Strange New Worlds Season 2 Trailer

Translation: artists are going to art.

Yes. It’s all behind the scenes and production factors. We can try and contort and wrangle canon and in-universe explanations but it’s kludgy. Although if we stopped doing that the traffic on this board would decrease 50% haha.

This is blasphemy here but the new Klingons were fine (so are the old ones) and I like the SNW 1701 better than the OG. *hides*

The trailer was delightful and I look forward to more SNW.
I wonder who does the trailers for the Trek shows? Because maybe it's just me (and I'm not commenting here about the quality of the actual shows, just the trailers), but this feels like a more polished and effective package than some of the other recent Trek trailers. It's got verve.

I also think the music is, oddly, a great choice. I was just listening to the audiobook of The Fifty Year Mission while driving to work before this popped up, and I was at the point where everyone talks about how the Enterprise title song happened, the effort that went into it, and how it more or less failed to do what it was intended. But I'm totally good with this for some reason (admittedly it's a different context).

I think what you use as your theme song is a very different question from what you use in your promotional materials or even what you use as non-diegetic music in the story. Also it didn't help that "Faith of the Heart" is too saccharine -- it reminds me of nothing so much as contemporary Christian music/praise music, which often feels emotionally hollow and empty (even in contrast to other forms of religious music like Gospel music).

Ironically, if ENT had used as their theme song "Wherever You Will Go" by the Calling, which they used in several of their early promos, I think it would have worked a lot better.
Yes. It’s all behind the scenes and production factors. We can try and contort and wrangle canon and in-universe explanations but it’s kludgy.
I use to edit Starfleet ships in MS Paint. It's always kludgy. That's a feature, not a bug.
This is blasphemy here but the new Klingons were fine (so are the old ones) and I like the SNW 1701 better than the OG. *hides*
Indeed. Here's my thing-nothing replaces another. One is one version, another a different take, etc. It's a beautiful thing to see artists explore within this world rather than just replicate it. If I wanted 100% replication I would just rewatch a show.
I see the Gorn are back as well.

Reminds me of the scene in Alien 3 and the tag "The bitch is back".
Those Klingons look awful, so rubber and fake. Big oof.

Congrats fans, you have replaced interesting and new with a deeply shitty version of the familiar.
Nothing has been "replaced", They just brought back an older design.
ALL the Klingons we've seen since 1966 still exist in canon.

What the Hell is so difficult in thinking that the Klingon Race is made up of distinct looking peoples.
Why should they be any different than the Human Race?
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No he’s from Iowa. He only works in outer space.
How can they get that line wrong? :)

Looks alright but to be honest, I was just looking for Mariner and Boilmer.