Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

Janeway has the same issue with her rank in Nemesis. Wait, what if we are interpreting Admiral ranks wrong. Rear Admiral is 4 pips plus a box, promotion removes a pip, so Ross is a Vice Admiral with 3 pips and a box. Admiral is 2 pips plus box, and Fleet Admiral is one pip in a box. We've never seen the 2 and one pip version, which makes sense because they would be much more rare.
Janeway has the same issue with her rank in Nemesis. Wait, what if we are interpreting Admiral ranks wrong. Rear Admiral is 4 pips plus a box, promotion removes a pip, so Ross is a Vice Admiral with 3 pips and a box. Admiral is 2 pips plus box, and Fleet Admiral is one pip in a box. We've never seen the 2 and one pip version, which makes sense because they would be much more rare.

I think this might be a possibility. There's also the idea that the pips are split up between the two sides. Going from Captain to Rear Admiral is like going from four pips (on one side) to six pips (between the two sides). The number of pips never decreases, this way.

If Picard was an Admiral from 2381 to 2386, I could see him getting at least one promotion during that time. "We'll start you off at this rank and if you did good, we'll make you this rank!" Four promotions in five years is far-fetched. But two sounds reasonable (the original promotion to the Admirality and then getting moved up a notch).

the admirals uniform is awful

It looks like a 24th Century Admiral Uniform. Read into that what you will. ;)

It fits. It looks like a version of what an Admiral Uniform would've looked like if they'd had one in the DS9/VOY style, but updated. Which fits the design aesthetic of PIC Starfleet. The DS9/VOY-ish style is a step back from the FC/late-DS9 wartime style, but still looks post-TNG. They want to hearken back but they don't want to hearken all the way back.
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I think this might be a possibility. There's also the idea that the pips are split up between the two sides. Going from Captain to Rear Admiral is like going from four pips (on one side) to six pips (between the two sides). The number of pips never decreases, this way.

Oh, I like the split pips idea, it does explain why they wear a pair. Upon further research we do see several Admirals with 2 pips. This could be Rear admiral lower half, under the split system. Under my system it would be Full Admiral, which doesn't work for people like Admiral Pressman, he's clearly supposed to be a relatively recent promotion. You would add 2 pips upon promotion to keep things symmetrical.
This is probably the Uniform Patrick meant he was wearing in a flashback, not the TNG uniform in the Data dream.

Or this could be for the Short Trek.

I think they will be one and the same, that Patrick was referring to the Short Trek.

The TNG uniform on display looks like it has less depth to the black shoulders than the one Picard was wearing in the trailers, more like what was seen in TNG.
Admiral Picard's uniform has been revealed on the cover of IDW Countdown to Picard #3, and the actual costume is going to be shown at Destination Star Trek.


I guess that comic cover pretty much confirms that the rescue armada incident that caused Admiral Picard to retire had to do with Romulus (most likely an evacuation.)
I like the admiral's uniform, it's actually a bit more interesting looking than the duty uniforms we see in the trailer.
I guess that comic cover pretty much confirms that the rescue armada incident that caused Admiral Picard to retire had to do with Romulus (most likely an evacuation.)
Still don't get why it would be unauthorized. Starfleet really didn't feel like helping Romulans at all?
I like the admiral's uniform, it's actually a bit more interesting looking than the duty uniforms we see in the trailer.
I mentioned it in the Children of Mars thread, but I'm reasonably sure the duty uniforms that align with Picard's admiral uniform timeline-wise are those seen in Lower Decks. They share a lot of the same design elements.

The admiral uniform that aligns with the duty uniforms in the trailer is mostly grey and black with a touch of color around the collar.
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Still don't get why it would be unauthorized. Starfleet really didn't feel like helping Romulans at all?

Because (and this is just a theory of mine) - Picard is rescuing political dissidents and refugees after the leadership after Shinzon cracks down and the Federation does not want to get involved in the internal politics of the Empire. Go forward a couple of years and the Empire is wiped out by Hobus and these Dissidents and refugees are the only significant groups of romulans left.
Interesting. I like the uniform. But how'd he get up to four stars so fast?

He must've known someone who knew someone, who bailed on him when it all went south.
A quantum ripple from the Kelvin timeline seeped through to Picard's prime universe admiralty.
the admirals uniform is awful
It doesn't compare to the tunic Admiral Picard wore in "Future Imperfect", IMHO. But that one doesn't match the aesthetic of the other uniforms we've seen on Picard.
I guess that comic cover pretty much confirms that the rescue armada incident that caused Admiral Picard to retire had to do with Romulus (most likely an evacuation.)
Perhaps they were cracking down on Unificationists, and Picard swept in and prevented a massacre.