Star Trek 2017 will not be set in the JJ-Verse

Following WYLB I can't see why the federation would want Bajor anymore as a member. Initially Bajor would be a strong outpost near the Cardassians, a people who had been a thorn in the federation's side for decades, at the end of the the series the Cardassians were a shattered wreak. While there is the wormhole, other than that the Bajorian bring nothing of value to the Federation. And the Federation could likely negociate passage (through the passage) without making Bajor a member.

Pretty much voids the entire point of Deep Space Nine.
If you adjust for inflation, Star Trek had a respectible budget. While I can't remember the exact average per episode budget, $180,000 then, would be $1,300,000 today.

Ahh, the poor dollar.

Pretty much voids the entire point of Deep Space Nine.
No, because at the beginning of the series the Cardassian were a serious threat, it would make sense to make a nearby system a Federation member. Plant the flag in the region.

No JJverse. No prime. I want something different. I'm sick of everyone trying to remake Star Trek. It is what it is and its damn good when it's real. I want real.
Even if there is a deliberate effort to place it in the prime universe, realistically the new series is going to be in it's own unique "third universe." New costumes, sets, and more importantly a new creative team.

This would be even more so if the series is set in the JJ-verse, we only have four (soon six) hours of this universe, much of it devoted to the flashy special effects. Relative soon the new series would exceed the three movies in hours of content. it wouldn't be a case of the new series being in the JJ-verse, it would be the JJ-verse that would be in the new series universe.
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Even if there is a deliberate effort to place it in the prime universe, realistically the new series is going to be in it's own unique "third universe." New costumes, sets, and more importantly a new creative team.

This would be even more so if the series is set in the JJ-verse, we only have four (soon six) hours of this universe, much of it devoted to the flashy special effects. Relative soon the new series would exceed the three movies in hours of content. it wouldn't be a case of the new series being in the JJ-verse, it would be the JJ-verse that would be in the new series universe.
Yep, even it's explicitly stated that the new show takes place in a particular universe, it will be so different that it really doesn't matter in the end.

Shoot, anymore I have a hard time justifying that the TOS movies take place in the same universe as TOS, everything is just too different (and by extension TMP vs the Meyer-verse).
While I understand the appeal of "going back" to "a simpler time", it rarely works out well.
I guess the truth is we just don't know yet what Fuller and Meyer have envisioned.

When THEN tha action happened, it was memorable, because it was so rare! Unlike ENT, where every single episode was obligated to have at least one phaser battle in it...
Actually, that was more true of your beloved seasons 3 and 4 than the earlier ones...
Hey Lynx!!

To their credit, the decision to get rid of those characters was not theirs in all cases.

Denise Crosby decided to go for the big screen.

Terry decided to leave for 'Baxter'.

Kes wasn't humiliated until Fury and I'm sure her return wasn't the writers fault nor was her departure.

Same with Data... his "death" was a good one and they did it because Brent said he wasn't going to play the part anymore.

I think Fuller's work on Voyager was pretty darn good aside from Fury.

Hi Yanks!

I'm aware of the fact that Denise Crosby and Terri Farell wanted to leave.

But did they really have to kill off the characters? They could have got other assignments. Yar could have been transferred to another ship and Dax could have become President of the Trill worlds or something like that. Then they could have brought back the characters if necessary, at least for some episodes. Look at Crosby who regretted her leaving so they had to come up with that silly Sela plot instead of bringing back the real Yar.

Kes was humiliated and destroyed in the worst possible way. A deliberate insult to the fans who wanted her back.

Data's death was unnecessary. Even if Brent Spinew wouldn't want to play Data anymore, he could always change his mind, who knows. Not to mention that we would still have Data in the TNG books.

I also have to add that I didn't like the way Wesley was treated either. The whole thing with him flipping out and deciding to follow that creepy Traveler was a really bad ending for the character.

I don't think that Fuller did a good job and I started to lose interest for the new series when I saw that he would be involved.

However, I will watch it when it will be aired but this time I will have no favorites among the main crew and the slightest thing that annoys me will make me pull the plug.
I don't think that Fuller did a good job and I started to lose interest for the new series when I saw that he would be involved.

However, I will watch it when it will be aired but this time I will have no favorites among the main crew and the slightest thing that annoys me will make me pull the plug.
I get that Fuller "destroyed" your favorite character, but that was 16 years ago. The man has written and created some fantastic television since then. He's not on a Joss Whedon level of killing characters or anything. With the mindset that you are going to quit when the slightest thing sets you off, then why bother even watching it?

And death is a part of life. Sometimes people die for no reason (Yar) and sometimes soldiers die in a war (Dax). While both deaths could have been handled better, I'd much prefer showing the cost of war by Dax dying than becoming a President.
Why would anyone think Star Trek in 1966 was low budget? For it's time in 1966 the series was state of the art.

Its FX would have been better remembered if they had approached every FX shot through the entire run the way they did in the early episodes (like Space Seed). Instead they increasingly tried to write/storyboard the show in such a way to avoid them, and often it was pretty conspicuous they were doing that. When they did have them, though, they recycled mercilessly so that by the time you got to season three there's only really one FX showcase (Tholian Web).

How STC does its FX shots is kind of how I would have wanted TOS to do them, which would have been with an unlimited budget available to do all new shots and angles. TOS Remastered tried to approach the shots that way but sometimes didn't match the 60s understated look.
Hi Yanks!

I'm aware of the fact that Denise Crosby and Terri Farell wanted to leave.

But did they really have to kill off the characters? They could have got other assignments. Yar could have been transferred to another ship and Dax could have become President of the Trill worlds or something like that. Then they could have brought back the characters if necessary, at least for some episodes. Look at Crosby who regretted her leaving so they had to come up with that silly Sela plot instead of bringing back the real Yar.

I agree, and as for Jadzia, Behr could've made arrangements to have Farrell to return sporadically through the final. Its not as if she was working for another studio. Becker was shot at Paramount, but Behr and the DS9 writers didn't like her. The inclusion of Ezri was a waste of time, especially it was adding to an over crowded cast, and featured players.
Fuller could bring Kes back...
Probably to finally kill off the character. :(

But if I'm wrong here and if he could do it in a way I could accept, then I would probably change my opinion about him.

If lien can't or won't do the job, then they could bring in Kirsten Dunst or Laura Harris. They have the looks and the skills.

Chekov's Phaser wrote:
With the mindset that you are going to quit when the slightest thing sets you off, then why bother even watching it?
This is according to "The rules of watching a series" which I invented after watching a certain episode in season 6 of Voyager.

Rule 1. Don't ever let any character in any series become a favorite. There's always the risk that the character will be messed up and destroyed.

Rule 2. Don't get too involved in a series. There's always a risk for setbacks.

Rule 3. If something starts to annoy you or really p*** you off, then quit. There are better things to do than let some jerks ruin your day.

However, I have actually broken those rules a couple of time since then. :)
I agree, and as for Jadzia, Behr could've made arrangements to have Farrell to return sporadically through the final. Its not as if she was working for another studio. Becker was shot at Paramount, but Behr and the DS9 writers didn't like her. The inclusion of Ezri was a waste of time, especially it was adding to an over crowded cast, and featured players.
I like Ezri!
But they shouldn't have killed of Jadzia.
They could have written of Jadzia without killing her and brought in Ezri as a new character without the Dax connection.
I wish people would provide evidence for statements like this.
Killing her off wasn't enough? Okay, how about in the final episode of DS9, Jadzia was not even seen in a flashback. Worf was married to her but it was not in his lug head in the memory moments. I would like to believe that it was just Worf being Worf but no, it was all Ira.
I like Ezri!
But they shouldn't have killed of Jadzia.
They could have written of Jadzia without killing her and brought in Ezri as a new character without the Dax connection.
I agree with you on Jadzia, but I don't think it was necessary to bring in another character when the show had too many as was, especially when it was the final season of the series. Wrapping things up should be the premise.