Spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks 3x06 - "Hear All, Trust Nothing"

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Loved this episode. As soon as I heard the DS9 theme, I got the feels. Seeing DS9, the wormhole, the promenade, ops, Kira, Quark's, this episode made me miss DS9. This ep was the perfect crossover between Lower Decks and DS9. And it felt like a lost DS9 episode. The plot of the Gamma quadrant coming to DS9 for negotiations and then discovering Quark screwed them to make a profit, was classic DS9. And seeing Tendi show that Orion pirate side of her was very cool. Boimler winning at Dabo was hilarious. The subplot with Mariner was nice too. And Shaxs and Kyra arguing over who owed who for saving the other during the occupation was great.

I am curious: did Nana Visitor and Armin Shimerman do the voices for Kyra and Quark? The voices did seem a little off to me.
Well, that was fun!

I was hoping we'd see Kira and Quark. And Garak, but he only got a name... well, profession... drop. I missed Odo.

Of course Shaxs and Kira would know each other from the resistance!

I didn't care too much for Mariner's story, it was ok. We had not seen Jennifer all season, so now I'm a bit suspicious she'll be redshirted soon.

ETA: I think it was definitely Nana, her voice has aged a bit. Not sure about Armin..

This episode made me really miss DS9.
Quark's voice sounded a bit too young to me for it to be him... Not sure though.
ETA: Oh, just saw the screenshot from the credits, so it was him. But did he record it with his Ferengi teeth on?
ETA2: Wow, only 2 posts in after a longer absence, and you get snarked at. Missed this board.
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I was smiling the whole episode! I don't know where to begin, so many great things going on. The DS9 theme hits home. Another moment that really got me was Kira tossing Sisko's baseball. Seeing DS9 years later was so bittersweet, as in, everyone has moved on and gone back to living their lives after stepping up during the Dominion War. Kira and Shaxs being in the Resistance together and butting heads over who owes who was perfect. Freeman and Ransom were great too, our Captain has definitely grown throughout the course of the show and she gets to demonstrate her diplomacy (and patience!) skills. Quark, ever the rascal, is just amazing as always.

Finally seeing Mariner and Jennifer spend some time together was wonderful. Bold Boimler is just killing it and making quite the name for himself. Rutherford just gets to relax (especially after last episode) and explore/rediscover DS9 as we'd all love to do. Like Boimler and Rutherford were able to do in the past episodes, Tendi and Mariner are opening up to all facets of themselves and able to being harmonising these aspects to grow into/finally manifest their true selves. There is still the missing piece that is the complete understanding of Mariner's backstory, which I'm sure will be revealed before she can truly trod down the path of self growth.
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I will not place my rating in the poll right now. I was very disappointed with the episode. While I loved seeing DS9, Kira, Quark, and Morn again, the episode could have been something very special, but to me it was mediocre. I mean, we didn't even learn much more about Mariner's time on DS9 other than she had an outstanding tab at Quark's. Like whooptie do. For those who loved the episode, I am happy you did. I wish I had too. Now, I did watch it early in the morning and perhaps my expectations were unrealistic so I will give it a rewatch later today or by the end of the weekend. I hope it grows on me in rewatches because I genuinely want to love this episode.
I'm a huge DS9 fan and was looking forward to this episode as a highlight of the season...and it's just...okay.

Yeah, I'm not immune to fanservice. It was nice to see DS9 again, and hear the theme. It was nice they got Nana Visitor back as Kira, and Armin Shimmerman back as Quark (though he sounded really off - I couldn't tell it was him until the end of the episode.

But...this was all they had? Really? There was really not much story to be had here, and most of the crew was off doing things which didn't have much to do with DS9 at all.

Mariner - who logically should have been a big part of the plot, since we know she was stationed here in the past is hived off in a subplot on the ship dealing with her relationship with Jennifer until the last few minutes of the episode. I was happy the season finally recognized their relationship existed again, but the silly subplot here could have been in literally any episode. Most frustratingly, the end of the episode makes reference to her bar tab at Quarks (and past with him) which would have been a much more interesting thing to do with her character this week.

The stuff with Tendi/Rutherford and the tryhard adopted Orion was arguably relevant to DS9 this week, but really it could have easily fit into any other episode and worked just as well. Worse, it doesn't tell us anything new about Tendi, since we already knew that Tendi had a background from a pirate family. For awhile we get to vicariously feel her annoyance with the dude, but...that's not really a character arc. Everything is far too on the nose.

I give the episode some points for the banter between Quark and Kira near the end feeling like DS9, but...there was so much more they could have done. Why no gag with self-sealing stem bolts? Why not show the fat Klingon restaurateur? Why not have the lower-deckers mixed up with a second-stringer who would feasibly be working with them, like Rom or Vic Fontaine? Maybe my expectations were just too high, but there were so many missed opportunities here with the first canon re-introduction of DS9.
That Orion officer was basically Worf, but for Orion culture
My thought exactly.

Not sure if anyone else called this already (maybe numerous have and I just haven't been looking), but I'm calling it that Buenamigo is the one behind Rutherford's back story. I suspected it last week when Carlos Alazraqui showed up in the credits, and he's overtly acting shady this week.
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I'm a huge DS9 fan and was looking forward to this episode as a highlight of the season...and it's just...okay.

Yeah, I'm not immune to fanservice. It was nice to see DS9 again, and hear the theme. It was nice they got Nana Visitor back as Kira, and Armin Shimmerman back as Quark (though he sounded really off - I couldn't tell it was him until the end of the episode.

But...this was all they had? Really? There was really not much story to be had here, and most of the crew was off doing things which didn't have much to do with DS9 at all.

Mariner - who logically should have been a big part of the plot, since we know she was stationed here in the past is hived off in a subplot on the ship dealing with her relationship with Jennifer until the last few minutes of the episode. I was happy the season finally recognized their relationship existed again, but the silly subplot here could have been in literally any episode. Most frustratingly, the end of the episode makes reference to her bar tab at Quarks (and past with him) which would have been a much more interesting thing to do with her character this week.

The stuff with Tendi/Rutherford and the tryhard adopted Orion was arguably relevant to DS9 this week, but really it could have easily fit into any other episode and worked just as well. Worse, it doesn't tell us anything new about Tendi, since we already knew that Tendi had a background from a pirate family. For awhile we get to vicariously feel her annoyance with the dude, but...that's not really a character arc. Everything is far too on the nose.

I give the episode some points for the banter between Quark and Kira near the end feeling like DS9, but...there was so much more they could have done. Why no gag with self-sealing stem bolts? Why not show the fat Klingon restaurateur? Why not have the lower-deckers mixed up with a second-stringer who would feasibly be working with them, like Rom or Vic Fontaine? Maybe my expectations were just too high, but there were so many missed opportunities here with the first canon re-introduction of DS9.

I agree with you. There is hope though. Voyager had the episode "Unity" which seemed built up to introduce the Borg, but was very underwhelming. Yet, the season finale was the classic Borg episode "Scorpion, Part 1". So, hopefully, there will be a bigger payoff later in the season or next season.