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Terminus Timeline - Ships and Interiors

- I wish I had an office like that :)
Oh, and your guest bridge looks great!


Started a refresh of the TMP bridge. I'm going with a more Phase II aesthetic with this. I've been modeling all of the buttons based off either the Flight Manual or the Operations Manual with preference going to Operations as it has better details. I'm probably going to end up doing base versions of these with just textures slapped on them to cut down on polys and render times, but we'll see.

I modified the helm to be slightly thinner and shorter, more matching some of the pre-production photos from Phase II before it got converted over to the film. I ended up dropping both the velocity and course change displays on the helm. Because I changed proportions and scaling they both fit and it makes sense to have them both. This is a DAZ Studio render in the Bridge of the Week set with the Phase II helm in place of the TOS helm. Going to both a Phase II/TMP Bridge of the Week and a proper bridge so this works.

Needed a brief respite from bridges and helm controls so I'm working on uniform textures and my Class K civilian ship.

I'm over-thinking here. But here's the short version of what you're seeing. I'm designing the warp system attachment to the Class K which is going to tie into the impulse and main power systems which can also operate independently of the warp systems, but are greatly enhanced performance-wise with it's inclusion. I needed to rough this out so I knew what the top warp system enclosure was going to look like, but I also thought this could end up as part of an Engineering graphic in the ship down the line.

For those interested in how this would (theoretically) work, prepare for some nerdery.

The warp system here functions much like the larger civilian scout where the entire process of matter/anti-matter collision takes place in the nacelles alone and not inside the craft. The Anti-deuterium is stored and generated in the nacelles themselves in the red storage canisters. There are micro-fusion generators in there that convert and operate on Deuterium, stored in the large blue bottle and collected from stellar fragments as the ship moves. This is then processed into warp plasma that flows down through the nacelles allowing the warp coils to generate the warp field necessary for warp speeds. Excess warp plasma is fed out of the nacelles and into storage canisters. These are kept stable by several hard locking cooling units that the canisters rest in. As needed, the plasma is fed to the fusion reactors in the impulse engines of the ship or into the primary fusion reactors as needed to give the ship power.

The way this is designed, the ship would rarely if ever need to stock up on Anti-Deuterium, but it can be fed directly into the nacelles through access ports if needed. There is also an access port to fill up the liquid Deuterium container as the ship goes through its supply.

The shuttle will have two independently operated impulse engines mounted on either side and to the rear of the craft as well as two fusion generators on either side below them. Lots of redundancy and with the right bulkheads and ejection systems in place, fairly survivable should something catastrophic happen with any of the drive systems.

I did warn you about impending nerdery. :P

Built in TrueSpace 3.2

I think I'm done modeling the exterior of this little ship. I re-did the secondary hull so she doesn't have one anymore. She also doesn't have a rear cargo or shuttlebay. She instead has some over-sized Impulse engines and an extended Engineering section that the nacelles mount to. I think she looks a bit sleeker and faster this way. Considering she's primarily a civilian personnel transport with a minimal cargo capacity in the main hull, I thought this worked. Especially given she's got zero weapons capability.

Overall she ends up with 1 full deck, a bridge area above that and a science lab below.

Length: 414.2 ft
Width: 179.9 ft
Height: 57.95 ft.

Now I just need to add some weathering to her with the textures. My least favorite part.

Built in TrueSpace 3.2

Tinkered more with the Phase II male Casual uniform textures for the Valiant outfit and finally got something presentable. Going to have to work on the Duty and Dress uniforms next.

The Probert Ambassador is the Michael Wiley game mesh converted over to DAZ Studio. I wanted it to be studying a Wolf-Rayet star. I took the NASA Hubble image and tried to convert it over to a pseudo 3D object that I could have the ship in front of instead of a flat image and I think it worked out pretty well.
Pretty damn awesome to me :)

Thank you so much! :)

I rebuilt the Impulse engines, making them about half the size that they were and beefed up the housing to better protect Engineering. Tossed her into DAZ to do up a properly lit render and got some weird mesh errors on the nacelles. I'm probably going to end up having to rebuild that section. I also need to go through and remove most of the guts of the nacelle and in Engineering where I'd built the insides as they're gumming up the works and making for a really unnecessarily large file.

I'm not happy with the green lights. Need to up their brightness and base color. Also need to work on the materials for the domes on the nacelles as well as interior lighting there. The Deflector dish and the containment coils on the nacelles are WAY too reflective. Same with the metal bits on the rims of the saucer.

I need to go in and grime her up a bit texture wise, but for a lighting/render test this didn't come out too bad.
And now some history (beware nerdery ahead)

Liberty Class
Designed by Starfleet Core of Engineers 2195
First ship completed 2200
Production run ends 2245

Decks: 3
Crew: minimum 3 standard 6
Passengers: 6 to 12
Cargo (as originally configured): up to 100 metric tons depending on configuration
Regular Operating Capacity: 6 months, cargo can increase this to 18 months

Length: 414.2 ft (126m)
Width: 179.9 ft (54.83m)
Height: 57.95 ft (17.66m)

Cruising Speed: Warp 3
Maximum Speed: Warp 6.7 (up to 12 hours)

Designed primarily as a long term but small staffed research vessel and scout, the Liberty, was at the time, extremely fast and agile for her size. With an advanced scanner suite she was able to get accurate and quick scans and get out of a system quickly. As technology advanced, she began to be relegated into more of a research role and eventually began being used exclusively by civilians in the Federation. With large cabins, reliable propulsion and low maintenance, she became a favorite and still finds widespread use almost 75 years after her initial design and launch.

While most civilian versions only have the Deflector pod slung underneath the Engineering deck, options had been created that contained not only a Deflector but a probe launcher, or with some modifications, a proper photon torpedo launcher. These are a bit harder to come by as Starfleet dismantled those decades ago for use elsewhere. One popular modification is a cargo claw and a Deflector attachment on the lower saucer sensor dome, allowing the Liberty to act as a light freighter by hauling cargo containers and cargo trains underneath the Engineering hull and out behind her.

The Liberty's warp nacelles house the M/AM reaction chambers as well as the Anitmatter pods which is reclaimed from the Fusion engines and processes involved in powering the ship. While the Liberty will have to re-fuel it's Dueterium after a stretch of long use, the Anti-Dueterium rarely, if ever, has to be replenished. It's Emergency systems include the ability to discard the nacelles as well as the standard emergency buoy and two life rafts that are integrated into the lift system and launch from behind the bridge on top of the saucer.

Equipped with a science suite, a 2 person sickbay, a 3 person transporter, and a large cargo bay for it's size as well as accommodations for the crew and several passengers, the Liberty has found service in recent years as a limited cargo and personnel transport.

I ended up putting a bunch of light weathering on her as well as some very faint grid lines on the saucer, almost like they were penciled on, much like the TOS Connie. It's all really subtle, but I didn't want to mark the ship up too much. I also ended up gutting the vents on the sides and re-doing them entirely with a different approach. The circular holes in the side vents were the issue causing mesh errors before and after re-building it twice that way I went another route entirely. I also managed to tone down the reflections on the gold and copper on the nacelles and deflector as well as give them some rougher parts so they look a bit more used.

So we went from


to what's up above. :)

Built in TrueSpace 3.2
Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.10 with iRay
Such a lovely little ship, and with an interesting history, too. I love the colour scheme (including the gold & copper), and those frosted/translucent nacelle caps!
Such a lovely little ship, and with an interesting history, too. I love the colour scheme (including the gold & copper), and those frosted/translucent nacelle caps!

Thank you! Took me a bit after I stalled out on the warp engines and secondary hull but she got it together eventually :)
Back to interiors! Engineering station components are done. On to Communications!

The Communications station has a LOT of console bits to it. Makes me respect Uhura even more. Holy hell were ship communications complicated in the 23rd Century. 12 more parts to the Communications station to model and then on to the science station. Only 6 of those are on the console, the rest are part of the display screens.

Built and Rendered in TrueSpace 3.2
Decks: 3
Crew: minimum 3 standard 6
Passengers: 6 to 12
I hope that's a typo and it was meant to be 30 to 60. In my opinion, there's no way, even with automation, that six people can run a ship that size for six months.

That said, I like the design and really love the control panels you've made.
I hope that's a typo and it was meant to be 30 to 60. In my opinion, there's no way, even with automation, that six people can run a ship that size for six months.

That said, I like the design and really love the control panels you've made.

That stat is what this particular one is set-up for. After years of fine-tuning and a lot of upgrades, she basically transports people from one place to another. If she was going out on a long deployment of cargo haul, yeah it'd have more crew for a rotation. Or if she picks up a job hauling scientists around they would be expected to assist. Going for short hops that last no more than a week or two, she's good. Her Captain isn't a fool and tends to stick to shorter jaunts so she can keep the smaller crew, kind of like a family.

Now, if it was a full blow Starfleet vessel and not a civilian ship, she would have a full blown crew and less room for passengers, etc and would definitely be fully staffed. I'd say at that point you'd be looking at about 30 and all but the Captain and XO would be sharing quarters.

And thanks!

I honestly have zero idea if I'm going to continue with this or not, but I wanted to see what this would have looked like beyond the blueprints from Phase II. This was the concept, or blueprints, for the Klingon bridge from Phase II before it got massively overhauled to become the Klingon bridge in the Motion Picture. @Donny posted the blueprints over on his TOS thread and I decided to give it a quick pass (like 2 hours) to see what it looked like built, roughly.

It would definitely need refinement, especially as this is a partial set. Through the doors is just a series of wild walls and where the camera is rendering from in the first shot is just completely open. It works as a small set but you're limited on angles.

Built and Rendered in TrueSpace 3.2

I honestly have zero idea if I'm going to continue with this or not, but I wanted to see what this would have looked like beyond the blueprints from Phase II. This was the concept, or blueprints, for the Klingon bridge from Phase II before it got massively overhauled to become the Klingon bridge in the Motion Picture. @Donny posted the blueprints over on his TOS thread and I decided to give it a quick pass (like 2 hours) to see what it looked like built, roughly.

It would definitely need refinement, especially as this is a partial set. Through the doors is just a series of wild walls and where the camera is rendering from in the first shot is just completely open. It works as a small set but you're limited on angles.

Built and Rendered in TrueSpace 3.2
Nice job! I admit I've never been too crazy about the design in that schematic, but I love that you took this and ran with it! It may just take seeing it all fleshed out in 3D for me to appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing more (if you stick with it, that is)
Nice job! I admit I've never been too crazy about the design in that schematic, but I love that you took this and ran with it! It may just take seeing it all fleshed out in 3D for me to appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing more (if you stick with it, that is)

Thanks! I'm thinking if I do move forward, I'm going to do something like we saw in the later season episodes for the bridge off in that 'wild' section beyond the door. Some of the mesh screens with consoles behind them. The other thing I'm thinking is an adaptation for the TMP Klingon bridge seat for the Klingon commander and then off in the open section, a gunner chair/station like in TMP.

The other thing with this bridge is the Romulan swap out/repaint with Romulan logos, a different command and weapons chair and of course different graphics and lighting.

I may just end up finishing this one out after all. LOL

Poking around a little bit at my 24th Century ship interior, I had a rethink about my Engineering plans after checking out some blueprints that were recently put in front of my eyeballs and I'm thinking that I will probably go this route. The idea is to open up Engineering so it's not the cramped set-up I built for the 23rd Century version, but also, it's not nearly as automated as say the Enterprise D, think mid-24th Century. I'm keeping the same basic warp core area and set-up but it's built to contain the core and JUST the core. No extras. Warp engines are dangerous. So it'll have that and a big door that can drop in emergencies. The area just passed the core is a big kind of meeting area with several consoles around it and the 'pool' table. Not all of this is going to be consoles as one wall is going to be turned into access panels and the wall opposite that will be the massive MSD for the ship. 4 entrances/exits in this area, one being a turbolift. At the back end is the Chief Engineer's office (and head but I'm probably not going to model the head) and in a side alcove there's either going to be a small break area or one of those huge clear displays and then we have a set of four consoles and a wraparound console. The main entrance to Engineering will be open and have the big doors except during Red Alert when that will seal off except for authorized personnel.

This is a LOT bigger than what I'd originally planned, and I might bring the sides in a bit. This is also EXTREMELY rough as I'm just trying to get a feel for this and even see if I want to pursue it.

Overall I think I like the feel as it's bigger and overly complicated than the TMP/Phase II Engineering set I built and it's not as streamlined as the Engineering of the ships in the later 24th Century so it kind of fits in that gap.

Has it really been 7 months since I touched this set?? Oi.

Built in TrueSpace 3.2
Apparently I needed a break from building the TMP consoles and cleaning up a set because I just dove into this face first.

Copied over the basics and the warp core area I'd previously detailed and started refining the bracing, the wrap around console, a high wall mounted wall piece that mirrors the same wall part from my 24th Century Corridor set, and imported some basic wall sets to give actual exits to Engineering you could have people walk in from. You can see my rough work in the background.

I slapped some quick labels on various parts so it's a bit more obvious when I talk about different areas I'm working on.

One big change, while I generally kept placement the same, I did slim the area down a bit and instead of having jutting entrances everything for the most part follows the walls as a result. Makes it easier on me with the bracing and it fits in better with my previously established 24th Century corridor aesthetics.

Built in TrueSpace 3.2

Imported a few more parts from the corridor sets I'd already built and worked them into the Engineering set. Also brought in the clear displays from the corridor and dropped in a wall of access panels. I decided that Engineering isn't going to have a break area. The smaller consoles are in and I settled on a design for the Master Systems Display. I also imported the Diagnostics table from the CIC I'd built. I like the design and since TNG just used the same table from TVH, I can use my table I built for Phase II in my set. :P

I'm trying to work out how to build my wall of isolinear chips. I'm thinking at least 6 banks of them but I'm not sure how detailed I want to get, if at all, with the chips. I'm thinking uncovered and loose, so a simple texture is out. That and the design of the wall. Oi.

Built in TrueSpace 3.2
I hope that's a typo and it was meant to be 30 to 60. In my opinion, there's no way, even with automation, that six people can run a ship that size for six months.

That said, I like the design and really love the control panels you've made.

Currently there are container ships of around of about 400 meters long which are crewed by 14 people only and these putter around for a few months at a time on long trips, same with oil tankers, I guess that six months would be doable for a starship crew of six in terms of automation but they might drive each other crazy, think 12 would be the minimum to prevent canibalism or so. ;):biggrin:

After going over screenshots from The Naked Now, I finally settled on the layout and set-up for my wall of isolinear control chips. Since this is going to be the only place they're visible in this version of Engineering I slotted in 6 of them instead of 3. Also put in the panel details on each one even though in the episode the panel in the middle was the only one to have the detailing.

Left to do:
Refine the cross-beams
install ladder and access ports for the Jefferies Ladder (need ceiling first)
Chief's Office and furniture
Back wall
blank wall details (probably swiping these from my TMP Transporter set)
Jefferies corridor
regular corridor section
LCARS graphics
ST IV-VI graphics versions for 'older' engine room

Built in TrueSpace 3.2
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