Terminus Timeline - Ships and Interiors


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
New Year. New thread. More Appropriate title. Just putting all my new work in here from on out.

Everything that's going here is set in my own alternate timeline unless stated otherwise.

Anyway, on to what I've been working on this year so far.

Working on a Bridge Of The Week set that'll have different components that can be swapped out to make different bridges. I'm starting off with the Enterprise C, but I don't have all the consoles built yet so I threw my basic Phase II chairs and main console in for now. Still a work in progress in Truespace, but she'll make it over to DAZ with proper lighting soon enough I hope.

This is a WIP Excelsior build, loosely based off the Ingram plans. This versions Transwarp drive actually would work.

The Cetacean class on the left and her unnamed sister class on the right.

A more finalized WIP piece of a Klingon corridor I'm working on. That's my Not a Klingon starfleet guy hanging out there for light testing. Still have some things to build to finish off this set.

Based mostly off the Voyager plans for Captain's quarters, these have been modified a bit to work with the station mesh I'm planning on using, so the exterior wall is flat and mostly windows, but there's hull extensions beyond that if you're near the window. I had to rebuild the bulkheads so they're not as blocky, and a lot of the decorations are already in DAZ, so this was just about ready to export over to DAZ to use.

Built in Truespace 3.1

Got the Station Quarters to where I could export them pretty much as is. Need to re-do that huge monitor in the back so it's not as blocky, but so far so good. I'll have to check the other side and looking out from the inside. It is roomy, but this is the station commander's quarters. That and I figure quarters on a space station would be larger than what you'd see on a starship. At least up until the Galaxy class anyway.

Built in Truespace 3.1
Assembled and Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.9 with iRay

V4 from Daz Studio
Uniforms by Uzilite.
Uniform colors by Rschulte.
Combadge and rankpins by RSchulte.
Captain's Bed by rdbruffy
Antares by Mad Man and converted by MattyManx
I really like your Cetacean (and sister) class - I'm a sucker for the Oberth & Excelsior classes, so the design cues and little nods here and there have me hooked! Your "Not a Klingon starfleet guy" is also quite something, too!
I really like your Cetacean (and sister) class - I'm a sucker for the Oberth & Excelsior classes, so the design cues and little nods here and there have me hooked! Your "Not a Klingon starfleet guy" is also quite something, too!

Thanks! I've stalled a bit working on the Cetacean, the sister class (toying with naming it after the Oceanids, the greek nymphs born from the Titans) getting more love more recently, but I'll be getting back around to them when I can. Oberth and Excelsior are definitely some of the inspiration. I'd originally started off the Cetacean as a simple MSD cutaway and then went to build the ship from that with mixed results.

Neither ship really matches my original MSD but each has elements from it.

Yeah, I have some backstory for them and a name, but it feels too much like I'm ripping off a few cultures rather than creating my own, so I'm still thinking about what I can do with them. The one idea I'm keeping is that they're a shamanistic culture that ended up getting uplifted because of the Dominion War, something that goes against the Federation ideals, but when the Founders start using them as slave labor in a key territory what are you going to do besides free them and help them take back their world?

The Personal Access Display Device, initially introduced to us in Next Gen, but which showed up as a 'futuristic' clipboard in the Original Series and a series of carried items in the Motion Picture, I decided to develop my own based off one of the props from the Motion Picture with a bit of a spin on it making it the kind of awkward big grandad to the slim and sleek PADD of Next Generation. It's 8.5 x 11 inches and just over half an inch thick. It has a stylus to direct items on screen or write if you want, an access port to plug into a terminal and run diagnostics, speakers for audio visual playback, a mic and camera for recording information and a data card slot for storing sensitive data that shouldn't be transferred wirelessly with your ship's computer or if it's just something personal you want to keep.

Built and rendered in Truespace 3.1

So, I have a problem accepting what I'd built last year for the corridors of a 23rd Century Starship and started over from scratch using some of the same techniques I'd learned building the old ones to make new ones. This version is all one unit as opposed to the piecemeal version I had to assemble last year from parts. The only separate pieces on this version are the doors so they can open and close and the bulkheads. I've also made door sections with both the wide and skinny doors and put together a set that only has doors on one side as opposed to both for more options putting a set together for use. Going to finish off two different endcaps, one with a proper door to go in a room or turbolift and another that would be a detailed facade that would allow 'access' to tighter ODN conduits that aren't run through Jefferies Tubes.

After the Radial is finished, I'm re-doing my concentric corridors too.

V4.2 from DAZ
Uzilite New Adventure Outfit
Uzilite STO14 TOSReboot uTNA textures by RSchulte
Rank and combadges by RSchulte

Corridor set built in Truespace 3.1 and exported into DAZ Studio
Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.9 with iRay enabled
Well haven't posted here in a few months, but I have a few things to share :)

Decided to build out a holographic console proof of concept to make sure my idea would work ok in 3D. Scratched out the idea on a napkin at work. Built it while I was in a conference call at home. Multi-tasking is fun!

Console built in Truespace
Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.9 with iray
Uzilite STO14 TOSReboot uTNA textures by RSchulte
Rank and combadges by RSchulte
Console Textures from TNG Bridge from Vanishing Point
Bridge Chair by JamesJAB

Trying out a few ideas for the standard duty uniforms, field jackets and dress whites for my alternate timeline. In this one the Defiant not only made it home but completed its historic five year. I think I like using the insignia as the strap clasp. I wasn't really sure until I rendered it up. Again, one thing to have this in your head, another to actually put it into practice. Field Jackets are darker to be a bit more subtle and the rank and ship badges aren't reflective so they can't be seen from long distance to take out the team leader.

The Dress Whites need some more detailing to them. While I thought the idea might look good, there's just too much white to these. I'm happy with the others though.

Transporter Room built in Truespace 3
Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.9 with iray
Uzilite STO14 TOSReboot uTNA textures by RSchulte
Rank and combadges by RSchulte
V4 and Genesis from DAZ
New Adventure Uniforms by Uzilite

Well, my 2017 redesign of my Connie Class Refit corridors is... just about done I think. I wanted them relatively clean like the TMP corridors, but I like the signage in Undiscovered Country. What can you do? Made up signage, actually figured out a numbering system for the rooms I could live with, and laid out a section of corridor based off the Refit blueprints from SD. I included a little blueprint section of the corridor with camera placements.

Contemplating making the ODN panels removable so you can have an engineer or tech working on the conduits.
That involves modeling TMP-TUC style ODN conduits though...

Corridor Sets built in Truespace 3.
Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.9.
Composite in Photoshop.

Uzilite STO14 TOSReboot uTNA textures by RSchulte
Rank and combadges by RSchulte
V4 and Genesis from DAZ
New Adventure Uniforms by Uzilite
Reimagined Connie by MKF and converted by Mattymanx

Trying out a corridor design for a Destroyer or Scout class I imagined as being rolled out after the Big E launch in 2245 but before the refit in 2270. First up was the Radial corridor inspired loosely off the triangle shaped doorways in the TOS sets. Then I built a quick Concentric corridor using the base mesh for that. I need to cut it up to make doors and such. I don't like pipes every 10 ft. so I'll edit those out of one of the base meshes while I'm making the door sections. Also decided to see how my Orion skin texture edit went.
First image she was a little radioactive by accident, but I think I fixed it by lowering the ambient color in the second one.

Built in Truespace 3
Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.9 with iRay
Rogue Outfit by Exnem
V4 from DAZ
Your holographic console looks great! That's how the consoles should have looked in TNG etc - not those big, bulky things they ended up with (although, I realise they were a product of their time). I like the Defiant insignia clasp, too - a nice take on TOS uniforms. And those dress whites look perfect as they are for medical uniforms!
Your holographic console looks great! That's how the consoles should have looked in TNG etc - not those big, bulky things they ended up with (although, I realise they were a product of their time). I like the Defiant insignia clasp, too - a nice take on TOS uniforms. And those dress whites look perfect as they are for medical uniforms!

Thanks! I do have a medical uniform that's different from those, but now that you mention it they do look good for medical too.
Worked on a transporter room for a late TOS Destroyer class ship to go with the corridor I'd started above.

The open equipment in the side room is a transporter buffer. In this case the buffer is open for servicing.
Has it been over a month since I updated this?

Well, I've been busy.

Continuing with work on the Saladin Class USS Sephora, I moved into Engineering which is contained in the back half of the Saucer since there is no secondary hull. This is the guts of it in Truespace. Yes I modeled up the Impulse Engines even though you won't get a good look at them behind the grill but it made me feel better ;)

Every set needs a corridor extension outside of it right? I continued with what I'd done with the corridors before and spread it out a bit. When I'm done the hope is you could lay out all the sets with their corridor parts into one big set, but that'd only really be needed for animation. You can cheat a lot more in single renders ;)

Partly to make the corridor mesh better with the curve of the set and to add that dramatic element of sealed doors and trapped crewmen, Engineering got an airlock, in this case more to keep radiation from flooding the deck and killing everyone on that deck, but also useful for keeping intruders out of your engine room. The doors themselves are a variation on the doors from the Regula station only simplified to fit better with a late 2260s aesthetic.

The Sephora has seen a few upgrades since she launched but rather than gut the existing consoles, Starfleet simply upgraded the guts and the interfaces as needed. Yes, those orange engine parts are based off the Phase II Engineering things before they got redesigned for the film. I've liked that design since I first saw it so I thought it'd be fun to incorporate it here.

And then a different view looking back at the door from the back part of Engineering. I'd thought about incorporating some Jefferies tubes running under the stairs but opted not to.

And in the best traditions of Trek, I'm re-dressing the Sephora's Engineering set to be a cargo bay. I've got the newtype cargo containers modeled in singles and quads and a cargo Transporter. A few more random cargo containers, an interior tractor beam set up to move the containers and a redesigned back wall to hold the cargo containers and it'll be good to go :)
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Yes, those orange engine parts are based off the Phase II Engineering things before they got redesigned for the film. I've liked that design since I first saw it so I thought it'd be fun to incorporate it here.
- I thought they looked familiar. Nice touch.
I love that first image - the overhead cutaway - and the penultimate image with the view down to the consoles. The amalgamation of TOS and TMP styles looks to be working really well.
I've been busy with a new job so I haven't gotten into my modeling program in awhile but I did manage to start on something this weekend I'd been itching to start for weeks even though I've got a lot of interiors to work on.

Loosely based off the Okinawa from Starfleet Command II, I've started laying out a 5-6 deck ship (depending on how you count what amounts to a deflector attachment and probe/torpedo launcher). It's going to be more TOS/Phase II that the late TMP style that the Okinawa was and also a bit smaller as the Okinawa was more like 10-12 decks or so depending on how you lay it out based on the lights. I'm thinking this would have been designed and built around the late 2250s and early 2260s. The saucer isn't going to have any deflector grid lines and the whole ship will have minimal markings. The Deflector Shields are actually built into the strips running around the saucer itself to project what minimal shielding it has. I haven't decided if she's going to go more TOS without the thruster packages and maybe just thruster ports like the Kelvin-verse ships as well or not. They'll get added last if at all. It might use some anti-gravity packages built into the hull so as not to spoil the lines ;).

It is a more civilian craft that Starfleet would occasionally build out as a scout or patrol craft for their own use. Definitely something you'd want to use to be more discreet with your surveillance and produced in enough numbers that it isn't unusual to see out and about. It'll at most sport one shuttle but it'll be nice and fast. Nowhere near as fast as the big Starfleet ships, but for a ship it's size it'll blow most anything away. I'm thinking minimal crew as well as a lot of it would be automated and it wouldn't have a lot of the complicated sensors or other systems the Big E had. Probably minimum of a crew of 5 to run her and at most a comfortable crew of 30 or so to run round the clock. The Helm/Nav can run the bulk of ship operations with one person on the bridge if needed.

Obviously this is just the saucer. Top is looking over the bridge from the rear, bottom is straight on at the ship. The 'neck' connection, for lack of a better term, I'm borrowing a bit from Discovery, but I'm still working on the impulse deck and whether to build that into the longer portion of the secondary hull that the warp nacelles and engines will be mounted to. I'm trying not to over-complicate it. Should be something that can be built fast for civilian demand.

I know I'm terrible with jumping from thing to thing, but this was one of those ships that I've been kicking around for a few months in my head and in drawings and at least wanted to start it. Hopefully I'll get back to building the interior of the Sephora soon.
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I managed to squeeze in some time with the scout ship again.

Laid out rough shapes for the Deflector hardware housing and the probe/torpedo launcher. I'd had a rough layout for the secondary hull that would rest above the deflector housing but then decided I'd make sure there was actual space for a small shuttlebay and cargo area like I'd originally planned so the grey rectangles at the back are the roughs for a shuttle (I just used the TOS dimensions for one) and I wanted to make sure it had room to rotate in the bay and then obviously room for the cargo and to set a single cargo container on the floor.

I haven't decided if I'm going to just make the cargo bay one level instead of two. It adds more height to the secondary hull there that I originally wasn't planning on. I added in roughs for the warp nacelles and pylons.

Still need to work out the impulse engine but I did realize that my turbolift/escape pods were too small so I upped their size and they can fit a full size turbolift now.

Scout Ship Progress Continues

Decided to cut the height of the secondary hull so it'll only hold one stack of cargo instead of two, but we still have a shuttle bay. I have no idea how I wand to cap the end off. I don't know if I want to go more Reliant/Excelsior with the back end with sliding doors or the bandshell style of the connie. I toyed with several exterior designs for the secondary hull but rounded brick was really the only thing that would hold any kind of cargo and support the warp nacelles. I don't know why I have like zero issues with the saucers but then completely blank on the secondary hull.

The deflector dish and torpedo/probe launcher are obviously placeholders but I wanted something there to make sure I'd given it enough space. I just realized that the dish looks like a Dalek plunger. O.o Looking at it now I could probably add more offensive capabilities to the ship and reduce its height by adding a second torpedo launcher and swinging them up along side the deflector.... hrmmmm. Granted that'll chunk up the secondary hull a bit.

Work on the scout continues...

So I tried a few new arrangements with the torpedo launchers. The first two I added a second launcher and tried slinging them just under the secondary hull, then jutting out of the deflector housing, and the last is the revised placement of the single launcher version. Then someone pointed out they looked like googly eyes and I couldn't unsee that, but I also realized that I'd way oversized the torpedo launcher anyway. So I fixed the overall size...

...which left me with a much smaller footprint for the underslung launcher but then I thought I might be able to rework out how I wanted the power to flow to the warp nacelles and fit the launchers into the secondary hull instead and have clearance around the lower part of the saucer. I do like that but I'll have to recess them so they look more like actual tubes instead of weird piping coming out the front. Or nipples on the batsuit. :P

And after finally deciding on a torpedo arrangement I could live with, I then decided I could not live with the Dalek plunger for a deflector dish anymore and modeled one based on the main dish from the Enterprise in The Cage and modeled the dish 'antennae' after the 33" reference model they built of the Enterprise while they were working on the 11ft version. :)

So the scout is coming along just at a much slower pace than I'm used to working as I have less free time.
This stuff is so cool!!!
I'm not so much into the ship exteriors but love the interior shots.
My only sticking point is the HUGE breasts on the otherwise thin women.

I noticed when online looking at art supplies, there was a "full figure" female pose able meneqin doll to draw from, and the only part on her that was large was the boobs! :lol::lol:

Your stuff is great!
This stuff is so cool!!!
I'm not so much into the ship exteriors but love the interior shots.
My only sticking point is the HUGE breasts on the otherwise thin women.

I noticed when online looking at art supplies, there was a "full figure" female pose able meneqin doll to draw from, and the only part on her that was large was the boobs! :lol::lol:

Your stuff is great!

Aww thank you! Yeah I'm actually more mentally geared towards building the interiors than the exteriors. If I already have a ship design it's not too hard for me to go in and build an interior room to fit the space and style, but designing an entire ship is much harder and a bit outside my wheelhouse but I'm filling my story and setting needs this way without commissioning someone to build it for me ;)

Yeah the DAZ people (I haven't 'built' my own 3D person in eons I just use the main DAZ 3D figures) tend to have enormous breasts. The sad thing is I actually SHRUNK them for most of those figures. I think the only one that they went bigger for was my ScarJo clone. Trust me when I tell you they can get even larger and it breaks my brain. Probably the best 'full figure' base model out there right now is Bethany 7 but right now almost all my crew are built on the Victoria 4.2, Michael 4, or Genesis (Victoria 5, Michael 5) bases. I have toyed aroudn with Genesis 3 (Victoria 7, Bethany7, Michael 7) and Genesis 8 a bit but I don't have nearly as many options for them, but the uniform I've got will at least fit them.

Since I've been mostly tinkering with the sets I've pretty much been using the default body and only editing the faces on most of my characters. I think the two biggest changes I made to them was adjusting height on my Doctor cause she's really short and making my Captain a bit portly and much older looking. The rest are basically 'stock' bodies as it were.

When I get around to actually using them in my stories there will be a lot more variety to the characters to set them apart a bit.
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I'm Technologically Challenged (PC for "old person")so all of my art is with paint brushes.
I'd like to draw the interiors, but it's hard for me to visualize them.
If have to get some good still shots and work from there.
It's awsome that you think your own stuff up!
I'm Technologically Challenged (PC for "old person")so all of my art is with paint brushes.
I'd like to draw the interiors, but it's hard for me to visualize them.
If have to get some good still shots and work from there.
It's awsome that you think your own stuff up!

Thanks! Yeah I've been doing a combination of my own thing and basing them off the old set blueprints and still embellishing for awhile. Most of my stuff gets drawn on on paper before I even start in the 3D program. Helps me to have it mapped out a bit before I start laying out shapes or custom building parts.