Star Trek: Starships Model/Magazine Subscription

Based on the lack of surface detail, their K’t’inga seems to be based on the pre-TMP upgrade version, virtually identical to the AMT/ERTL kit.

The Charon looks pretty sweet. Nice to be able to finally see it out of the near-nonexistent Disco episode lighting. :lol:
Based on the lack of surface detail, their K’t’inga seems to be based on the pre-TMP upgrade version, virtually identical to the AMT/ERTL kit.
I'm a bit confused, I though pre-TMP was the D7, and the TMP was the K'Tinga? Unless there's a missing link between those two that I've never noticed before. The Eaglemoss XL is definitely more detailed than the D7.

I wish they'd done it as Kronos 1 for some variety, but oh well. :)
I'm a bit confused, I though pre-TMP was the D7, and the TMP was the K'Tinga? Unless there's a missing link between those two that I've never noticed before. The Eaglemoss XL is definitely more detailed than the D7.

There are actually two missing links. The K't'inga, as originally made for Phase II, was more directly based on the original D7 miniature and was replaced with a larger model when Phase II became The Motion Picture, and that model was detailed out by RA&A when they took over visual effects on the movie, becoming the K't'inga we know and love (and then it was detailed up again to represent the Chancellor's ship in TUC, but let's not go nuts).
Ah, I see. Thank you for the info.
The Eaglemoss has raised detail all over it though, in places where the Phase II seems to have painted detail.
I got an email from Eaglemoss Wednesday that my subscription had been canceled per my request. I made no such request so I had to call. Turns out because I had skipped the last few specials (which I’m 2-3 years behind on) someone cancelled the account. Not just the specials account but the main one.

So I had it turned back on & was told my next shipment would go out on Friday. No charge on Friday so I called again this morning & was told there’s a delay due to issue 148 being out of stock. Now I’m thinking I should have just left it canceled & bought from the webshop when they run promo codes.
Son’a Flagship came today.


I hope they don't pick which STO ships to do based on sales in the games cash shop as some people (like myself) buy them for stats or just a trait and never use them past the unlock. I say this because the Gagarin is popular in the meta for stats not just looks although imo the Gagarin has both good looks and stats. I'd love to see the Romulan sto ships get some love like the Vastam command cruiser.
New ships revealed!
Among others,
Tsunkatse arena ship
Denobulan medical ship Barzai
Xindi-Insectoid Castroi class fighter
SS Arcos
Archer’s model toy ship

USS Enterprise - The Cage version (including changed bridge dome)
USS Reliant concept (upside warp engines, downward rollbar)

USS Discovery
USS Shenzhou
Enterprise-D dreadnought

STO starships collection:
01 USS Gagarin (= 25th century refit of Shepard class)
02 USS Chimera (= Captain Nog’s ship)
According to Memory Alpha, there's also the "Mondor" (Pakled ship - ugh, why?), coming after Archer's Toy at #175.

Also, under Specials/Shop Exclusives, They're adding the USS Reliant Concept (VERY excited about this one) and Pike's "Cage" Enterprise.

In other news, they're finally sending me the USS Lantree (#138). Better a year late than not at all, I guess.
Yeah, I got my Lantree notice as well yesterday.

I’m also looking forward to the concept Reliant, I like its design better than the final version. It’s funny, but with the warp engines up she looks sleek and fast, but with them down, solid and slow.

I’m assuming this is the second use of the Batris
model seen as the Sanction and the Erstwhile previously. I wonder why they decided to call it the Arcos rather than those other two names that the ship is better known as.