Spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks 4x06 - "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place"

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The only way for Discovery ends up in an alternate timeline is if the time traveler comes from further in the future than Discovery is. Which is supposed to be impossible, given the ban. If the time traveler comes from before the 32nd century then all the time shenanigans are in the past of the timeline that Discovery lands in.

Not necessarily.
Bans come and go.
There's no reason to think the ban on temporal technology will hold forever (we are also getting the notion that UFP might eradicate the ban on genetic engineering soon after the late 24th century).

Who knows, maybe they will have basically said: 'changing time = bad = leads to massive temporal wars and ridiculous amount of loss of life, erasure of existences, etc.= can mess up the timeline badly = lets just agree to use the temporal tech for just sanctioned historical observations via sensors (not sending actual people back) and shortcuts over huge distances, etc. in our present time).
So provisional use of Temporal Technology which can be used in the present time frame could go into effect - but anything that changes time is actively banned (or the technology is hardwired so that one CAN'T affect changes to the timeline at all).

Also, with the amount of time travelling happening in Trek prior to the start of the Temporal Wars (which also changed Khan's origins, the overall changes that happened, etc.), there's still a good deal of chance Disco wormholed to the alternate 31st century (not the Prime Timeline 31st century) which was similar enough in history of the Prime to have similar/same historical records... but further past the point of Disco's departure, the changes will probably radiate through a larger extent to the point where the Burn might never happen in the Prime Timeline - or the UFP simply starts using the Proto Core (without exotic matter dilithium matrix) so the thing is self-sustaining - Quantum Slipstream, etc.... and basically moves away from dilithium and M/AM alltogether by the late 25th or 26th century.

I guess things can remain 'open' in that regard.
scored the way I did because I am SO done with Mariner's inability to grow as a character. If there is a pay-off down the road, I might re-visit this episode and change the score on this episode a solid 9. But, we'll see...
I've seen this take recently in other places but I don't agree with it. When you've been doing one thing for so long, especially as a coping mechanism, it's not gonna be a straight line to recovery just because everything is fine now and she had a few nice words with Ransom once. I can speak from personal experience that the best time to address trauma is not when all the chaos is going on but once you're in a safe stable point in your life to do the work needed to make that change.

Someone in the Trek Culture review comments pointed out a very important detail between this and Mariner's other escapades:while all the other instances of her shit behavior ends with a whitty punchline or being vindicated by saving the day, at the end of the episode she's tired, exhausted and still just as frustrated as she was at the beginning of it. She also seems more embarrassed by her actions than she's ever been at any point in the series before because there was no point in it. Mariner knows that but it's been her default for so long, she's forgotten how NOT to be defined by it.

This isn't another B'Elanna Torres situation of the same plot over and over with no forward movement. This is the beginning of Mariner finally beginning to do the work on her own without her mother or other senior officers pushing her into it and truly accepting that the behavior she's been engaging in isn't working and it's time to make a new identity for herself.
Why?! There is literally zero indication of that or need for it to be.

Its a matter of opinion, but mine is because the 'no progression' and 'the burn' where freaking horrible and weak plots that shouldn't be a part of the prime timeline and replaced with something far better and actual HOPE for the future of Prime Timeline... not misery.
As it is, Disco gives us the indication that UFP can't ever have anyhting 'nice' going for it that could illicit actual sense of evolution and delving deeper into those positive changes.

Plus, its not like there is 0 precedent for it. If its deemed necessary, they WILL change things all over again.
Its a matter of opinion, but mine is because the 'no progression' and 'the burn' where freaking horrible and weak plots that shouldn't be a part of the prime timeline and replaced with something far better and actual HOPE for the future of Prime Timeline... not misery.
i’m no fan of that storyline, but I won’t go around saying it’s an alternate future or whatever just because I don’t like it.

As it is, Disco gives us the indication that UFP can't ever have anyhting 'nice' going for it that could illicit actual sense of evolution and delving deeper into those positive changes.
The UFP isn’t over. By the end of season 4 it’s pretty much rebuilt, with the major planets all in.

Plus, its not like there is 0 precedent for it. If its deemed necessary, they WILL change things all over again
Rom and Leeta seemed “off” to me. Leeta came off as more mean and ruthless and it felt like they Homer Simpsoned Rom (made him dumber than he was when last we saw him just for the sake of comedy). This would have been easily fixable with one line saying that that two were putting on a public performance for their critics but behind closed doors they were still the couple we knew from when their series ended.

That being said I liked the rest of the episode.
Rom and Leeta were playing "good. Op, bad cop"
This one was a lot of fun, and I have to say that Rutherford was certainly handsome, but Tendi looked amazing in that dress. It seems like while they do have fondness towards one another, they love being friends more, and that's sweet.

Mariner not being able to handle not having an enemy to place her frustrations upon is leading to her restlessness. I'm curious to see how she works this out.

Poor Boimler. Also, the joke about being stupid enough to fall for brainwashing through TV advertisement and then showing the Paramount logo behind him was on the nose. :lol:

It was so nice to hear Rom and Leeta again!
i’m no fan of that storyline, but I won’t go around saying it’s an alternate future or whatever just because I don’t like it.

All I said was that because of existing time travels in Trek, there is a chance disco wormholed to an alternate future.

The UFP isn’t over. By the end of season 4 it’s pretty much rebuilt, with the major planets all in.

0 progression in 800 years following the late 24th century next to everything we've seen in the 90-ies Trek followed by continued (and utterly ridiculous) reliance on Dilithium and M/AM which would have started being phased out in the early 25th century and completely gone by the mid 25th or early 26th century.
Then there's the actual Burn plus how it was caused... both such actual letdowns. And of course the future is mildly different vs what came before (which of course makes 0 sense).

That's effectively what I'm saying. With all the time travel going on periodically still (and it being non linear), we don't know conclusively if Disco is still in the Prime timeline future or in an alternate future (which had similar histories) and as we know, the writers CAN change things.
I have to say that of all the live action characters translated into animation Rom is the best so far. The likenesses all have that LD house style and it's always a hoot to see. They're all well drawn and instantly recognizable. But I think Rom is the one who has been animated with mannerisms closest to his live action. So perfectly done.

Oh, I forgot: The spice exists on only one planet-- er, sorry. I forgot, if / when we get a season 3 / 4 soundtrack I dearly hope that the lounge version of Star Trek: The Motion Picture is on it! It will go nicely with the lounge version of the TOS theme from Conscience of the King. How many of the Star Trek themes have been played in universe? Do we count the Horner-ized version of the Lower Decks theme that played over Mariner's Movie on the holodeck?
All I said was that because of existing time travels in Trek, there is a chance disco wormholed to an alternate future.
sure. But no indication and obviously no intention as of now.

0 progression in 800 years following the late 24th century next to everything we've seen in the 90-ies Trek
yeah, there wasn’t much original there.

and utterly ridiculous) reliance on Dilithium and M/AM which would have started being phased out in the early 25th century and completely gone by the mid 25th or early 26th century

That's effectively what I'm saying. With all the time travel going on periodically still (and it being non linear), we don't know conclusively if Disco is still in the Prime timeline future or in an alternate future (which had similar histories) and as we know, the writers CAN change things
this conversation has no use.
Woohoo Rom! (edit: and Leeta!)

The number of times that I've seen this episode's title spelt with "Feregni" instead of "Ferengi" on the internet is sad.