Strange New Worlds Season 2 Trailer

No. 1966-2005 from 2009 to present. Totally different tones.
Um FYI - The 1987 version had a totally different tone from the 1966 - 69 version.

Been watching Star Trek since 1969 with season 3 on NBC (I was six). TNG was not TOS and retconned so many things from the original Star Trek.

And by the way, many fans hated the Hotel Lobby Bridge of the 1701-D; and when TOS fans brought up the question of why they didn't do a bridge that was more in line with what came before, the response from many was:

"What? You expect a show made in 1987 to look like a show that was made in 1967?..."

The more things change the more they stay the same with respect to Star Trek fandom.
My personal preference, but I don't want Spock to dump T'Pring. Star Trek shows always reflect current social issues right? So they should take this one head on and have T'Pring upright ghost Spock, something that is very rampant in our society today.

This would give the show a chance to show how a hero, Spock, handles ghosting and he doesn't act all creepy or stalkerish or anything like that. He does the right thing and accepts T'Prings decision without getting any answer on what happened (even though the audience knows Stonn happened).

The tragic element can be that Spock turns down Leila and Chapel waiting for T'Pring, with the audience knowing all along that T'Pring's playing Spock for a fool.

fans seems to be hyping up leia more than I thought. I do think she may show up at the end of season 2 and will be some kind of replacement reoccurring character in season 3. all signs so far may be pointing that chapel will leave the series and I will say it is because spock breaks thing up but if that happens, why jump into Leia so fast?

Also Spock does not dump Tpring ,we know this from Amok Time. I feel SNW Season 2 is going to give spock and tpring the we were on a break trope from Friends.

Yep. Both characters are involved in love affairs at almost precisely the same time. I think the writers know this.

the writers have already told fans on twitter that Roger Koby will show up soon. they have said nothing about Leia.
I think I prefer the other fan theory floating on reddit that spock will have sex with christine because he goes into pon farr and tpring is not around.
Amok Time strongly implies Spock never had Pon Farr before: "I'd hoped I would be spared this, but the ancient drives are too strong."

I think the implication Spock lasted as long as he did without pon farr was due to being half human.
Although implies doesn't necessarily mean it happened that way. His 2260 pon farr could also be very tricky and send him on a roller coaster of violent emotions and from that point until "Amok Time(TOS)" he looked for ways to circumvent the condition but, alas, no avail. So he kept his mouth shut about it and when Piper and then McCoy became chief medical officer of the ship he chose to either downplay his concerns or not mention them at all.
I'm pretty sure the SNW characters kiss more than one episode a season.

Why do people forget Chapel already kissed spock in plato stepchildren. however I do wish they stop all the kissing under influence.
Amok Time strongly implies Spock never had Pon Farr before: "I'd hoped I would be spared this, but the ancient drives are too strong."

I think the implication Spock lasted as long as he did without pon farr was due to being half human.
ehhh, amok time also implied more that he had not seen tpring since he was 7 and she is not meant to know Chapel and chapel is not meant to know spock had a wife but snw is ignoring that.

look at it this way, in amok time when chapel goes to give him soup and he throws it at her, could it be she knew secretly what he was going trough and wanted to ''help'' like she did some 7 years ago?

I trust he knows what pon farr is, snw shows him sexually active and into vulcan romance tradition.
Although implies doesn't necessarily mean it happened that way. His 2260 pon farr could also be very tricky and send him on a roller coaster of violent emotions and from that point until "Amok Time(TOS)" he looked for ways to circumvent the condition but, alas, no avail. So he kept his mouth shut about it and when Piper and then McCoy became chief medical officer of the ship he chose to either downplay his concerns or not mention them at all.
Pike: Joseph, where's Spock? I have the most amazing man he'll ever meet that I need to introduce him to, James T. Kirk.

M'Benga: Oh. I, uh, ordered him to take shore leave on Orion.

Pike: Wait, what? Why?

M'Benga: Sorry, doctor patient confidentiality. If you really want to know you're a smart guy and you know I did an internship on Vulcan but that's all I can say.

Pike: ...

M'Benga: Guess Spock will have to meet Kirk here some other day.
all signs so far may be pointing that chapel will leave the series

There are no signs pointing to this whatsoever. Nobody has referred to or alluded to the possibility of Jess Bush leaving the cast, and there is no in-story obligation for Chapel to leave the Enterprise.

and I will say it is because spock breaks thing up but if that happens, why jump into Leia so fast?

No obligation to. It's just speculation.

Also Spock does not dump Tpring ,we know this from Amok Time.

We know from "Amok Time" that they do not have a real relationship going in 2267 -- the engagement hasn't been called off but they're not seeing each other. We know from SNW S1 that they had a real relationship in 2259. Therefore, at some point, somebody dumped the other; we do not canonically know who. "Amok Time" gives us no indication which person it was but also does not preclude the possibility that Spock terminated their relationship.

Why do people forget Chapel already kissed spock in plato stepchildren.

Because it's a bad episode. Also, it's set almost a decade after SNW and starred a completely different cast, so I don't think it's relevant.
I wonder how they got Federation Phaser rifles.
Yep. Though I will say that I think Jack Quaid does look like he's in his early 30s, whereas Boimler is supposed to be in his early-to-mid 20s. But he's also so wonderful that I can suspend disbelief.

(Tawny Newsome, meanwhile, even though she's 40, is one of those people who manages to look like she's 10-15 years younger than her actual age. Also, Mariner is apparently in her early-to-mid 30s anyway.)
Hey, if they're time traveling then we don't actually know exactly when they're coming from, right? They could be older here than they are currently in Lower Decks!
...although hopefully not much older since I dont think they've gotten a promotion yet :lol:
Hey, if they're time traveling then we don't actually know exactly when they're coming from, right? They could be older here than they are currently in Lower Decks!
...although hopefully not much older since I dont think they've gotten a promotion yet :lol:
This is the same franchise that just had 30 something Ed Speleers play a 21 year old.
My personal preference, but I don't want Spock to dump T'Pring. Star Trek shows always reflect current social issues right? So they should take this one head on and have T'Pring upright ghost Spock, something that is very rampant in our society today.

This would give the show a chance to show how a hero, Spock, handles ghosting and he doesn't act all creepy or stalkerish or anything like that. He does the right thing and accepts T'Prings decision without getting any answer on what happened (even though the audience knows Stonn happened).

The tragic element can be that Spock turns down Leila and Chapel waiting for T'Pring, with the audience knowing all along that T'Pring's playing Spock for a fool.
I think you may have it wrong in this case. The writers have already subverted our expectations of T'Pring's character. She appears to genuinely care for Spock. So, my theory is either Spock screws up which opens the door to her seeking solace elsewhere, or his crazy brother, Sybok, gets in her head, plants seeds of discontent and hey, there's Stonn! He's always had your back, honey. Cue music and mustache twirling.