Surely something good happened to you today

My mom and I had one of our best hikes out at the park ever. The whole reason we go out there is to see what animals we can find, and this we saw two crows, a bull, two owls, a solo jack donkey, and a family of four donkeys. The bull is part of a herd of cattle that a nearby farmer lets out lose to graze in the same area where we hike, so we run into a few them every now and then. On one of our walks out with the dogs in another part of the same area, we got cut off by a herd of about 20 of them.
And on the way back to the main part of the park one of the owls flew over and landed on a tree branch right by where we were walking, so I got the closes, clearest look I've ever gotten at one of our owls.
The solo jack, who I named Tommy, was a new donkey that we've never seen before, but we have been running into the family a lot lately. It's an old jenny, Mable, another jack, Melvin, and what appear to be a couple of older kids, we think one might be another jack but we're not sure about the second. We're pretty sure the kids are Mable's, but we're not sure if Melvin is their dad or another one of Mher kids. Mable looks pretty old, and Melvin looks a lot younger than her, so we're kinda of leaning towards him another kid, maybe an older brother.
My water heater died last week. My house still has fuses instead of circuit breakers so I got out my last 2 fuses and they blew after about 10 minutes. I ordered some from Amazon and lost two of those.
I went to Youtube University since I had zero knowledge of water heater repair. After much research I was 51 percent certain the the problem was with one or both of the heating elements. I couldn't find exact replacements but Lowe's had some generics that had the right voltage. Easy peasy, right?

WRONG. I got the cheesy wrench to remove the old elements and couldn't get them to budge. I had to order a 1 1/2 inch socket to use on my impact drill which just about everyone on Youtube said would work...nope.
Finally ran across a couple of comments where people had to use a breaker bar so I drove all the way to a tool store to get one that was on sale but did they have it? You guessed it, nope. I found one that was twice as much (for something I'll probably only use once) and it worked! I got the old elements out and put the new ones in and I finally have hot water. Yay.
My water heater died last week. My house still has fuses instead of circuit breakers so I got out my last 2 fuses and they blew after about 10 minutes. I ordered some from Amazon and lost two of those.
I went to Youtube University since I had zero knowledge of water heater repair. After much research I was 51 percent certain the the problem was with one or both of the heating elements. I couldn't find exact replacements but Lowe's had some generics that had the right voltage. Easy peasy, right?

WRONG. I got the cheesy wrench to remove the old elements and couldn't get them to budge. I had to order a 1 1/2 inch socket to use on my impact drill which just about everyone on Youtube said would work...nope.
Finally ran across a couple of comments where people had to use a breaker bar so I drove all the way to a tool store to get one that was on sale but did they have it? You guessed it, nope. I found one that was twice as much (for something I'll probably only use once) and it worked! I got the old elements out and put the new ones in and I finally have hot water. Yay.

Surely something good happened to you today, by way of Things that frustrate us all! Sorry it was such a hassle, but glad you've finally got hot water again.
The sky had nary a cloud in it today and I got a lot of mileage out of pointing up and asking. "Do you know what color that is?"