Ten Forward Lounge - Miscellaneous General Chat & Welcome Thread

You'd want to be quiet and blend into the background, too, if you were a 24th century Starfleet commander pretending to be a 22nd century civilian chef with no visible head.
You know, if you were someone in the 22nd century, and suddenly a guy from the 24th century was talking to you, wouldn't you both have trouble understanding the changes in language and dialect over 200 years?
Universal Translator.

And failing that explanation, convenience. The writers don't have to invent hip new words and lingo to describe various things in each different century.
Shaka - when the slang failed!


"Barbara Billingsley is Chef on Enterprise. Thrill as she prepares food for her friends and shipmates and teaches jive to Dr. Phlox!"
That reminds me: Just what was Ward Cleaver's actual JOB, anyway? I don't remember them actually saying what, specifically, he did for a living.
Based on the episodes I've seen I'd say he had a full-time job keeping Eddie Haskell from skipping school to sweet talk and bang his wife.
I did some checking: Ward was a stockbroker. Linky

Another fun fact: The guy who played Eddie did NOT grow up to be Alice Cooper OR John Holmes, he became a decorated L.A. police officer who was shot three times in the line of duty.
<HIjol, flush with his new promotion, crisp in his new uniform, quietly walks to the far table, as the other Admirals toast some guy named Ward Cleaver, who apparently had a thing for beavers.>
Watch Eddie. "Gee, Mrs. Cleaver. That's a very lovely dress you're wearing." Eddie might have been a smarmy little jerk, but he was always well groomed and polite in front of adults. "Take it easy, Sam! I know what I'm doing."
:bolian: And now I'm getting a little peckish. Bartender, a menu, please. Do you have a ploughman's lunch?

We do, but you'll have to get it from the ploughman yourself. He's six foot four and built like a brick shithouse. If you want bread and cheese that much, go ahead. I'd recommend the pasty instead.