Spoilers Star Trek: Picard General Discussion Thread

With the benefit of a few days to chew on it, "Impostors" is the last episode where I feel they can get away with stringing us along about what's going on with Jack Crusher -- and even then, five episodes of teasing with no substantive explanations is teetering on too many. Hopefully the last scene means we'll start getting some explanations next week.
Pretty sure I read from a reviewer who was part of the group that got the first 6 episodes writing he honestly has no idea what's going on with Jack Crusher (can't find the link now sorry). Which means any explanation isn't in episode 6.
Pretty sure I read from a reviewer who was part of the group that got the first 6 episodes writing he honestly has no idea what's going on with Jack Crusher (can't find the link now sorry). Which means any explanation isn't in episode 6.
I haven't heard that, but if the video posted recently revealing other episode titles are anything to go by (posted in the promos thread):
Episode 9 is called "Vox", so I'm guessing we won't find out until then.
Pretty sure I read from a reviewer who was part of the group that got the first 6 episodes writing he honestly has no idea what's going on with Jack Crusher (can't find the link now sorry). Which means any explanation isn't in episode 6.
I remember hearing that Jack's mystery is not resolved by episode six as well. Also, Dave Cullen has stated on multiple occasions that we won't know what is behind the red door until the end of the season.
I remember hearing that Jack's mystery is not resolved by episode six as well. Also, Dave Cullen has stated on multiple occasions that we won't know what is behind the red door until the end of the season.

I’ve also read that there is at least one scene that wasn’t shot at the time the screeners came out. Could that scene reveal what was behind that door?
Anyone else starting to love Shaw? He's such a funny dick, but its weirdly justifible and I love that he's a Greasemonkey from Chicago.
They have done a great job writing him and the actor has really nailed what they were going for. He is trying to be a Starfleet Captain while not just aping what others have done before, even in minor guest roles. It could have gone so wrong with how he has butted heads and been abrasive, yet everyone loves him.