
Uh, didn't know! Something relevant?
Not even a little, which is the case with most of the additional material in the "Extended Cut." But it's still fun to watch for those of us who love the film.

Your site quotes the added dialogue in the scene:
Additional dialog at the library.

Miss Teschmacher: "I said that."
Otis: "Did you say he don't drink and he don't smoke?"
Miss Teschmacher: "I said that. It was in the paper right there. I said it."
The writers used the term "galaxy" when they meant "star system."

We're I to retcon this, Krypton's remnants would have been passed to our system by Scholz's star which made a close pass IRL not long ago, explaining how meteorites and the tiny craft made it here...a big hunk knocking one of our ice giants over.

I would have Otis' back story that he was a cooler...a bad luck fixture Lex permitted to be around him because he found the kryptonite in the first place--having met Superman while he was saving a kitten or something.

Otis noticed that the house fire that spooked the cat was from a strange rock-fall.

Otis burns himself with it in a hot potato moment...and drops it such that the fusion crust breaks apart exposing the glow within.

Bad Luck Otis then sees Reeve's character almost faint at the sight of it.

Then that script blurb makes sense what with Lex filling in the pieces and paying good money for other falls within the strewn field.

All this off camera.

A missed opportunity would have been Otis only playing the fool to see how useful Luthor might be---before corrupting Mr. Mannheim further. There was a weather pioneer called "Old Probs" that would fit "Otis" persona...someone who can change probabilities...
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The writers used the term "galaxy" when they meant "star system."

We're I to retcon this, Krypton's remnants would have been passed to our system by Scholz's star which made a close pass IRL not long ago, explaining how meteorites and the tiny craft made it here...a big hunk knocking one of our ice giants over.

I would have Otis' back story that he was a cooler...a bad luck fixture Lex permitted to be around him because he found the kryptonite in the first place--having met Superman while he was saving a kitten or something.

Otis noticed that the house fire that spooked the cat was from a strange rock-fall.

Otis burns himself with it in a hot potato moment...and drops it such that the fusion crust breaks apart exposing the glow within.

Bad Luck Otis then sees Reeve's character almost faint at the sight of it.

Then that script blurb makes sense what with Lex filling in the pieces and paying good money for other falls within the strewn field.

All this off camera.

A missed opportunity would have been Otis only playing the fool to see how useful Luthor might be---before corrupting Mr. Mannheim further. There was a weather pioneer called "Old Probs" that would fit "Otis" persona...someone who can change probabilities...
I heard them say 28 Galaxies on Smallville Yesterday.

If it was a mistake, it's too late to correct.

The special effects in the 1978 movie implied a string of portals from looking out the window of the baby's cribship.
Yeah, I think galaxies is what was meant. Smallville had the pieces of Kryptonite caught up in whatever star drive the ship used and brought to Earth along with it--which works fine as a hand wave explanation. In my head, I just imagine that is how the Kryptonite came to Earth in Superman 78 as well.
Yeah, I think galaxies is what was meant. Smallville had the pieces of Kryptonite caught up in whatever star drive the ship used and brought to Earth along with it--which works fine as a hand wave explanation. In my head, I just imagine that is how the Kryptonite came to Earth in Superman 78 as well.

I watched a youtube an hour ago.

There are 28 known Galaxies, but the ship only passed through 6 galaxies on the transit from Earth to Krypton.

This didn't happen...

Hard Science Fiction writers like AC Clark talk about a massive ice shield running interference in front of a space ship, to act as a shield against dust and meteors, that would otherwise rivet the ship into Swiss cheese.

The ship scoops up a million tons of water, as it is leaving, as the planet is exploding, and the ice shield is accidentally polluted with deadly radioactive Kryptonite.

This did happen...

Green Lantern Tomar-Re (dude with an orange fin) was laying pipe, from his ring, towards to core of Krypton, to vent pressure, before the world exploded, extruding massive quantities of an as for then unknown radioactive element we would come to know as Kryptonite into space, and then shit happened.
By the way, while I was re-watching the film there was a scene that made me smirk. During the interview Superman says: "I never lie."
Sure Superman, except when you fool your friends into thinking you're a bumbling buffoon and claim that Superman and Clark Kent are two different people.

Apparently Superman and I have two different definitions of "lie".
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By the way, while I was re-watching the film there was a scene that made me smirk. During the interview Superman says: "I never lie."
Sure Superman, except when you fool your friends into thinking you're a bumbling buffoon and claim that Superman and Clark Kent are two different people.

Apparently Superman and I have two different definitions of "lie".
Clark lies, Superman does not. ;)
But did he ever claim that?
In the movies or in the comics? In the comics, especially in the Silver Age, it was a common plot that he tried to divert Lois from suspicions that he was Superman. He was even ready to use super-hypnosis if anyone accidentally discovered his secret.

In the movies, if I remember correctly, Lois in Superman II accused Clark to be Superman but he denied.
To be fair -- not, I realize, the goal of folks eager to diminish the Reeve films -- the amnesia kiss in Superman II is clearly presented more as an effort to spare Lois pain than as anything self-serving.

YouTube surprisingly failed at giving me a decent-quality video of the scene, but this is better than nothing:
