Strange New Worlds Season 2 Trailer

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Just call everything after 2005 a reboot and it’ll be ok. Stop trying to make it fit with what happened from 1966-2005.

No. It's all the same universe and that's all there is to it.

I liked SNW and look forward to season 2. Just kinda sad they decided to do a crossover with the parody show.

Star Trek: Lower Decks is a sitcom set in the Star Trek Universe, not a parody of Star Trek.

I don't think it's luck, it's planning! If you look at the casting for Lower Decks, it's clear they wanted to keep that door open for the majority of the cast.
It's so obvious that in fact, during Comic-Con right before they announced the crossover, I was getting in line about to point it out and ask if there was any chance we would see them in live action (not that they could actually reveal any spoilers but it's fun to tease about it). Their announcement beat me to the punch haha

Yep. Though I will say that I think Jack Quaid does look like he's in his early 30s, whereas Boimler is supposed to be in his early-to-mid 20s. But he's also so wonderful that I can suspend disbelief.

(Tawny Newsome, meanwhile, even though she's 40, is one of those people who manages to look like she's 10-15 years younger than her actual age. Also, Mariner is apparently in her early-to-mid 30s anyway.)

I’m rewatching S1 and I hate the Spock/Chapel stuff. So I kinda hate that it looks like they are taking it a step further.

I love the Spock/Chapel stuff. So I kinda love that it looks like they are taking it a step further. ;)

Speculation time: If you look at the other trailers, we see Spock and Christine together in what looks like an airlock as the ship is exploding around them, and in other sequences we see what looks like the two of them in space suits getting blown out an airlock, then looking from space as the Enterprise explodes. So I suspect that the episode where Spock and Christine finally kiss is going to be from that same episode, and it's going to end with the reveal that it was all a dream/hallucination/induced vision/alternate timeline, or some other form of reset button. I suspect it will end with Christine returning to real life, being disappointed that she's not with Spock. If I were writing it, the twist ending would be that she's in a bar/longue/mess hall and then meets Roger Korby.

There are already people complaining that the Lower Decks uniforms aren't a perfect 1:1 match to their cartoon counterparts, as if there isn't an obvious difference in anatomy between the live-action and animated humans. :lol:

I'm not bothered by it not completely matching the animated version, but I will say that I think the shoulder borders go too far down for my tastes. ;)
Could someone kindly remind me what was the relationship between Christine and Spock in the classic series? :) I vaguely remember they were very professional and Christine had perhaps a little bit of unrequited crush for Spock, but perhaps I'm wrong!
A LITTLE bit? That was, what? 70% of her character? She was McCoy's head nurse and she mooned over Spock from time to time. Notably in The Naked Time, Amok Time, and of course, Mudd's Passion.
No. It's all the same universe and that's all there is to it.

Star Trek: Lower Decks is a sitcom set in the Star Trek Universe, not a parody of Star Trek.
It’s not the same universe and that’s all there is to it. I can enjoy both universes. Lower Decks to regular Trek is like Hot Shots to Top Gun.

Hmmm. I hope SNW's handling of this is very careful, because this costume design, particularly in conjunction with the beard and mustache, is really evocative of Yellow Peril imagery and stereotypes of Mongolians and Asians in general. We don't know enough to know that this is going to be problematic, but it would be really easy for it to veer into anti-Asian coding unintentionally.