The Down Under Lounge

I found a good way to describe the Voice.

You have lived in a house, a nice house, for, ooo, 20-30 years. You know where everything is, and you're comfy.

Suddenly, someone turns up with suitcases and stuff. "Hi! I've come to live here!" They barge in, get your stuff out of the main bedroom, dump it in the spare room, and set themselves up. They move your stuff around, change your aircon and TV, and generally do whatever the hell they want. For reasons, you can't kick them out.

What do you do? You write up an agreement, and say, "If you want to do stuff, you have to talk it through with me first." The interloper isn't bound to it, but if they are any kind of reasonable person at all, they will do this, instead of just doing what they want with no consideration of you.
I hate the idea that something has to be perfect to be passed. Just weird as fuck. Take a step forward, build on it, next step.. can't do anything without the first step.

Unfortunately the fear mongers have to got to many. I don't watch free to air tv and I'm curious as to how much real information is on air about this referendum whether via commercials or news shows like Sunday whatsitcalled etc.. discussing it.

People very much resent being called racists if they vote no and I don't think this is a great way to educate people even if there's truth to it in some cases.
Unfortunately the fear mongers have to got to many. I don't watch free to air tv and I'm curious as to how much real information is on air about this referendum whether via commercials or news shows like Sunday whatsitcalled etc.. discussing it.

i suspect that between the coalition and news corpse the FUD factor is so high it's in orbit.

last week andrew dolt was blaming the factor that QANTAS is one the lists trusted brands in Australia not on management policies and fuck you attitude to staff and customers but on it's support for "woke" policies such as being on the yes side of the Voice vote.
People like Andrew Bolt give me the shis. The whole climate around the Voice is dividing people because of the vocal and loud no crowd.

Today the twit Sam Newman said people should boo during the welcome to country at AFL matches..
Sam Newman is a tool. Thankfully I don't care what he says. Read some of the comments on social media and makes me sad at some Australians.
So Dan Andrews has resigned as Premier and member for Mulgrave. Saw a bit of the commentary online. It seems many people are loving this news.
So Dan Andrews has resigned as Premier and member for Mulgrave. Saw a bit of the commentary online. It seems many people are loving this news.

Because people are stupid, I think he did a good job for Victoria.

Mundine at the press club yabbering on about the Voice will create two sets of people.

Are all these "No" people just the wealthy ones that have made their wack and it's "I got mine fuck you?"
I can't stand Daniel Andrews, an egotistical hubris bloated uber politician adept at building his bizarre cult of personality which has thankfully waned since the height of his covid fueled power.

I have voted for him 3 times and I would vote for him again if he ran tomorrow because what other alternative is there? Certainly not the increasingly parochial culture war fucktards in the opposition.

It was time for a change. It will be interesting to see what happens next. Labor is still at an (all time?) high of popularity but the spectre of financial ruin is being waved most effectively by the murdoch rags (and yes, where the fuck is all this money coming from).