Strange New Worlds Season 2 Trailer

Not convenient, but truth in that you're incorrect. Gatekeeping in this instance is when someone dictates what they feel is or is not Star Trek, talk standoffish to people as if they don't have a right to like Star Trek, in general have a close-mindedness about what it is and that no one else is allowed to have an opinion on it or like it because it's theirs.
From 1966-2005 is one kind of trek. 2009 to now is another kind of trek for the marvel crowd. Everyone can have their opinion.
That was Ransom,

It was Ransom. Turn in your fan card.


They are called gatekeepers but people here gatekeep for paramount.


How would that even work? No one's saying you have to like Lower Decks or Strange New World and no one's saying you're not part of the Star Trek fandom for not liking them.

They are called gatekeepers but people here gatekeep for paramount.

That isn't what gatekeeping is.

Awful convenient.

"Convenient?" It's the objective definition of the term. "Gatekeeping" in this context means to exclude. You were "gatekeeping" Star Trek because you were trying to exclude Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Strange New Worlds from the Prime Universe. If someone else says, "No, they're all the same universe because that is the clear text," then that's by definition not gatekeeping because it's not excluding anything.

DS9 had a significantly different tone than TOS. Different than TNG, even. That doesn't mean it wasn't Trek, just different Trek.

But they all shared the same universe.

And so does Lower Decks.

Whedon trek.

Citation needed.
The influence of those movies is very evident in streaming trek.

The influence of all previous Star Trek is very evident in current Star Trek.

Anyone who pays attention can see this.

Open your eyes then.

My eyes are open, and I see perfectly well.

Please remember that you do not, in fact, know more, have more respect for Trek, love Trek more, or possess any keener perception about these things than most of the folks here who you are addressing.

From 1966-2005 is one kind of trek. 2009 to now is another kind of trek for the marvel crowd. Everyone can have their opinion.

Certainly, everyone can. Your opinion as expressed in your posts here, however, is not particularly observant.

Just call everything after 2005 a reboot and it’ll be ok.

It's okay now, thanks for your, uh, input.
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But they all shared the same universe.
They shared the same universe because the people making the shows said they did.

The people making these new shows say they all share the same universe with what has come before. They've also explicitly stated when the content doesn't take place in the same universe (the Kelvin universe) so it's really easy to know when it does.

This reminds me of a sim racing league I'm a part of. A guy thought he won a race and while he did cross the finish line first, he had broken a rule in the process so his win was stripped. He claimed he didn't care what the race admins decided, he still considered himself the winner. Except he wasn't, and his opinions meant nothing when it came to the official scorebook. The same thing applies here. One fan's opinion doesn't change reality when it's the showrunners who make the call.
From 1966-2005 is one kind of trek. 2009 to now is another kind of trek for the marvel crowd. Everyone can have their opinion.

And what of those of us who like a mix?

Marvel sucks balls. I'd rather not have that label on the Trek.

Like TOS, DS9, DSC, some TOS films, Kelvin Films, Prodigy, SNW and Lower Decks.

What does that make me?
How would that even work? No one's saying you have to like Lower Decks or Strange New World and no one's saying you're not part of the Star Trek fandom for not liking them.
Indeed. In fact, you can not like Trek. That's OK TOO!
One fan's opinion doesn't change reality when it's the showrunners who make the call.
Nor does it change how we interact with the franchise. It's OK to not like things.


How would that even work? No one's saying you have to like Lower Decks or Strange New World and no one's saying you're not part of the Star Trek fandom for not liking them.

"Convenient?" It's the objective definition of the term. "Gatekeeping" in this context means to exclude. You were "gatekeeping" Star Trek because you were trying to exclude Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Strange New Worlds from the Prime Universe. If someone else says, "No, they're all the same universe because that is the clear text," then that's by definition not gatekeeping because it's not excluding anything.

And so does Lower Decks.

Citation needed.
Those of us who consider 1966-2005 to be Star Trek and everything after 2009 to be rebooted Trek are excluded. It’s easy for people to follow the party line. But those of us who don’t agree with paramount are insulted and banned online.
Those of us who consider 1966-2005 to be Star Trek and everything after 2009 to be rebooted Trek are excluded.

"Those of us who want to exclude are excluded!"

No, you're not excluded. You're still part of the ST fandom. You're just objectively wrong about the content of the text.

It’s easy for people to follow the party line.


Recognizing what the clear text of a work of art says is not "following the party line." For God's sake, it's a TV show, not a political system.

But those of us who don’t agree with paramount are insulted and banned online.

No one has insulted or banned you. You, on the other hand, insulted everyone else when you claimed we "lack discernment" and implied we don't have common sense if we don't consider Kurtzman's shows to be a different continuity.
Those of us who consider 1966-2005 to be Star Trek and everything after 2009 to be rebooted Trek are excluded. It’s easy for people to follow the party line. But those of us who don’t agree with paramount are insulted and banned online.

And yet, here you are running around all unbanned and everything.

There's no such thing as a "party line" other than, perhaps, in public statements by the people who work for Paramount. To assert that any such thing exists among all of us so-disorganized and argumentative fans is to indulge in, uh, fabrication.

People who hold opinions similar to yours are not treated badly. You are simply disagreed with, most vociferously by people who dislike being talked down to in the way that your posts in this topic have exhibited.

If having to read opinions that are unequivocally different from yours were some form of oppression or intimidation, you'd have a point. It's not, and you don't.

And, honestly, it's pretty ridiculous to assert that "1966-2005 is Star Trek and everything after 2009 is rebooted Trek" and expect reasonable people to respond to that as if it's sensible. Because it's nothing but an arbitrary and dismissive declaration, in addition to being factually wrong.
Those of us who consider 1966-2005 to be Star Trek and everything after 2009 to be rebooted Trek are excluded. It’s easy for people to follow the party line. But those of us who don’t agree with paramount are insulted and banned online.
Have you been insulted? Banned here? Who is insulting you because I'll report it for you if needed.

But, this isn't a black or white issue, no one has to enjoy just one thing.
I think where the confusion is coming from is the dynamic from those without power and those with the power.

In this case, Paramount/CBS has the power and those who don't agree with the current Trek direction and style/culture do not.

Thus, friction.
I think where the confusion is coming from is the dynamic from those without power and those with the power.

In this case, Paramount/CBS has the power and it causes people with overly inflated senses of importance and power to become frustrated when their will is not done.
I mean, I guess.

I don't know man. I was told I wasn't a "real fan" since 6th grade for liking TOS over TNG so what do I know?
I think where the confusion is coming from is the dynamic from those without power and those with the power.

In this case, Paramount/CBS has the power and those who don't agree with the current Trek direction and style/culture do not.

Thus, friction.
Yes, and those who "have the power" didn't just seize it by force of arms from helpless aggrieved TV watchers who take the entertainment that they consume and think they own too seriously.
There also seems to be something of a persecution complex on the part of certain fans as expressed ad nauseum in dead horse-beating, cherry-picking comments that all but ignore the perfectly reasoned and reasonable points made in plenty of responses in thread after thread.

Yes, and those who "have the power" didn't just seize it by force of arms from helpless aggrieved TV watchers who take the entertainment that they consume and think they own too seriously.
I thought it was a coup? ;)
There also seems to be something of a persecution complex on the part of certain fans as expressed ad nauseum in dead horse-beating, cherry-picking comments that all but ignore the perfectly reasoned and reasonable points made in plenty of responses in thread after thread.

Well feeling left out can have a negative impact.