Strange New Worlds Season 2 Trailer

I think where the confusion is coming from is the dynamic from those without power and those with the power.

In this case, Paramount/CBS has the power and those who don't agree with the current Trek direction and style/culture do not.

Thus, friction.

I mean, okay, but none of us have power over the production of Star Trek, and never have! Art is not a democracy. It is a form of communication. Nobody has power over someone else's communications.

For future reference, this is one form of actual Star Trek "parody" ...

And even Galaxy Quest is an affectionate parody -- every bit as loving of Star Trek as Lower Decks is! And quite a bit more critical of Star Trek too, frankly, with its depiction of a William Shatner expy as a narcissist and its critiques of female sexual objectification and arbitrary plot devices.
Everybody, do the Spock.

Still better than I can dance.
The black shoulder part just goes down a little too far, I think, and the badges look a bit flimsy. But the faces and hairstyles match well, it's just odd to see them with much smaller eyes :D
so…trailer adjacent…should we read anything into Chapel being the only character greyed out on the new poster and kinda facing away from everyone else?
2260-61 is the timeframe during which she was said to begin her romantic involvement with Dr. Roger Korby. It's always possible she's going to be torn between Spock and Korby at some point this season and the grey represents her emotional dilemma?
Speculation: The episode where they kiss will be part of a dram sequence/hallucination/reset button episode. Christine will end that episode meeting Roger Korby. Spock will decide he wants to be with Christine and end his relationship with T'Pring (though not their formal engagement), only to find that Christine has gotten together with Roger. That will be the source of the awkward-looking fit of rage we saw in the trailer. He will subsequently become involved with Leila.
Speculation: The episode where they kiss will be part of a dram sequence/hallucination/reset button episode. Christine will end that episode meeting Roger Korby. Spock will decide he wants to be with Christine and end his relationship with T'Pring (though not their formal engagement), only to find that Christine has gotten together with Roger. That will be the source of the awkward-looking fit of rage we saw in the trailer. He will subsequently become involved with Leila.
With the other kissing going on in that trailer, I'd lean towards the events happening, but with alien influence. Assuming all the kissing happens in the same episode.
My personal preference, but I don't want Spock to dump T'Pring. Star Trek shows always reflect current social issues right? So they should take this one head on and have T'Pring upright ghost Spock, something that is very rampant in our society today.

This would give the show a chance to show how a hero, Spock, handles ghosting and he doesn't act all creepy or stalkerish or anything like that. He does the right thing and accepts T'Prings decision without getting any answer on what happened (even though the audience knows Stonn happened).

The tragic element can be that Spock turns down Leila and Chapel waiting for T'Pring, with the audience knowing all along that T'Pring's playing Spock for a fool.
Those of us who consider 1966-2005 to be Star Trek and everything after 2009 to be rebooted Trek are excluded. It’s easy for people to follow the party line. But those of us who don’t agree with paramount are insulted and banned online.
Dude, I haven't even hit the ignore button.

Picard largely sucked (or at least was a mess IMHO) including the vaunted season 3, Disco has had it's ups and downs, Lower Decks fills my Trekkie heart with great joy (and gratitude), and Prodigy and Strange New Worlds are the most fun I've had watching Star Trek in decades.

I hold all of those opinions, am not shy about expressing them, and haven't been banned anywhere. (OTOH, I haven't seen a dime from Paramount either!)

I even think the Enterprise is ~300m long and I'm still allowed in semi-polite company.

I'm pretty sure the SNW characters kiss more than one episode a season.
It does start to happen, yes.
Speculation: The episode where they kiss will be part of a dram sequence/hallucination/reset button episode. Christine will end that episode meeting Roger Korby. Spock will decide he wants to be with Christine and end his relationship with T'Pring (though not their formal engagement), only to find that Christine has gotten together with Roger. That will be the source of the awkward-looking fit of rage we saw in the trailer. He will subsequently become involved with Leila.

I think I prefer the other fan theory floating on reddit that spock will have sex with christine because he goes into pon farr and tpring is not around. this will begin some kind of awkward relationship and spock will break it off, chapel will be devastated which will lead her to the arms of dr korby. fans seems also to be implying christine will leave the ship so she is in grey area from the promotions. if she leaves that it means only one thing. she meets her fiance.

I will not rule out leia but I think it is too soon, unless they are saving her for the last few episodes.