Ten Forward Lounge - Miscellaneous General Chat & Welcome Thread

Even illegal genetic enhancements won't help you tolerate us any better than a normal poster could. ;)
I have your ear for music, but not your tact.

Total eclipse of the heeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrrt...
Once upon a time the board was falling apart, but now there's only love in our hearts....there's nothing we can't post....trolls can never keep us apart....
I had the Jensen Ackles once. Some maximum-strength vitamin shots and mild exercise cleared it right up.
I've only had Cotton Candy once and you might as well give me a bag of sugar and be done with it. That's basically what it is.

I've only read a few posts of this thread and it's a neat idea. I still think a forum would have been nice because you can move all the "What is your _____________" or "What are You ______________" threads to that one. Still, it might be nice to be a regular in this thread, considering I'm barely a regular on this board and haven't posted a lot in the last few years.
Misc, -Now with much more misc. -in the Misc. thread...

Cotton Candy, wouldn't eat it, but I'd love to make 'art' with it...

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Yes! Finally got up to and finish Chain of Command! Now I can start DS9! Based off the opinions of people I trust, I get the impression this will be my favorite of the Trek series.
^It may very well become that... but watch out for that last season! or, perhaps... the best thing would be to forget all about it :p
Yes! Finally got up to and finish Chain of Command! Now I can start DS9! Based off the opinions of people I trust, I get the impression this will be my favorite of the Trek series.

You are in an era were Trek was amazingly awesome. Enjoy. :)

Happy Father's Day to all dads out there. Just got back from a nice Fathers Day Brunch. Now I can watch the Giants sweep LA.
The right cotton candy can be delicious and just melt in your mouth in ways that other, lesser brands don't. I've rarely tasted cotton candy that I didn't like.