Surely something good happened to you today


Happy birthday, @Velocity !
The drive home from the office had a great group of songs playing between Ozzy's Boneyard and Hair Nation. And a spot for Hair Nation got me laughing and smiling.

"Lions... leopards... and pussycats. The ferocious felines of Hair Nation."

Obviously pimping out White Lion, Def Leppard, and Faster Pussycat. It's actually the kind of pun I'd come up with. Love that channel.
Its after midnight here in Texas, but I still had something good happen, so I figured sharing it would be okay.

I went to church as usual on Sunday, attending both the main service and the following Bible study. Afterward, one of my friends there invited me to a shared lunch - this wasn't abnormal; we'd done so before. But what I didn't expect was when we arrived at the restaurant, another friend I knew from my church's recovery group showed up, saying she had been invited via text message. The group's program had ended its current run for the summer, and so we hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks. It was definitely very good to see her, and I'm extremely grateful to God for it.
The shop is finally getting a second Master Tech. He was trained by our Master Tech and has 17 years experience. He's going to be working Tuesday through Saturday, which will allow the shop to work on the weekend on vehicles other than oil changes, flat repairs and tire installation.
First duckings of the year, still in the very yellow stage! Unusually Papa Drake is still around (The ducks seem to have gone very "woke" this year...instead of pairs of ducks, there are a lot of threes: two males and one female. I assume there's a gender imbalance this year with an oversupply of drakes).

Also on the canal walk: the heron which hasn't been around for a bit and I could hear a woodpecker. I hear the woodpecker from time-to-time but I've never seen it. Perhaps this year will be the year...

Saw Mama Vixen feeding in the garden this morning (I put out dog food for her). She's looking in a lot better nick than a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps those claims on the dog food packets about "essential vitamins and minerals" are true.