

Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Superman has been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember.

I never saw the theatrical serials, but to me, this is Superman:


George Reeves was my childhood Superman. In the early 60s, I had the Superman pajamas and I'd climb up on furniture to jump off and let my cape fly. I'm in Medicare territory now, and my family still ribs me about it.

To me, this is Superman:


In December 1978, Christopher Reeve renewed my belief that a man could fly.

To me, this is Superman:


In 2006, Brandon Routh did an awesome job of carrying the torch, and this year slammed it again.

To me, this is Superman:


2013's Man of Steel showed another take on the Superman story.

Not quite my Superman, but close enough:


Now, in the Supergirl continuity Superman is something else.

This is not my Superman:


Sorry, not sorry. :techman:
Now, in the Supergirl continuity Superman is something else.
How so?

Name is Kal-El/Clark Kent? Chek.
Son of Lara - Jor-El? Check.
Foster son of Jon and Martha Kent? Check.
Cousin to Kara Zor-El/[Linda] Danvers? Check.
In love with Lois Lane? Check.
Best friend is Jimmy Olsen? Check.
Archnemesis is Lex Luthor? Check.
Serves in a league of fellow superheroes including (But not limited to.) Flash, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, and a Batperson? Check.
Born on Krypton? Check.
Powered by the yellow star Sol? Check.
Faster than a speeding bullet? Check.
More powerful than a locomotive? Check.
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Check.

What am I missing, exactly? Oh right...

Take this passive-aggressive bullshit elsewhere.
What’s the difference? They all look and act fairly similarly.
Nostalgia. George Reeves and Christopher Reeve are what I grew up with so they feel like Superman where as the others play the same character but it doesn't hit the same emotional resonance. Sort of like Shatner's Kirk and TOS are the only real Star Trek for me while the rest is just rebooted versions that don't hold the same appeal or the childhood aura that lets me overlook the flaws.
Nostalgia. George Reeves and Christopher Reeve are what I grew up with so they feel like Superman where as the others play the same character but it doesn't hit the same emotional resonance. Sort of like Shatner's Kirk and TOS are the only real Star Trek for me while the rest is just rebooted versions that don't hold the same appeal or the childhood aura that lets me overlook the flaws.

This one doesn't seem to be about nostalgia, as even Henry Cavill and Brandon Routh are both listed as being okay. This feels more like "OMG, Superman is an SJW now!!!"
Sorry, not sorry. :techman:

Who cares? You didn't say anything.

You posted pictures of a bunch of actors wearing variations of a Superman costume and announced that they were all "your Superman" except one.

No elaboration. No reasons, or reasoning, given.

Only pictures.

A post void of any significant or, indeed, coherent content.

You have wasted the time of those of us who bothered to look at this topic.

Do better.
You know, as someone who's on Medicare who watched George Reeves play Superman in reruns on WTTG every afternoon and who made capes and painted "S" emblems on shirts and all that...I'd expect to be able to fathom what's going on in the first post.

But honestly there's nothing to get. It's a series of empty declarations that add up to nothing.

From context I would guess that he plans not to watch the Superman show.

It's generally poor form to start a topic to do nothing other than vaguely state that you're not going to do something.

Perhaps a mod will close it.
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