Strange New Worlds Season 2 Trailer

Those of us who consider 1966-2005 to be Star Trek and everything after 2009 to be rebooted Trek are excluded. It’s easy for people to follow the party line. But those of us who don’t agree with paramount are insulted and banned online.
Not here. I've never heard of any getting the boot for expressing that opinion. I don't go to any other fan sites, so I can't speak for them. Though that's pretty low reason to ban someone.
Not sure you can play the "insulted" card. You been doing that to folks who don't follow your "party" on regular basis. Calling it the
"party line" is an insult. Disparaging remarks about intelligence based on what Star Trek they like is insulting.
There are no signs pointing to this whatsoever. Nobody has referred to or alluded to the possibility of Jess Bush leaving the cast, and there is no in-story obligation for Chapel to leave the Enterprise.

No obligation to. It's just speculation.

We know from "Amok Time" that they do not have a real relationship going in 2267 -- the engagement hasn't been called off but they're not seeing each other. We know from SNW S1 that they had a real relationship in 2259. Therefore, at some point, somebody dumped the other; we do not canonically know who. "Amok Time" gives us no indication which person it was but also does not preclude the possibility that Spock terminated their relationship.

Because it's a bad episode. Also, it's set almost a decade after SNW and starred a completely different cast, so I don't think it's relevant.

1. it is speculation but scenes do say a lot, i think why people are pointing to kissing under influence is because chapel says...she does not know and she looks kind of crazy desperate when she kisses him, why spock is just still and looks curious. it is almost like the kiss they had in plato stepchildren but this young chapelle seems to be acting more on hormones.

2. spock and tpring dont have a real relationship but they are still officially engaged and not broken up until amok time. fact.

3. the writers have already said roger korby will show up and we know she joins the enterprise to find him, so if she leaves, this story arc of tos will make sense.

a lot of the time fan theories are mostly right. they grey poster stuff with chappelle may be a good clue, that she may not return until some time search for her fiance and yeah, I will not be surprised if Leia is introduced at the end the star dates are matching up so far. although I will not support the leia stuff so soon since spock would have burned through 3 women and we are not even in mid season 3 yet.
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Amok Time strongly implies Spock never had Pon Farr before: "I'd hoped I would be spared this, but the ancient drives are too strong."

I think the implication Spock lasted as long as he did without pon farr was due to being half human.
SFS showed he went through it when he was a late teen or early twen. But he also never grew a beard on Genesis, so who knows what else went wrong :D
I’m loving this poster. But I wonder why Chapel is the only one in black and white? Intentional ? Mistake? Foreshadowing?
My theory: foreshadowing her coming relationship with Dr. Richard Korby and how it divides her as well as Spock.
Maybe it's supposed to just match her white uniform and they didn't color correct her?

Though the background in her slot looks rather desolate, perhaps that's why?
Maybe it's supposed to just match her white uniform and they didn't color correct her?

Though the background in her slot looks rather desolate, perhaps that's why?
I mean, the planets in the upper left above her are animated. I imagine it's just an artistic interpretation and nothing meant by it.
I think those people lack discernment.
And where did you gain access to the “secret knowledge”? I mean, it’s only polite to share with the unenlightened.
Open your eyes then.
That’s it? All there is to it?
That goes without saying. But some can’t tell things apart.
So, so many wandering in the outer darkness. Show us the path to The Truth. It is the duty of the faithful to share The Word (and we don’t mean Microsoft).
No. 1966-2005 from 2009 to present. Totally different tones.
1966-69. Tones varied. 1973-74. Same. 1979-1991. Same. 1987-94. Same. 1993-99. Same. 1995-2001. Same. 2001-05. Same. 2009-16. Same. 2017-present. Same. Various tones within and between iterations. Your “enlightened” statement lacks…luminance.
But they all shared the same universe.
As they continue to do. Glad we can agree.
Whedon trek.
Non sequitur. Norman, coordinate.
Those of us who consider 1966-2005 to be Star Trek and everything after 2009 to be rebooted Trek are excluded. It’s easy for people to follow the party line. But those of us who don’t agree with paramount are insulted and banned online.
I object. Argues facts not in evidence. Objection sustained.

Obstinate condescension and lack of evidence do not a compelling argument make. Better luck next time.