Ten Forward Lounge - Miscellaneous General Chat & Welcome Thread

You know, back when I was in the Academy, we would salute every lounge we walked into with a song. I wonder if I can-- oh, yes-- *ahem*

Come cheer up my lads,
'Tis to glory we steer
To find something new
In this wonderful year.
To honour we call
You as free men and brave.
For who are so free
As the sons of the waves?

Hearts of Oak are our ships,
Jolly tars are our men.
We always are ready.
Steady, boys, steady.
We'll fight and we'll conquer
Again and again.
There's a lot of yappin' and not enough drinkin' going on here.

Bartender, I'll have a double Jameson and a double Duke Spirits. Both neat.

Carry on.
Shots of Jack with a vodka chaser. If we want to reach an optimal level of wasted and brag about it later we're gonna have to get serious.
<HIjol peeks through the transom...nope, still an Admiral's Party>

Climbs down, remembering the Old Days, serving with Captain Lightfooot on the USS Edmund Fitzgerald.

"Fellas, it's been good t' serve ya."
I'm going to creep down the backstairs and take a ride on Carefree Highway.

For those who don't get the references, that means I'm going to get drunk and probably wet myself. See you on the other side, you wacky bastards!
I'm going to creep down the backstairs and take a ride on Carefree Highway.

For those who don't get the references, that means I'm going to get drunk and probably wet myself. See you on the other side, you wacky bastards!

In The Early Morning Rain?
We're not under the affluence of inkohol, guys. Now somebody get that giant spider off me before she lays eggs in my eyes!
What does replicated chocolate milk taste like? Is it as good as the real thing.

BTW I'm from Australia and hello to everyone.

I love Star Trek

No particular favourite series but I do like seasons 2 onwards of TNG. Season 1 seemed to suck a lot.

Love Enterprise. I love it to bits.

Didn't really get into Voyager or DS9 that much.