star Trek Beyond - 0
Nemesis in a walk. I almost voted for it last time despite STV being on the table. They should have put the wedding in INS and then never made this dumpster fire.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 1
Star Trek: Nemesis - 3
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 1
Star Trek Beyond - 0
My vote for this round is INTO DARKNESS.

It is without a doubt THE worst movie in the franchise... it overtook NEMESIS as worst film, easily.

The plot had more holes than swiss cheese, the ripping off of TWOK was just ludicrously done, and so many unbelieveable things happen.

This movie was a dumpster fire.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 1
Star Trek: Nemesis - 3
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 2
Star Trek Beyond - 0
I'll finish off Nemesis just for being a ghastly sendoff to the TNG crew.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 0
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 0
Star Trek Beyond - 0
My vote for this round is INTO DARKNESS, same reasons as before.

This dumpster fire should not have survived for so long.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 0
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 1
Star Trek Beyond - 0
"Into Darkness" was so awful, my husband still isn't willing to risk two hours on "Beyond." And he's watched every other Trek movie.
Not only is it pointless fanservice, it's fanservice that gets it all wrong, becoming a worst-of-all-worlds waste of time.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 0
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 2
Star Trek Beyond - 0
I’ve always loved Into Darkness. Honestly, my one big problem with it is the title.

Insurrection for me next. What a dreary, joyless slog of a film. It might also be the most boring of all of these. At leadt TFF and Nemesis maintain my interest (only because I’m so intensely revolted by them, but still). A revisit to Insurrection invariably bores me to sleep

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 1
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 2
Star Trek Beyond - 0
Insurrection has a few good moments... Geordi's eyes regrowing, for instance. But I kind of agreed with the admiral.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 0
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 2
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 2
Star Trek Beyond - 0
As awful as Into Darkness is, I find The Undiscovered Country far worse. Our crew are turned into (mostly) fumbling, useless, bigots, and they don't even have to be as the story would still work (pretty much). But the most unforgivable thing is Spock mind-raping Valeris - in front of the bridge crew, no less. As his best friend once said in a far superior film "There has to be another way. Spock would have found a way."

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 1
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 2
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 2
Star Trek Beyond - 0
I think I'll go with Into Darkness here. I don't hate it, but I'm not sure what the thought process was behind recycling and "subverting" the Khan material. I know we Trek fans tend to like callbacks but this wasn't it.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 1
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 2
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 3
Star Trek Beyond - 0
Got to go with Insurrection here. Just find it dull, with quite boring villains. Not a fan of some of the SFX either.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 1
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek: Insurrection - 3
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 3
Star Trek Beyond - 0
I'll finish off Insurrection. The entire plot is so stupidly written that it makes no damn sense anyway you look at it. Which doesn't make it that different from Into Darkness, but at least ID has Cumberbatch and Marcus makes for an ok villain, unlike INS which has the dumbest badmiral in Trek history and the crappy Sona.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 0
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 0
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - 0
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 0
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 1
Star Trek Generations - 0
Star Trek: First Contact - 0
Star Trek 2009 - 0
Star Trek Into Darkness - 3
Star Trek Beyond - 0